Oh my god (prinxiety + logicality)
TW: crying, cursing, zombies, "Death", death, nightmares, injuries.
Virgil and Roman haven't seen each other in almost 3 years. They both refuse to move on, but they both believe that the other is dead. They got split up in a zombie apocalypse that ended almost a year ago. They both think the other got infected and they don't think they are going to see each other. Both have gone through incredible loss of family and friends. The zombies weren't able to be cured and instead they had to kill all zombies on the planet.
(Virgil's POV)
"Roman! I don't want to leave you!" I screamed as he held my hand with his whole body outstretched as he and a few other members of our group (Logan, Thomas, Emilie Picani, and Remus) we're getting trapped on one side of a warehouse full of zombies.
"You have to go, love! You will get infected if you stay! I'll be fine! When I get out of here we will take on the zombies together! Meet me at the diner on 15th street when this is all over!" He said as he went to close the door fully.
"ROMAN! Come on! If we're gonna make it out alive we need your help!" Logan screamed as he was slashing up a couple zombies.
I looked and Logan was being surrounded. Patton was crying as he saw his husband being surrounded and having to fight off so many of those things.
"LOGAN! I love you so much! I'll see you later!" Patton screeched and cried.
Just then Thomas got bitten.
(Why am I writing this. I'm gonna cry)
"THOMAS!" We all screamed in unison.
Roman closed the door and left.
I woke up and saw Roman in my room. "Roman?" I asked
He walked into the moonlight and he was a zombie.
"AH!" I screamed and he disappeared.
Patton rushes in and saw me crying and he hugged me and stroked my hair.
"Ro-roman was- he was right- right there." I cried.
"Shshsh it's ok." Patton shushed me.
"He was- he was a- a zombie-" I cried harder.
"It's ok, we'll find him."
"We found Logan! We can find Roman as well!"
"No! He's gone now! He got separated, ALONE. HE CANT SURVIVE AGAINST HUNDREDS OF THOSE THINGS. WE WATCHED THOMAS DIE BECAUSE OF THEM. WE WATCHED- we watched remy DIE and we watched ma and pa die and-and-and" I clutched onto his shirt and cried harder.
"Shhhh sh sh it's ok it's ok" he said, crying as well.
We sat there and cried for a while, remembering all of the ways our friends and family died.
"I need to take a shower." I said finally.
"Ok, I will make breakfast if you want?"
"No, I want to go to the diner."
"But Virgil you'll only feel wors-"
"I need to see if he's there." I said and got up to take a shower, choking back tears.
I took a shower and we walked into town. We didn't have a car anymore because of funds. We walked down the road towards the old diner and we saw the broken streets and the people lining the streets without homes. Most cities didn't have enough money to rebuild the houses and businesses. Most supplies and food was stolen from the businesses and homes and so no one had anything. We saw so many people in rags and dirt all over their faces. They looked miserable but we brought food for them to have, we walked down the road and handed out food. Every time we came to a male figure I hoped it was roman. It never was. I heard shuffling on the road. I turned and saw a figure. It was a male figure. His arm was broken and he was limping. He had a slim figure, like he had been starving himself for the past year, which most people had. The number of suicides had gone up after the apocalypse. Most people didn't want to be apart of this dystopian world anymore. Then the figure came into focus and was that-
"Roman?" I half whispered.
"Vir-virgil?" He asked
"Oh my god! Roman!" I rushed over to him. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him. I kissed him over and over again. "Oh my god! *kiss* I thought you were dead *kiss* I love you so much *kiss* where have you been? How did you escape? Are you ok?" I asked.
"I'm so happy to finally see you. I got separated from the group after we left the warehouse. I-I lost Logan. I think- I think he's dead." He cried
"No no no, we found him! He's alive and at our old house. We fixed it up and we live there now."
"Oh thank god! But- Picani, he- he got bit- and so did Thomas. Remy is going to be devastated." He said looking at the ground.
I shivered and got closer to Roman "remy got taken by deceit and he got killed ." I cried.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." Roman said and ran his good hand through my hair. I whimpered. That was a feeling I missed.
"Oh are you ok I didn't mean to hurt yo-"
I kissed him again and we eventually went back to Patton. We walked back to the house and when Logan saw Roman, he started crying and hugged him so tightly.
"I thought you were dead! Don't you dare leave me alone like that again! As your best friend I can't stand thinking I couldn't save you!" Logan said. They hugged for a while. Roman eventually looked around.
"No, don't tell me. Remus- where is Remus?"
We all looked at the ground.
"Roman... Remus is gone."
"No- no no no NO! I was supposed to protect him! To make sure he was alive! He was only 15! He can't be gone. He- he can't be."
I held him in my arms as he cried.
"I was supposed to protect him. Mama and dad told me to watch him. To make sure he made it out alive! I failed! I FAILED!"
"No, he was with me, I failed." Logan said and looked at the ground.
"No this is no ones fault! We all had shit we went through and we can't save everyone! We couldn't save Thomas or Remy or Remus or Picani, but we have to go on and NOT blame ourselves or each other." Patton screamed at us.
"We have to go on, for them." I said with tears cascading down my cheeks. "We can't let them die in vain." Roman wipes the tears from my face. "We have- we have to go- after deceit. He was- he was the one who took- took Remy from us."
We all fell into silence.
"Then that's what we'll do. We will find him and take him down." Logan said.
"Then let's go." Patton said.
(1179 words)
Um woah. Now I wanna make a full story of this. Heck I just wanted to write about Roman and Virgil seeing each other for the first time in a while and I came up with this. Heck.
Maybe I shall, not now though.
(November 29, 2019)
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