The Common Man (Prinxiety)
This is a thing that I thought of based on this artwork by jayadawnyvonne on Instagram!
Take this long ass one shot and pointless fluff (but I know how much you guys love pointless fluff, soooooo)
TW: implied sex, fluff, fluff, and more fluff, also there's some protective Virgil who almost beats the shit out of someone.
Royal! Roman
Commoner! Virgil
Roman was walking through the palace garden at around 6:30 at night. He was a bit overwhelmed from the day he had just had and he was anxious about what was to come. He walked farther through the garden, just trying to feel in the moment and not think forward. He loved the way the sun felt on his face as it started to set and how the wind blew through his hair. He walked over to a patch of flowers by the palace walls. He sat down by a tree, looking toward the flowers.
"Good evening, your highness."
Roman looked up into the leaves of the tree and smiled.
"Good evening to you too, Virgil!"
Virgil was upside down, hanging by his legs off a large branch. His eyes level with Romans as Roman stood up. Virgil pursed his lips slightly. Enough for Roman to take notice. Roman rolled his eyes slightly but went over to Virgil anyways. He leaned forward and kissed him slowly.
Virgil happily reciprocated and almost fell out of the tree. They pulled back and Virgil looked into Romans eyes. He saw hesitation and slight anxiety and overwhelmed feelings. He saw the slight crease on his sun kissed forehead, and his eyebrows woven together like the handmade leaf baskets he and his mother used to make. He got down from the tree and grabbed the slightly shorter young mans arms, looking deep into his eyes with concern.
"What's wrong, sugar-lips?" Virgil asked with his concern clear in his voice. Roman looked down and hugged Virgil, putting his head on his chest.
"My father is being... unrealistic again."
The king had always been a diplomatic man. He always made his kingdom first, but he put his family pretty far under that. He was strict but could be kind (when he felt it was needed). He didn't really show affection to his only son and he hardly had the time to spend with Roman. So when he went to talk to Roman, it was all only for business. Only on rare occasion was it to talk like a normal family. Or as normal as possible for a family of royals.
"How so?" Virgil asked calmly, holding his lover by the waist and hugging him tightly.
"He wants me to find a princess to court within the next six months. Or else he's going to arrange me a marriage." He pulled his head off of Virgil's chest and looked him in the eyes.
"So why not tell him about us? And that you're gay?"
"Are you kidding? Do you know what he would say if I came out to him? Or told him that I was madly in love with a common man? He would call me a disgrace! And probably throw me out!" Roman practically screamed.
"Roman, puddin-pie, you know I would do anything to be with you for the rest of my life. Even if that means getting 'adopted' by a royal family. Probably Patton's. But why not tell him about us and see how he reacts. Then we can work this all out." Virgil said and swayed side to side with Roman still in his arms. Roman sighed and leaned against Virgil again.
"Alright. But on own condition. I do this alone, so that if he freaks out, I can say it was a joke. Or something."
Virgil kissed him lightly. "Anything for you, sugar-lips."
They ended up walking back over to the flower patch and laying down there. Roman was leaning against Virgil. They were just chatting and having a good time. It was like none of the stuff beforehand had happened. Roman and Virgil had always been a secretive couple. Virgil sneaking in to see him and Roman sometimes even going into the woods beyond the kingdom to see Virgil. Roman tried to keep his love life hidden from his parents. But that was hard. Especially on the very intimate nights they shared.
They both loved each other with all of their hearts. There was no question that they wanted to spend every waking hour with each other and they had even talked about wanting to get married and spend the rest of their lives together. They had talked about what would happen if they were to get married and how they would handle the pressure of being two kings in a society that wasn't very approving of anything new. But they put all of that aside and just loved each other without hesitation.
Roman would often woo Virgil with his romantic gestures and would be the one to take charge in most romantic situations.
But Virgil would be the one sticking up for him in the village. He would threaten anyone who talked bad about the prince and had even beaten up a few people for spitting on the princes name. But when he was around Roman, he was the most sweet and loving person that had ever walked the earth. He was there for Roman and was constantly giving him attention and love. Most of his time was spent in the palace or in the surrounding gardens and activity areas.
Roman looked up at Virgil and handed him a rose that looked almost like tiger stripes. He turned around to face him and kissed him. Virgil placed the flower on the ground and kissed Roman a little more passionately. Roman got onto his lap and broke the kiss.
"God, I love you." Roman said and continued kissing Virgil.
Roman woke up to being held securely. He looked and saw Virgil. He smiled and turned around in his arms. He kissed Virgil's nose and Virgil stirred in his sleep. He woke up slowly and looked at Roman, he was always grumpy and emotional when he first woke up.
"Good morning angel eyes." Roman said with a smirk.
"Baaaabe," Virgil whined and hid his face in Romans shoulder.
"Aww is my little honeysuckle flustered?" Roman teased and Virgil just smiled into Romans shoulder. Then he got an idea. He started to kiss up and down Romans neck. He started to whine softly.
"Aww is my little prince flustered?" Virgil teased back in between kisses.
Roman looked over at the clock and pushed Virgil lightly off of him.
"As much as I would love this to continue, I have to get down to breakfast in 30 minutes and we don't have time." Roman said and kissed him softly to make a point.
Virgil groaned and held Roman tighter.
"Don't leave me..." Virgil said quietly, pouting at the fact that he would have to go back into town and wait for later in the day.
"I have to get to breakfast and tell my parents about us." Roman said, trying to squirm out of Virgil's strong grip so he could get ready.
Eventually, they both got out of bed and Virgil, after promising he would be back in the garden at 6:30 like always, left to go back to town.
Roman walked into the dining room and sat across from his mother at the end of the large table.
He was anxious to say the least. He was about to come out to his parents and tell them about his lover that he had been secretly with for a year now.
The breakfast went smoothly. And then came the time for Roman to say something.
"Mom, father, I have something important to tell you." Roman said and tried to seem more confident than he actually was.
"What is it, honey bear?" Romans mother asked as she held his fathers hand lovingly.
Roman took a deep breath. "I'm gay." He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the ridicule. Waiting for them to shout. But nothing came.
He opened his eyes slowly and saw his mother smiling widely at him and his father smiling lightly. Romans mother chuckled slightly.
"We know." Romans mother said.
"You know?"
"It's easy to tell when you've felt the same way."
Romans mouth was ajar. He couldn't believe- was she saying what he thought she was saying.
"Roman, your father and I," she put her hand to the side of her mouth, as if she was telling him a secret, "are bisexual."
"Man that's a weight off my shoulders." Roman said with a large smile and tears in his eyes. "There is something else I should tell you."
The looked at him with knowing eyes once again.
"I have a-"
"Boyfriend. Yes, we know." Romans father said with a smirk.
"You're very loud. And not very secretive. I mean cuddling in the garden, kissing in front of the horse stables, you don't do a good job of keeping your love life a secret. We have also seen how much of a good man to you he is. So we would like to finally meet him. Properly. Have him come inside for dinner this time." Romans father said and got up from the table, "6:00 sharp. Don't be late." And with that, he left the room. Leaving Roman and his mother in the dining room.
Roman was ecstatic. He rushed up to his mom and hugged her tightly. Then he told her he was going into town and rushed out of the palace doors. He told the guards that he would not need an escort and ran towards where he had seen Virgil the first day they had met.
He rushed into the town square and found a boy he recognized to be Virgil's best friend, Logan, sitting under a tree on a bench. He was sitting there with his notebook in his lap and writing with his pen quickly. He mist be writing in cursive as his pen almost never left the paper.
He walked up to him and cleared his throat. Logan looked up and when he spotted the prince his eyes widened and he stood up and bowed. Roman chuckled lightly and waved it off.
"There is no need for that. But thank you." Roman said and smiled brightly.
"Is there something you need your highness?" Logan asked and closed his notebook.
"Actually yes. Do you know where Virgil went?"
"Oh, yes I do. He went chasing after some boy. Saying something along the lines of 'I'm going to kill you if you even get near him!'" Logan said and pointed in the direction of where virgil headed.
Roman ran towards his boyfriend and found himself walking into a smaller part of town. He heard something from behind a corner and ran towards it. When he turned Virgil was standing above a boy who looked to be about their age.
"Talk about him like that again and it'll be more than just a busted lip." Virgil said with venom in his voice. Virgil started turning around and Roman hid behind a wall. He knew his boyfriend was protective of him, but he didn't know that he was that protective.
"Just because you're fucking the prince doesn't mean you're invincible." The boy on the ground spat.
Virgil turned back around and held him by his shirt.
"And just because you're fifteen doesn't mean I won't beat the shit out of you next time you talk shit about him. He's the prince. You should respect him as such." Virgil said as he started to walk away. "Asshat."
He tuned the corner and saw Roman walking towards the center of town.
Oh shit did he see that? Virgil thought as he ran towards him. He got to the pathway that Roman walked through and was pulled against the wall and kissed harshly. He immediately knew it was Roman. Once they pulled back, Roman had a huge smile on his face.
"I didn't know you thought so highly of me," Roman said with a smirk.
"Well there's a whole lot more where that came from." Virgil said with the same smirk that quickly faded into just a smile as he kissed him again, softer this time. "I take it your parents approved of us?"
"Not just approved. They want to meet you. Tonight!" Roman said with a huge smile.
Virgil smiled widely, Romans smile being almost contagious. He lifted him up by the waist and spun him around.
"That's great, puddin-pie! I can't wait to officially meet them!"
Roman huffed out an anxious breath as he led Virgil into the dining room. His parents waited in the room and walked over to the two boys. Virgil immediately bowed and addressed them formally.
"Your majesties,"
"Thank you. Now why don't we eat?" The Queen said and smiled at Virgil.
They sat down and the conversations went swimmingly. Roman and Virgil felt really well about the whole ordeal. They held hands under the table and occasionally squeezed the others hand in a way as if to say "see? It's going so well!"
But then the king became serious as he addressed Virgil.
"Now Virgil," the king looked towards him and Roman squeezed his hand once again, "I can see that you truly love my son. But tell me, what does he mean to you?"
Virgil smiled and looked into Romans eyes.
"He means the world to me," he turned back to the king, "I was an orphan boy on the street who wouldn't talk to anyone and who was going to just leave this town and kingdom for good. But when your son came into my life, it was like I had meaning for being here and I love him with all my heart. I would do anything for him and I would do anything to be with him for the rest of my life."
Roman was practically in tears and so was Romans mother. Romans dad was slightly smiling.
"If you were to marry my son and become king, what would you do for this kingdom?"
"Well I've always heard that a happy kingdom is based on happy rulers. I mean, take you and the queen as an example. You both seem to be very happy and the kingdom is striving. I would work to be there for Roman and to make him as happy as possible and I would try and help in any way I could." Virgil said and smiled toward the king once again.
The king seemed satisfied and called Virgil to talk to him in the next room. They got to where the other two could not hear him and he began to speak.
"I give you my blessing to marry my son. I can see you already have a ring and you are fit to be king and to have and hold my son for as long as you both shall live. I used to think that my son should only marry a royal, but now I can tell that you are just as fitting to be king as any royal out there."
Virgil was taken aback and all he could do was stutter. It was true that he had a ring, and it was even with him, but he didn't expect this to go so well as to have his blessing by the end of this!
"Thank you, your majesty! You won't regret this!" Virgil said and they went back to the table. Virgil couldn't wait for after dinner.
After dinner Roman and Virgil walked through the garden. It was about 7:30 at that point. They got to the tree that Virgil had been in just the other night and they turned to each other.
Virgil kissed Roman lightly and felt in his pocket for the special box that sat there.
"Roman, I have something really important to ask you." He said as he grabbed both of Romans hands in his own.
"You have been the love of my life for about a year now. I don't know what I would have done without you and I don't know where I would be without you. I don't know what exactly the future will hold, or what will even happen tomorrow, but I know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life."
Virgil got down on one knee and pulled out the ring box.
"So will you marry me?"
(2766 words)
My gosh that was so long
I tried to write this so many times. I tried to get it done two weeks ago, and then one week ago, and then yesterday, and then this morning, and then I finally finished it (at 8:45 pm)! I'm not too happy with how this chapter ended but I needed to get this out so it wouldn't just be sitting in my drafts.
The ending of this was a little rushed and it's not too great, but I hope you liked it! And don't worry, I'll be back to my angst soon 😈
I have some good ideas but my creative block is real. I'm coming up with ideas but once I sit down to write or do anything my brain just goes blank. So that being said, I hope you've enjoyed these last few chapters for the fluff, but I am now going (mostly) back to my angst and the way I'm used to writing!
Anyways! Have an amazing day/night lovelies!
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