Vampire (Prinxiety)
Alright so I know I just did a prinxiety AU but I saw this ^^ picture and couldn't help myself. So you can have this thing
TW: biting, blood (it's not bad I promise), description of taste of blood (?)
Vampire! Roman
Vampire! Virgil
Vampire! Logan
Vampire! Patton
Virgil laid in bed, his face in the pillow. His hunger was almost unbearable. He wanted- no- needed humanoid blood. He had been having animal blood for the past week and soon it was going to kill him if he didn't have a real sustainable meal. He knew he could ask one of his vampire roommates, but he didn't want to do that to them, especially since he is dating one of them.
He imagined himself tasting the metallic but sweet blood of a humanoid and he could feel himself get more hungry by the second.
"Kitten?" Virgil heard someone from his door. He recognized the voice as his boyfriends.
"Don't get closer." Virgil said. He could already tell he wouldn't be able to hold back if Roman came any closer. He could already taste the bittersweet metallic blood of his boyfriend. It wouldn't be the first time he'd drank his blood.
Roman, ever the rebel, continued walking towards Virgil's side. Until he heard him growl.
"Oh, it's one of those days..." Roman said and sat down next to his boyfriend. Virgil could already feel his self control dwindling.
Roman just stuck his arm out towards Virgil, forearm facing up. Virgil looked up from his position on the bed. He sat up and looked at Roman for approval, though he really needed this, he wanted to make sure that this is what Roman wanted. Drinking someone's blood drained them (both emotionally and physically) and it was hard to get out of if there was too much blood lost. Especially for a vampire.
"You're starving, you need this. Go ahead." Roman said, reaching his hand up to caress Virgil's cheek.
"But are you sure you're fine with this? I could go find someone else..." Virgil said and turned his head to kiss Roman's palm.
"No, really, I'm fine with this." Roman said and gave him a smile.
"Okay but you have to stop me..."
Virgil practically lunged at Romans arm and bit down. Roman winced slightly but soon got used to it. Virgil began to drink the delicious blood and started to feel better almost immediately.
"You know I would do this whenever you need." Roman said, gesturing around flamboyantly like usual with his other hand. Virgil made an affirmative noise. Somewhere between a growl and a groan.
"I love you so much. You are my whole world, Virgil." Roman gushed, he knew how self conscious Virgil got when he was in this state. Not to mention when he doesn't leave his room for a while. And Virgil had been in his room for 2 days straight. Only coming down for food.
Virgil pulled off of Roman's arm, feeling better and satisfied with himself. He wiped the excess blood off of his mouth.
"Thank you. I love you too, princey." Virgil said with a small smirk.
Roman leaned over and kissed Virgil softly.
"No hay nadie más con quien prefiera estar por el resto de mi vida, mi amor. eres mi todo y no sé qué haría si te fueras. Te quiero mucho." Roman said and kissed Virgil again.
"You certainly are one for affection." Virgil said with a chuckle.
"I mean, you have been in your room for the past few days and you were scaring me a little, kitten." Roman said with a concerned look on his face, "anything bothering you?"
"I guess it was just that I was parched. I didn't want to go to you guys because I thought you would be angry or you would get jealous that I went to the others first." Virgil said, looking at Roman's face and quickly retracting. Not because Roman was doing anything, but just because he thought he sounded crazy, "it sounds crazy when I actually say that out loud."
"I would never be jealous and we would never be angry at you for coming to us with a common problem. We have all been there before." Roman said and cupped Virgil's cheek, "remember when Logan drank too much of Patton's blood and Pat was bedridden for a day?"
They both chuckled at the memory. They remembered Logan being so worried about him that he wouldn't leave Patton's side. Though the dad-like vampire just laughed it off and said he was fine.
"Or when Patton was brooding for a week and we couldn't figure out why until he came to us and admitted to being just really fucking thirsty?" Virgil said and chuckled more.
"Or when I just straight up didn't ask if I could drink your blood and almost made you like Patton?" Roman said with an embarrassed smile.
"That was a fun day," Virgil scoffed sarcastically.
Roman just smiled shyly. Virgil turned to him and took his hand.
"Or when I stayed in my room for two days and scared the living shit out of you?"
Roman looked at him with slight confusion.
"I know what bothers you. You can't hide your emotions from me that easily." Virgil said and kissed his cheek. "Now how about we watch Mary Poppins with Pat and Lo and we cuddle afterwards. How does that sound?"
Roman was about to protest to Virgil's first statements, but instead he just said "That sounds... good. Thank you." and hugged him tightly.
Both of them knew when something was wrong with the other and they always were helping each other through. Lots of the time, it would look like one of them was having trouble with something, but the other was really the one that was super worried and was freaking out about their significant other. They helped each other through everything and they were just there for each other when they couldn't help.
And that's why they were (practically) perfect in every way.
(1007 words)
That was fun to write (mostly)
I have a couple other ideas that I want to write more, but I had to finish this (since it was sitting in my drafts for the longest time).
I did enjoy this chapter some, but not as much as a have before.
Also I'm writing a song chapter and it's about if Roman was a dark side! You can try to guess what song it is! I'll give you a hint, it's from the Roman playlist that Thomas posted on Twitter!
Anyways! Have a good day/night, lovelies!
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