Party (Prinxiety)
Man this one has a lot of triggers. Don't read if you're gonna be uncomfortable please!
TW: alcohol, drugs, heavily implied sex (multiple times), making out, almost smut (it does go pretty far but it stops before anything actually happens), Virgil's ass gets slapped so like- that's a thing, smexy talk, cursing, drunk driving
This one is also very long. (Also Roman is kinda a douche at the beginning... I know I know, I'm doing my boy dirty but it's okay it gets better)
Also this is kind of me mashing you a few prompts and ideas I have.
Human AU
"Emile, come on, don't make me go to this!" Virgil whined as he turned to look at Emile with slightly panicked eyes.
"Virge, you need to get out of the house and talk to some people! This party will be a good way to do that!" Emile said with a sigh, their eyes never leaving the road.
"I do talk to people! I wouldn't be able to survive in human society if I didn't talk to people" he said the last sentence under his breath but Emile still heard.
"This is your chance to make new friends and to meet people. You work from home and I know for a fact you aren't friends with any of your coworkers."
"That's because they're all jerks..."
"Plus I need to get somewhere without depressing people telling me about their problems like I'm their friend for a night." Then they turned to Virgil "and no, I don't mean you. So give me this? Just for tonight?"
Virgil hesitated for a few moments.
"And if you're not at least slightly happier by the end of the party, you can say I told you so" Emile said with a smirk. They knew how much Virgil liked being right.
Virgil's eyebrows laced together in thought. He thought through every scenario and started to get more panicked about the party until Emile lightly swatted him on the shoulder, effectively pulling him from his thoughts.
"Hey, none of that. Nothings going to go as wrong as what your brain is telling you." They said with a slightly concerned look.
"Fine we can go." Virgil watched Emile as they started to get more and more excited the closer they got to the party. Then the realization hit him. "Remy's gonna be there, isn't he?"
Emile blushed brightly but nodded his head.
"Emile, you've been crushing on this dude since high school. You have to tell him." Virgil said.
"And I will! Tonight." Emile said with a flustered look.
Virgil laughed a tiny bit.
"Emile?" Virgil said into the crowd. He looked all around him and couldn't see the therapist anywhere. He started to panic a little bit.
"Emile?" Virgil said a little louder. He walked into the next room of the house. There was less people there, as it was the kitchen, but there was still no sign of the therapist. He decided that Emile probably just went with Remy and they were talking or something.
He walked over to a table that held an assortment of alcoholic beverages. He grabbed a beer and opened it. He walked back into the main living room and stood by the door to the outdoor area. He sipped his beer and then felt a hand on his ass. A quick slap and he yelped and turned to face the culprit. He was a tall man with green eyes. Virgil would be lying if he said this man wasn't drop dead gorgeous. This man had on a white blazer and a plain red shirt underneath it. His hair was perfectly curled and his face looked almost like porcelain. He had the biggest eyes and his lips were plump and red.
Virgil didn't look incredible but he didn't look half bad. He had on a dark purple plaid shirt with a black and lavender zip up hoodie over it. He had on black jeans and had a black beanie on with plaid patches that matched his shirt. He had on his usual makeup. This man looked way better than he did.
"Hey! What the fuck, dude!" Virgil said and looked up at the man.
"Oh come on sweet cheeks. You know you liked it." The man said with a smirk. "Mind telling me your name?"
Virgil blushed brightly under his foundation and started to walk away, not acknowledging the question. The man followed him into the kitchen and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and taking a sip. Virgil grabbed a hard liquor (me not knowing any because I can't drink. Am too tiny) and downed it in one go. The man looked impressed and slightly concerned. Virgil grabbed another shot.
"Whoa, slow down there, princess." The man said and grabbed Virgil's hand.
"Let go of me!" Virgil said, the buzz starting to take affect already.
"No can do, princess. Those are some hard shots. You will hate yourself in the morning if you take more than one." The man said in a low tone, as if if anyone heard there would be consequences.
"I already hate myself in the morning with or without shots." Virgil looked the man in the eyes. He yanked his hand away from the man, quickly downing the shot. "Why do you care anyway?"
The man sighed. "Look. I may have come of as an arrogant only here for sex type of guy, but I'm not. Well mostly. I care because I would hate to see a beautiful man like you getting like so many others here. If I can save one person, I would rather it be someone who looks like they don't want to be here anyway."
Virgil looked into his eyes with a huge blush. The buzz was really taking affect now. He felt like just leaning over and kissing this man. But that was just the buzz talking. Right?
"If I'm going to be here, I might as well have some fun while I'm here." Virgil said and walked into the crowd of people in the living room. He danced with everyone else, occasionally taking a hit of whatever was going around.
The man sighed and left him for a while, figuring he wouldn't be able to do anything with someone so stubborn.
Virgil felt his phone buzz from his back pocket and went into the dining room to see what it was. It was a text from Emile.
Emile: I took the car.
Emile: I also won't be home until tomorrow morning probably.
Fuck. Literally Virgil thought. He knew that meant Emile was with Remy. But strangely enough, he didn't care. Maybe it was all the alcohol and probably nicotine that he had in his system. He saw the beautiful man drinking a beer on the other side of the house and decided if Emile was having some fun he might as well.
He walked over to the man and looked up at him. The man looked like he was barely drunk, while Virgil was both drunk and most probably high. The man looked at him in confusion as Virgil wrapped his arms around the mans neck. He chuckled and leaned up towards the man.
"The name's Virgil." He said and surged forward to capture the mans lips with his own.
Their lips moved in sync and it felt like they had done this hundreds of times before. They curled into each other in the desperation for this to last forever. The man bit Virgil's lip and Virgil parted his lips. The man explored his mouth until they both had to breathe. They pulled back and were both breathing heavily.
"That was..." Virgil started.
"Amazing." The man finished
"What's your name, Charming? I want to know the name I'll be screaming tonight~" Virgil said. What was this man doing to him? Or was the alcohol? Virgil didn't know. But he did know it felt amazing.
(I'm sorry to cut in again but like, Remus' song just came on my playlist and I just- it's perfect?)
Virgil leaned up to whisper in Roman's ear. "Well then... wanna take this back to your place... Roman?"
The action sent shivers down Roman's spine. It took him a while to properly get his mouth to make any noise.
"Please~" Roman said in a low almost growling tone.
"Then lead the way, Charming."
Roman led him out the front door and to his car. When Virgil saw his car he was entranced. It was a very nice car, something someone with a lot of money would have. They got into the car and Roman started driving. Roman had one hand on the wheel and the other on Virgil's thigh.
Once they got to Roman's house, Virgil was just as in shock as he was at the car. Roman must really be well off.
They got out and Roman locked the door, shoving Virgil in and slamming his back against the door in a rough kiss. Once again, their lips moved in sync. Roman grabbed Virgil thighs and hoisted him up so he was carrying him, still kissing all the while. Roman led them into his room and closed the door, throwing Virgil onto the bed.
Roman quickly threw off his shirt and climbed on top of Virgil. He grabbed the hem of Virgil's shirt, looking for approval. Virgil just nodded and Roman took off his shirt. He kissed all down Virgil's chest and then back up again. He reached Virgil's lips and kissed him softly.
"Are you sure you want this? Because I don't know if I'll be able to stop if we start." Roman said, concern evident in his voice.
Virgil just surged up to kiss him.
"I want this more than I've wanted anything for a while."
Virgil woke up to the light shining through the closed window and onto his face. He tried to move but was met with 3 things. A sharp pain in his ass and back, a massive headache, and arms wrapped around his middle. He could feel fluffy hair tickling his upper back and the back of his neck.
He was confused for a second until he remembered the events of the night before. He felt his face get hot. He heard the soft purr like snoring that was coming from the man holding him.
He remembered how much he enjoyed everything about the night before. Both the pleasure and the party. He remembered the way Roman's lips felt against his. He remembered the way Romans hand felt in his. The way Roman took control so easily.
He heard the man clinging onto him grunt as he started to wake up. He felt Roman start to stretch and yawn. He smiled at the adorableness of the man. He thought there was no way Roman could get more lovable and affectionate.
Then Roman kissed Virgil's shoulder blade. Virgil shivered and smiled even wider. Now there was no way Roman could get any more adorable.
"G'morning princess." Roman said in a husky morning voice and hid his face in Virgil's neck. I guess Virgil was wrong. Virgil's chest swelled with happiness. It may be too soon to say, but he was absolutely infatuated with this man.
"Good morning, Charming." Virgil replied, his voice almost as husky. Roman kissed his neck and shoulders over and over again. Roman got to a certain spot on Virgil's neck and Virgil let out a soft moan. Roman hummed softly.
"That's a sound I'll never get tired of." Roman said and kissed that spot again.
The actions filled Virgil's heart with joy, but his stomach sank as he had a realization. He had just had a one night stand. A fantastic one at that. But still a one night stand. This would all be over in a few hours. And he would most likely never see Roman again. His heart broke a little at the thought of never seeing him or being able to feel him again. He started to get out of Roman's grasp and his bed. He started to grab his discarded clothes from around the room.
Roman looked at Virgil quickly picking up his clothes and got concerned. He laced his eyebrows together in slight sadness. They had had such a good time and he thought it was going so well. He didn't want this to just be a one night stand, but maybe that's what Virgil wanted. He was kind of drunk when they had done everything. But Virgil had assured he was sober enough for everything. Roman stood up and put on his boxers and jeans, leaving his shirt on the ground as Virgil started to walk out the door of his bedroom.
"Wait, Virgil!" Roman called after him. To his surprise, Virgil turned around. And, god, did that do something to Roman. Virgil had on the hoodie he had been wearing that was slightly wrinkled. He had his shirt and beanie in his hands and his makeup was all gone, showing off his gorgeous freckles.
"Yes?" Virgil asked in the most sickly sweet voice ever.
"Did- Would you like to stay for breakfast?" Roman asked, curling in on himself slightly with embarrassment. He rubbed the back of his neck as a blush spread across his face.
Virgil's face lit up as he walked over to Roman. He kissed him on the cheek.
"Of course, my prince."
Roman picked up Virgil bridal style and carried him to the kitchen. He placed him on the counter and grabbed eggs and bacon. He started to make all of the breakfast food he had and talked with Virgil while he was making it.
Virgil found out a lot about Roman, like how he is a football player for the NFL. He found out about his family and his friends. He found out a lot of Romans life story. Roman talked a lot when he was nervous or when he wanted something to last forever. He was naturally loud and boisterous, and so talking was not a problem to him. Virgil, on the other hand, was quiet by nature and he would listen to someone for hours until he would eventually talk about something small.
"So why were you at that party yesterday?" Roman asked calmly.
"My roommate pulled me along. They said that it would be better if I would 'get out and meet new people.' But they just have eyes for Remy. But I said yes because I hate seeing them look at me like they're disappointed or like they are bored with me. And don't get me wrong, they barely ever do, but I can look at someone and envision them being mad or sad or any other negative emotion." Virgil said, kind of surprised that he would feel this comfortable around Roman. To be fair, Roman has seen (and kissed) every inch of his body.
"Well I'm glad you decided to go. I loved meeting you and getting to know you." Roman said and put the biscuits into the oven.
The way he phrased it made Virgil's stomach sink again. He said he loved, past tense. This was all going to be over soon. Roman noticed his sudden change in behavior. He walked in between Virgil's legs. Virgil was still sitting on the counter. Roman caressed his cheek and looked into his eyes.
"What's wrong, baby?"
Virgil looked into Roman's eyes with a sad look.
"Does this have to be a one time thing?"
Roman was taken back. He expected Virgil to want to leave as soon as possible and get on with his regular life. He never expected for him to not want to leave either. Roman grabbed Virgil's face lovingly and turned his head slightly as he sighed with content.
"No of course not. I would love for this to be a regular thing." Roman leaned up and kissed Virgil softly. Virgil kissed back immediately, whining slightly as he melted into the kiss and how perfect Roman's lips felt against his own. He curled into Roman's arms and into his body, as if if he pulled away he would somehow lose Roman to the wind. When they did pull back, Roman started his train of thought once again.
"I really really like you, Virgil. And I know it might be too early to say, but I think I'm in love with you." Roman went to kiss Virgil again. It was as if their lips were the others heroin. They just couldn't get enough of the taste.
"I think I'm in love with you too." Virgil went to kiss Roman once again, but his phone vibrated. He grabbed his phone. He saw Emile was calling him. Roman kissed him again.
"Roman" Virgil said in between kisses. But Roman didn't stop.
"Roman- I really- have to take- this call" Virgil said, once again interrupted by Romans lips on his own. Roman finally backed away and let Virgil take the call.
"Hey Emile." Virgil said into the phone.
"Virgil! Oh my goodness I thought something bad had happened! Are you okay? Where are you? We got back to the apartment and you weren't there!" Emile said, properly freaking out. Virgil realized he hadn't texted his roommate where he was.
"Well I met this really nice guy- wait. We?" Virgil asked as Roman started to kiss his neck. Virgil could practically hear the blush on Emile's cheeks.
"Well- me and Remy..." Emile said quietly.
Virgil let out a gasp as Roman kissed his neck more and more passionately.
"Well then you finally told him. And you managed to get in his pants! Good job Em." Virgil said with a snicker that turned into a quiet moan.
"Are you okay, Virgey?"
"Yeah just-" Virgil put his hand over the phone microphone "Ro, stop." But Roman just smirked and continued "sorry."
"No you're fine Virgey! I can hear you're having fun so I'll leave you to it. Remy and I are going to be here when you get back, but don't worry about being back any time soon. Take all the time you need." Emile said and hung up.
Roman leaned up to capture Virgil's lips.
"Roman, what is it with you and kissing me?" Virgil asked and smirked.
"I'm sorry, princess, but your lips are like a drug, I just can't get enough." Roman said and smiled at him. "So... Virgey?"
Virgil flushed and looked away from him.
"Shut it, you royal pain."
"You love me," Roman said and kissed Virgil's jawline.
"I do."
(3084 words)
This is the long chapter that I have been wanting to write for a while. I was honestly a little scared to write this chapter just because I don't want my readers to be uncomfortable. But I think this is alright and I put the trigger warnings at the top so people can click away if they don't want to read.
Wow that was long. But that being said, I hope you enjoyed and I hope you like the longer chapters!
Anyways! Have a great day/night, lovelies!
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