Me during quarintine
These are some compilations of things I have done/said during quarantine
TW: my life and tiny panic attack (but it's not in detail) and little angsty stuff.
Also the friend in this is always the same friend.
Me: *thinking about different names for the ships that are funny* Momus, Patmus, Virgan, RoLo *busts out laughing* omg rOlO
Me: *goes to text one of my fander friends about that and only will type it as rOlO*
Me: *rereads like everything I've ever written and dies a little on the inside*
Me: *at like 3 am* *calls my friend to talk about shit*
Her: yeah but why do they call it a boner?
Me: don't do this.
Her: what?
Me: don't make this into a dad joke please
Her: no I'm like seriously wondering...
Me: *knows her tricks* why do you thi-
Her: beCaUSE thAtS ThE onLy ThIng tHat dOESnT gRoW
Me: oh my gOD sTOP
Me: *sleep deprived and FaceTiming my friend* yeah but why is *points at a little decoration on the coffee table* this necessary to human existence? Like all it does is sit in silence and look pretty.
My friend: just like you ;)
Me: *flustered* stooooop you know I can't take compliments!
Her: *continues to compliment me*
Me: *hides in a blanket on the couch*
(We are just friends but we are kind of like platonic Prinxiety)
Me: *turns to not face the mirror while brushing my teeth* I refuse to look at you. You aren't me. Stop existing and just look like who I am, you bitch.
Me: *brushes teeth vigorously* >:(
Me: *hides from everyone in my room*
My family: *concerned for my wellbeing* come on down [insert birth name]
Me: *slowly crawls out of my closet and walks down the stairs slowly* *whispering angrily* I would like to be around you more if you respected me more and didn't call me girl all the time. >:(
Me: *posts on Wattpad almost every day and uses my creative juices to post* wait I don't have any more ideas!
Me: *goes into my ideas folder and searches through the ideas* correction: I don't have any good ideas!
Me: *learns the ukulele*
My dad: thAT mEaNs yOu hAVe TiME tO dO ThiNgS! GO dO chOrEs
Me: *has almost cut off all my hair about 30 times*
Me when I walk into the bathroom: *sees the scissors on the counter* *sighs* not today. Soon, but not yet.
Me: *rereads fanfics that I forgot about* these are so good! What happened? Why did I forget about these?
Also me after reading them: *cries* my writing is so bad!
Me: *rereads a bunch of angst fics that I forgot about* *cries* this is so sad! *sob* Alexa play despacito...
Me: ^^ wait I do this to my readers... I'm so sorry!!!!!!
Me: *contemplating life while laying in the ground and thinking about all of my life decisions*
Me: *is super emotional in the morning* opens Wattpad
New notification: Shapa232 mentioned you in enby memes
Me: *literally cries* whY aM I sO eMoTiOnAl in tHe MOrNiNg?
Me later in the day: *rereads it again and cries again because Shapa is the best and I relate so much to all of the memes*
Me: *arguing and trying to cut off one of my fake friends*
The fake friend: Oh my god would you stop being so stupid and listen to me, [dead name]?!
Me: *shocked and shaken* *hangs up* *lets down hair and bangs head back and into the wall* *closes closet door* *screams and cries* they know my fucking real name and they still used my dead name. *grabs hair tightly* *breathing heavily*
Me: *i know exactly what they were doing. They know that I'm non-binary and that I hate being called stupid and being told I'm not listening. Those are like three of my biggest insecurities and triggers*
Me: I can't fucking breathe
Me: *calls my other friend* help
My friend: *complies and talks me through it until I'm good enough to talk regularly*
Me: *looks up and sighs* I'm not even scared of her anymore so that's good.
My friend: that's good! But you still feel bad?
Me: yeah.
My friend: why do you think that is?
Me: ... honestly?
Me: I think I'm more scared of myself and my brain than anything.
Wow that was heavy but have some more lighthearted things!
Me: *talking to two of my friends and making jokes about birds and countries*
Me: *laughing hysterically*
Me at the end of the convo* hoW THE FUCK DID WE FORGET TURKEY?!
Me: *talks about my internet friends* *gets to one certain person* and they are just great!
My friend: ooooooooooo
Me: *blushes* no don't do that!
My friend: you liiiiiiii-
Me: SHHHHHHH and I don't even know how old they are or what they look like! I don't like them.
My friend: Bullshit.
Me: I refuse to like them! I don't even really know them!
My friend: you like them about as much as I like sucking co-
Also me: *blushing furiously*
Me: *listens to Dodie while doing schoolwork* why is she so good at singing? I'm just over here trying and failing to sing all this shit.
Me: *has to do a choir audition* it's just like every other year! Just get it done and don't worry about it!
Me: *freaks out and does it last minute*
Me: now look what I've done! I'm going to leave a bad impression and-
My logic: you've had this teacher already? You can't leave a bad impression on someone you've already had?
Me: bUT sHe'lL hAtE mE!
My logic: tHaTs noT hOW tHaT wORKS!
My anxiety: yes it is, shut up logic.
Me: *gets misgendered and called the wrong name every day*
Me: *comes on Wattpad and sees people using my real name and correct pronouns* I'm so appreciative of you guys and I love you all so much! You make my life bearable and you make me able to want to live (for the most part)! Which is a huge improvement from how I was before wattpad! When I first started wattpad, it was right after one of the worst parts of my life. And I was in a really rough time where I didn't know who I was and who I wanted to be. But I've come on here and gotten so much love and support from all of you! I have met so many people that I love and two that I really want to meet and that make me want Wattpad to have a group chat feature! I love you guys so much and this is kind of my way to tell you that I have 13.3 k views! Thank you so much and I love you all! I hope this was kind of a way for you to get to know some more about me!
(1155 words)
I recently went back and reread some of my oldest oneshots and realized that they were bad but also that I like of like some of them? Idk at this point lol
Anyways! I love you guys so much! Hope you have a great day/night, lovelies!
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