A Proper Movie Night!
Thanks judyismydog for requesting this, hope you like it! And sorry it took so long!
[Patton's POV]
I'm so excited for tonight! We've tried to have a movie night before but it was honestly a mess. From Roman rigging the vote to Virgil being on the virge of a anxiety attack. At least I think that's what was gonna happen soon. I'm still trying to learn about my dark strange son and understand him.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Tonight we're gonna have a proper movie night with everyone involved! Well everyone but Thomas and Picani. Thomas is busy working on writing a new video and Picani is pretty booked with sessions this week. Hopefully next time they'll be able to be here too. I'm just glad that I got Deceit and Remus to join us as well! They may be dark sides and I honestly don't like that that much but they should still get to have fun watching a movie with us! And this time In hosting the vote so they'll be no rigging. I even convinced Logan to wear his onesie! I hear a beep from the kitchen, popcorn must be ready! I walk over grabbing the popcorn and pouring it into the third bowl of popcorn.
Creaking comes from the stairs, I look over and see Logan walking downstairs. "Hey Lo! You think I got enough snack for tonight?"
He looks my direction before his gaze falls to the table with 3 bowls of popcorn, some bag of chips, and some cookie. "Yes Pat. That should be quite adequate.. probably way more than we need but what else can I expect from you." I smile at him, "Good!" Logan heads back towards the stairs after eating a quick snack of toast with Crofters. "I'm going to get back to work now. 7pm is when I should come back down for movie night, correct?" I nod, "Cya then Lo!" He then went back upstairs and I checked my phone. 6pm and I've got everything ready.
Maybe I should go check on the others and make sure they remember what time.? Right as I'm about to decide, Virgil walks down the stairs.
"Hey Da- Patton. Hey Patton"
"Hey Virge! Watcha doing"
"I just uh- wanted to check what time the movie night is starting. Wanted to make sure I wouldn't be late or anything like that. It's at 7 right?"
"Yup! Wanna hang out until then? I've already got everything set up for movie night."
Me and Virgil ended up talking with each other until around 6:50. We were so caught up in conversation that I didn't even notice remy coming through the door with Starbucks for us all until he was behind the couch. "Hey babes! I brought Starbucks for everyone!
"Nice. Glad you could join us Rem."
"Me too V."
Remy handed Virgil his black as his soul coffee. At least that's he calls it. I never have been a huge fan coffee or even caffeinated drinks in general, so Remy always got me either Hot Chocolate or Strawberries and Creme instead. Today happened to be a hot chocolate day.
Soon Deceit teleported into the commons with remus next to him, them both in onesies. "You're lucky I convinced Remusss to actually wear thiss onesie instead of what he wore last time.~"
"Well thank you, I really wouldn't want Remus showed up shirtless again," I laughed. Yeah, thank God for that. Deceit nodded and sat down on the couch, Remus promptly on the floor in front of him. Roman can
Me downstairs in his onesie and looked at his brother. "I didn't know he would be here.."
"Ro, please don't this.." I gave him puppy dog eyes as I knew he always caved to that. He sighed, "Alright.." He then sat on the recliner which also that happened to be the furthest he could've been from Remus. At least they hopefully won't fight. Exactly at 7pm Logan came down in his unicorn onesie and I smiled so brightly at him.
"I can't believe you got me to wear this Patton" I laughed and scooted over so that he could sure next to me.
He sat down and we were finally ready! "Well, this time I set up the vote so there'll be no rigging!
"And no sstealing my hat~"
"Don't you fucking dare~"
Deceit sighs, "But no taking my ha-" Right as he says that, Virgil grabs his hat and runs away laughing. Only me and Logan seemed to notice but after deceit's hat warms removed Deceit hair fell over to one side of his head, revealing that his hair was actually half shaved. I would have said something about how cool it was but Deceit was preoccupied.
[Logan's POV]
Now that I think about it, it makes since that he wouldn't have hair on the left side of his head. His left side is the snake part of him and snakes do not have hair. Either way I think it looked quite "cool."
[Patton's POV]
I stand up and glare at them as Deceit is chasing Virgil. "Language Slimy Boi! Also you two better stop fighting right this instant. Virgil give him back his hat. And Deceit, no cussing!" Roman let out a light chuckles after I basically mini lectured them. Virgil sighs and Deceit snatches his hat back, fixing his hair after putting it back on. They both at down and so did I. "Now, we already all submitted our movie votes on the thing Logan told up to use right?"
"It's called an online private poll but yes Patton."
"Well wat won Logie?"
When I tell you Roman freaked out, I mean he freaked out. Tangled was the one Disney song we pit on the list so we had a wide selection. I laughed and Roman immediately put the movie on. It waant long before Roman and Logan got into an argument as always.
"This movie is very unrealistic. He would not be able to climb up her hair."
"Logan, how dare you question the movie!"
"I'm not questioning it. I'm staring that it's highly inaccurate."
"It's called Disney magic!"
Soon they started yelling as Roman got more and more mad at Logan. I knew if I didn't step in, they would never stop and this was clearly stressing out Virgil.
"Stop it you two! The movie may be unrealistic, Logan, but you'll never get that through Roman"
"Hey!" Roman let out what Virgil deemed as an "Offended Princey Noise."
Virgil snicked, "Pat's not wrong." Roman glares at Virgil before looking back at me.
"And Roman, you need to stop getting mad at Logan for basically doing his job"
"No buts Roman."
"Did someone say butt?" We all sighed and I'm pretty sure you can guess who said that.
"Anyway.. You kiddos need to calm down so we can continue the movie. Geez, this is the second time tonight I've had to step in. I thought of all people to cause trouble it'd be Remus." I laugh and so does Virgil.
Logan amd Roman both sit down and we continue the movie. Virgil was the first to fall asleep about halfway into the movie. Throughout the movie, the others one by one fell asleep. I was the last to fall asleep with my famILY around me
[1254 Words]
Sorry this took so long. Tbh I spent a while trying to figure out how to end it. I'm legit the worst at endings lmao. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it!
Be ready for some angst soon...
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