King Virgil (Prinxiety)
So Virgil cross dresses in this one and it's the dress at the top.
Royal AU
Virgil was admittedly a little scared to go to this ball. He knew that he was already known for cross dressing at balls, but this one was his most extravagant one. He was trying to impress a certain prince at the ball.
Prince Roman was the best looking and well rounded prince in Virgil's opinion. Also Roman was openly gay. Roman was the one who inspired Virgil to come out to the public. Roman just told everyone he was gay. That would have been easy and less stress inducing. But nooooo Virgil has to go the extra mile and cross dress at the country's most well known ball. But he was accepted so that was nice.
Virgil, Roman, Patton, and Logan has been childhood best friends (mostly because they were in neighboring, allied countries). They knew the others castles and summer homes like the backs of their hands. They often played at each other's castles. But as they got into their teenage years, they had to start having responsibilities around the kingdom.
Virgil's parents had died of a sickness that he somehow didn't get and so he was technically the king of his people. Hence, more and more responsibilities. Hence, no more fun hangouts with friends.
Roman and Virgil had always been close and they had even flirted with each other on multiple occasions.
But they hadn't seen each other since they both came out and Virgil started cross dressing. Virgil mostly had to go to this ball to get a proper suitor for himself. He needed someone else to keep him company around his castle and to help him make decisions for the country. But he couldn't get over roman. He needed to see if Roman liked him. This ball was the one. And he wouldn't give up this time.
Virgil's royal advisors and servants help him put on his dress and get ready for the ball. Virgil looked himself up and down in the mirror.
I mean I guess I look ok? It's better than me in a suit, that's for sure. Virgil thought to himself. Virgil put on his crown and set off to his carriage.
Once he was in the carriage, he put on his makeup
(That is the makeup)
He looked and was surprised that he hadn't accidentally messed it up.
What if Roman doesn't like that I cross dress? And what if he hates me after this? Ugh stop thinking like that Virgil! No one wants that!
When they arrived he stepped out of the carriage and walked towards the entrance of the castle. He walked in and stood by the announcer.
"King Virgil!" The announcer shouted over the music.
Everyone stopped dancing. They all stared at him. He could see Roman staring at the other end of the large hall, but he couldn't make out his expression.
He was used to people judging him for cross dressing so openly, but that doesn't mean he wasn't anxious. He also had the added anxiety of Roman staring at him.
He walked down the stairs and Roman rushed over to him.
"Greetings Virgil! It is so good to see you again! I hope the ride here wasn't too bad?" Roman said with a questioning tone at the end.
"Oh yes the ride was lovely, your royal highness." Virgil gave a small curtesy and sarcastically used Romans full title.
"You look quite stunning, m'lady." Roman took his hand and kissed the back of it, bowing in the process.
Virgil hid a blush from that. "As do you my fine sir."
Roman was wearing a red and gold suit with a white undershirt, and a golden bow tie. He had on his crown as well.
Virgil felt his anxiety rise as he heard music start to play and people dancing.
"Are you ok?" Roman asked sweetly.
Roman was always so nice to virgil and was always caring. He would make a good husban- "Uh, yeah! Um- I'm fine. Just- they don't call me anxiety for nothing." Roman and Virgil just sort of stared at each other for a while. "Um. Where are Patton and Logan? I was told they would be here as well." Virgil said, keeping up a stoic expression, something he has had to do a lot in front of royals.
"They went to go be alone. They are probably making out in a side room or something." Roman laughed.
Virgil choked back a giggle. He could not let Roman see that part of him. He was not some naive prince anymore. He was the king of his country. And he had to act like it.
Roman leaned in close to his ear. "Listen, I know that you've had to change with becoming king and all, but it's just me, you can be chill and I won't judge you. We've been friends forever and I will always be the silly goofball you know and love." Roman pulled away from his ear. Virgil already felt more calm. "Now," Roman said, stepping back and extending his hand. "May I have this dance?"
"But of course, your majesty." Virgil said jokingly.
They went to the middle of the ballroom and danced to the slow music.
"I'm really glad you decided to show up." Roman said out of the blue.
"Yeah me too."
"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."
"Yeah..." Virgil choked a little and remembered why he was truly here.
"Whoa are you ok? We can take a break for a little and go to the garden? If you wanted to at least" Roman said quickly.
"You know me so well,"
They walked into the garden and sat down on an old bench. Virgil had a little bit of a hard time with his huge skirt.
Roman turned to look at Virgil. "I like the new style. Your really embracing who you are! It's inspiring" Roman said, awestruck.
"Thanks! I thought you wouldn't like it." Virgil said quietly.
"Of course I like it! Why wouldn't I? You look stunning- I mean-" Roman stuttered and blushed looking away. They sat in awkward silence for a while.
Roman finally broke the silence. "So why are you here? You don't usually come to balls unless something really important is happening. And as far as I checked, this was just a regular ball."
"Well. I need a suitor if I'm going to continue running my kingdom smoothly. And I was hoping- well. I was hoping that one person would be willing to be my suitor but I don't know if he's into me."
"Oh" Roman was convinced it wasn't him. I mean, Virgil could get anyone he wanted, so why would he go for Roman?
"Can I tell you something?" Virgil asked after a moment of silence.
"Of course! Anything!"
"Do you ever feel jealous of what Patton and Logan have? Like not that I want to be with either of them, but like do you feel like you wish that you and- someone - could have that?"
"Well yes. But I'm sure he would never like me." Roman said sadly.
Virgil felt his heart sink a little. "Oh? And is this mystery person here? Like at this ball?"
"Yes actually. I've wanted to tell him for some time."
"Can I tell you something?"
"Uh- sure- whatever."
"Um- well- it's you! I... I like you! Like a lot. You just are so cute! But I understand if you don't like me back or whatever."
Virgil leaned in and kissed Roman softly. Roman kissed back after the initial shock.
"I've been waiting for that for so long." Virgil said, in a slight daze.
"Would you mind if I-?" Virgil asked hesitantly.
Roman leaned in again and kissed him. More passionate and more teeth and tongue. They stayed kissing for a little while. They finally pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.
"I guess I found my suitor." Virgil said, panting slightly and giggling.
Roman kissed him again. He pulled back when he realized what he was doing.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry! That was uncalled for! It was just your laugh is so cute and I don't know how I didn't notice it earlier." Roman said quickly.
"Don't sweat it princey." Virgil said and kissed him again.
(1394 words)
(December 8, 2019)
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