Routines (Logicality)
Okay so this is another prompt that I have! I originally wrote one for this but I had another idea so I'm going to show you both of them! Two in one! Two oneshots in one day as well ! Be proud of me
The beginnings of these start almost the same but it's fine
Human AU (once again)
Logan and Patton laid in bed. They were both cuddling with feet entangled and hands in each other's hair. The alarm clock rang on their bedside table, signifying it was 6:00. They both groaned and started to get up. They exchanged lazy kisses as they slowly woke up.
They eventually got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Logan going to brush his teeth while Patton got into the shower. They switched places after a few short kisses and Patton walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Patton made breakfast for the two of them and smiled when he heard Logan walk down the stairs. He stayed at the stove until he felt Logan come beside him and kiss his cheek. Then Logan went and brewed himself a cup of black coffee.
They sat down at the breakfast table and ate their food, a light conversation between them as they went over their schedules for the day. Logan and Patton both checked their watches at exactly 7:45 and Logan got up to grab his briefcase, walking over to Patton and kissing him on the forehead before calling out his goodbyes and walking out the door.
Logan walked back in the door at precisely 6:25 and was awaited by a happy Patton standing in front of the stove, finishing up dinner. Logan came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Patton's middle, kissing every inch of skin he could find. Patton giggles at the action and turned around in his arms.
They kissed hello and Logan went to put on more comfortable clothes.
By the time he came down, Patton had already made both of them a plate of dinner. They both took their plates into the living room and ate while watching TV. They cuddled afterwards for a few hours and then went to go get some sleep.
They got into the shower together and then made their way to bed. Patton and Logan got in their usual sleeping positions and turned out the light.
This was their life and they were content with the simple life they led. Their days were planned and perfect. Neither would have it any other way.
Now for the second one I made for this same prompt
Again it's a Human AU
Logan and Patton had a morning routine. It started with them waking up at 6 am. They would get up and then they would get ready for their day. Patton would always be ready first and he would make breakfast.
Today, Patton sat at the breakfast table with his coffee and his chocolate chip muffin as he waited for Logan to walk out of the bedroom. He waited, and waited, and waited some more. He heard the bedroom door open and he smiled. Patton watched as Logan walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Logan got some coffee and walked toward the table. Patton turned his head so Logan could kiss his cheek, as he did every morning. But Logan simply walked past, grabbed his briefcase and walked out the door.
Patton was confused and worried to say the least. He waited all day for his husband to get home and when he finally did, he rushed to meet him at the front door. He rushed into his arms and kissed all over Logan's face.
"Oh my goodness, Honeydew! Are you okay? You were acting so strange this morning and you didn't kiss me and I'm so worried! Are you okay?" Patton rambled on and on about how worried he was.
Logan just smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. "I'm sorry I worried you, dear. I had a big day at work and I guess I was preoccupied in my thoughts." He smiled and kissed Patton again. "That's to make up for this morning. And this-" he picked Patton up bridal style and kissed all over his face. "Is for worrying you."
Patton giggled as Logan kissed him and Logan thought his heart was going to explode.
"Error, error, exposed to too much adorable Patton. Shutting down." Logan said and fell onto the couch, laying on Patton.
"Logie-bear! I can't breathe!" Patton laughed out.
"Falsehood, you wouldn't be able to laugh if that were true." Logan stated while hovering his face over Patton's. "You also wouldn't be able to kiss me. And that would be truly devastating."
(793 words)
Okay that's all for that prompt! Hope you liked it!
Another thing, my hair is getting soooo long and I hate it. Like it's almost to the length that it was when it was the longest I've ever had it (which was in like 4th or 5th grade).
Anyways! Have a great day/night, lovelies!
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