I don't (part two)
Patton smiled, looking at his ring.
It was a silver band, with a single heart carved into it. It might have been plain to some, but it was perfect for Patton.
He might be engaged, but he and Logan had been avoiding planning a wedding for... a little over 3 months.
It infuriated Roman to no end.
Patton didn't mind it. He loved Logan, but a wedding was just so... big. Especially Roman's ideas.
They allowed Roman to plan their wedding, and he was very frustrated by their flippant attitudes. He spent a long time planning his own wedding and was expecting the same from them, but they simply didn't care about their wedding.
No, they cared about their wedding, they just didn't care what it looked like.
Roman cared very much about his, seeing as it was going to be the best day of his life, but Patton knew that no matter what, marrying Logan would make any day the best of his life.
He was sick and tired of the formality, the waiting, the stress. He just wanted to marry Logan.
He'd do it in a garbage bag.
He sighed. His phone started ringing, so pulled it out of his pocket, just to see Roman's name blinking at him. He swiped 'call.'
"Hey, Kiddo! What's up?"
"Just wanted to check-in. You guys talk about it yet?"
"You know I would tell you if we made any progress! How's Virgil?"
"I'm doing fine." The voice switched over, and Patton could hear a faint "Give it back!"
"Roman's going a bit crazy. You guys should just get married in a Mc. Donald's parking lot so he'll chill." "How dare you! I love you, but that's my phone!" "Roman, chill. I'm talking to dad, not going through your search history."
Patton chuckled. He remembered the one time Virgil did go through his search history. Pages of pasta.
"Love, give it back!" Roman shouted. "What are you willing to do to get it back?"
Patton could hear the slap through the phone. "Not like that! I meant like dishes or something!"
"I'll do... today's dishes?"
"Not a chance."
Virgil's voice got louder like he was back at the mic. "You doing ok, Pat?"
"Doing great! Weddings are a bit... extra, though."
"I know how you feel. Roman kept pestering me like, "What shade matches my eye color? Which flower arrangement do you like? What do you think our grandchildren will like in 50 years?"
"Wow. I'm just glad Logan isn't like that."
"Tell me about it. Roman was pretty annoying." *offended prince noises* "Still is!" *offended prince spluttering*
Patton laughed. If anything, marriage made them even more of a bickering old couple.
"I still don't know what I want for my wedding. Part of me wants something... extra, just because that's what it means, and part of me wants something small. It's kind of confusing. I just know that no matter what, I want to marry Logan."
Virgil sighed. "Do what feels right. If something big isn't what you want, then do something small. It's your day, and you're allowed to do what you want."
"Thank you. You're more help than your husband sometimes."
"Don't tell Roman that." "Don't tell me what?"
"He'd kill you." "What is it? Virgil!"
"How's Logan doing?" "Stop changing the subject!"
"He's doing pretty good. He got a raise the other day, and we've been planning on opening a cafe/ bookstore when I'm done with school." Patton was in online business classes and would graduate that year.
"Pat! That's great!" "What? What did he say?"
Patton laughed. His best friends' antics would never get old.
"So, any plans for Friday?"
"Nope! I'm free!"
"Want to have a guy's night? Do our nails and gossip and drink way too much coffee?"
"I'd love to! Is... Roman coming?"
"No way! This is guys night, not girl's night!" "If you're talking about me, I swear..."
"Got to go! Online school waits for none."
"Bye Pat! See you Friday, your place?"
"Wouldn't miss it!"
Patton hung up. With a sigh, he returned to his computer, shooting his ring one last smile.
He couldn't wait.
-Time skip brought to you by a Large Cup of Tea. They are sponsoring this episode of Insomniac!, so go give their website some love!-
Patton was nervous. He had an idea, and he knew Roman would hate it and Virgil would love it. He just didn't know what his fiance would think.
He pushed open the door, and saw Logan at his desk, focusing intently on his computer.
"Hey, Logie! I have an idea, for the you-know-what."
Logan spun his chair around, and Patton blushed just seeing his face. He freaking loved this man.
"What is it, Pat?"
"What if we..."
-Time skip (they're not sponsoring me yet, I swear. These ads just come up normally)-
Patton grinned into the mirror. He loved his makeup.
He had small stars scattered across his face like freckles, white eyeliner, and a little blush.
He was wearing a dress that made him feel like a fairy, and he'd never been happier.
Credits to @Aloleann85 for finding this gorgeous dress! And their one-shots are freaking awesome, so if you haven't read them, do it. Screw my stories.
Patton had come up with the idea yesterday, and he was really happy when Logan agreed.
They were getting married!
They wanted something small and sensible, not as over-extravagant like Roman and Virgil's.
So they just decided to get married.
There were only a few people they wanted at their wedding, so it wasn't an issue to organize.
Just Patton's mom, Logan's dad, Roman, Virgil, and each other.
It was a bit of an April and Andy situation.
Logan got his favorite suit, Patton got a new dress, and they used the rings they had gotten in preparation.
Patton's had small cat ears, while Logan's had small numbers, apparently, they had something to do with pie.
For food, they got a lot of Crofters.
They decided on just using the park, and Roman was already an officiate (marriage guy, as people call it nowadays). (I finally remembered the word) (are you proud of me?) (if I'm talking to you, you already know it. Otherwise, ignore my constant references. Or just read Aloleann85's one-shot book and get with the times) (not sponsored, I'm just a big fan)
Fruit spreads aside, Patton was ready to walk down the- er, sidewalk.
He had a bundle of daisies and dark blue lilies, (ignore me) and Virgil was ready to walk him down the sidewalk.
"Pat, you ready?"
"Yes." It was true. He'd never been more ready for anything. He just wanted Logan to be his husband already.
He took a deep breath. This was perfect.
He hugged Virgil for just a second. "Thank you. For everything."
"No problem, Padre."
Patton already was crying a bit, but he thought it worked with the makeup. He was ready.
He took one second to stabilize and then turned to Virgil with a grin. "Let's do this."
Patton walked confidently. He didn't always know what he wanted, where he was going. But he knew he wanted this. This was his path.
He held Virgil's hand, grateful for everything they had been through together. Years of pains, years of fortune, year of life.
His life was about to change, and he wouldn't change anything. No matter what happened from this point forwards, he wouldn't regret it.
He saw Logan waiting for him at a bench. It was underneath a flowering tree, and he had some petals in his hair. Maybe Patton had seen him in this suit many times, but this time was different. This time, he was Patton's.
He grinned at Patton, and Patton's heart rate accelerated.
Roman stood behind him, but Patton didn't care. He just saw the love of his life.
He walked up and took Logan's hands.
He smiled at him, and Logan let out a few tears.
"So... I heard you guys want to get married?"
"Yes. Roman, cut it and just get on with it. I can't stand not being married." Logan said, looking at Patton with open infatuation.
"Geez, whatever. Logan, do you swear to love Patton, be there for him, and take good care of him? Because if you don't, you will have a lot of angry people at your throat."
"I do."
"Patton, do you love Logan? Do you promise to be at his side, take care of him?"
"I do." Patton was beaming, unable to take his eyes off Logan.
Virgil came up and presented the rings. Logan slipped Patton's on his finger, and Patton put Logan's on his finger.
Logan paused for a second. "Before we continue, I have something to say."
Roman nodded.
"From this day forward,
You shall not walk alone.
My heart will be your shelter,
And my arms will be your home."
(not mine)
Patton cried openly. He loved Logan so much.
"You guys can kiss, not that you need my permission."
Patton lept into Logan's arms, and kissed him.
It was like something new.
It was like flying, like falling.
It was like moonlight and sunlight.
It was beautiful.
When they were done, Logan was also crying. He reached out and wiped Patton's tears with his thumb.
"I love you."
"I love you."
"I pronounce you fools in love." A sharp elbow to Roman's side, from well, you can probably tell.
"And, uh, married."
Logan spun Patton around, and Patton shrieked with laughter.
It was perfect.
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