Home (part 2) (broken everything)
I was requested to do a part two to the last one (and I know it's been months since I wrote the first one) but I was so inspired that I had to write about it.
Let's hope I don't ruin the goodness of the last chapter with this part...
Also there will be some Mociet (but it's all broken and sad)
I was inspired by two different animatics. One by Thecatinatux (Foxing Rory is the name of it) and another called Its Over Isn't it (it's the second part of the first animatic but I couldn't find the artist. Forgive me)
(While coming up with the plot for this story, I, out loud, went "WHY AM I MEAN?" And threw my phone onto my bed... if you didn't hate the light sides before, you certainly will now)
I use a bit of the song "It's Over Isn't It?" From Steven Universe
Deciet looked over the dark place they would now call home. There was dank and musty smell. It didn't smell like freshly baked goods and home. There was so much uncomfortable silence through all three of the sides. It was thick and unbearable. Too thick to cut with even the sharpest of knives.
Deceit thought back to the lightscape. He remembered a few instances of him and Patton. One very prominent one from when they were the only two in the Mindscape.
Deciet was flattering Patton and spun him around and he was in his arms. The both flushed at the action and then they shared their first kiss. It was a nice memory. But that was gone now.
It's over isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
Deciet remembered the times he would find Patton depressed and laying on the floor in the commons. Deciet would just sit with him and let Patton lay his head on his lap. They would sit there for hours and just talk. Deceit running his fingers through Patton's hair, it was a calming method they both used on each other.
Deceit was always Patton's go to person for when he was feeling bad. But it had all changed when the kids arrived. Deceit wasn't mad in the slightest at the kids. Well except for Roman. But Virgil and Remus were his whole world now. He remembers the first time Patton made them out to be bad.
"There's just so many ways that you and Ani and Remus just aren't the best for Thomas..."
Deceit looked at Patton like he was crazy.
"Not that-not that you're bad! But it's just that there are many things that we differ in opinion on!" Patton said with a bit of regret from his hurting Deceit.
There was always a tiny silence after an interaction between the two after Ani, Remus, and Roman came into the mind scape.
There was more silence after Patton told them to leave.
"I need you, Ani, and Remus to leave."
Deciet never thought he would be put as an underling beneath Patton. They used to be equals. They used to be best friends. And maybe even more than that.
"This will be better for Thomas!"
It probably would. They only caused problems. They didn't mean to. But they did.
"Is it because of this?!"
It was obvious that they were different. Deciet has scales. Ani had eyes that would turn black as night during a panic attack. Remus was just... horny. And they were all just different from the "light sides"
"Deciet... no, no of course not..."
He used to think that Patton actually cared. That all of them actually cared. But he couldn't be more wrong.
It's over isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
You won.
And she chose you.
Deciet thought back to Thomas and how quickly Patton had chose Thomas over him.
And she loved you.
And she's gone.
He had to help the kids now.
It's over isn't it?
Why can't I move on?
Remus sat in another corner of the dimly lit room. He sat and sobbed into his knees. He heard the room shift and he looked up. He saw a door in front of him. A door with a green and black sword logo on the front. He felt drawn to it. Like it was calling him. He walked up to the door and opened it. It was like his old room. His room he shared with...
He walked into the room. He saw the neatness of it. He hated neatness.
He saw a mace laying on the neat bed. He grabbed it. He played around with it for a minute. It felt right in his hands. He heard a phantom trill of piano notes in his head.
He hated the piano. It was so sad. And sounded so like him.
He swung his mace and hit a lamp in the corner. It felt... good. He swung at more things. Things fell and smashed.
The dresser.
The desk.
The bookshelf.
He felt insane. His head throbbed and his eyes hurt. He couldn't stop remembering Roman and all the good times he had with him.
"Come on Re! We have to go defeat the Dragonwitch before she curses more innocent lives!" Roman said as he grabbed Remus' hand and pulled him toward the imagination.
Remus thought that Roman was his brother and that he cared.
"I don't need them! Because I have the coolest brother and friend... you!"
"Princey promise?"
"Princey promise."
But he broke that promise. Roman was just a- a self absorbed bitch! Remus swung his mace more. The vengeance and hatred in his eyes was almost scary and his intensity was enough to kill a man.
He broke down crying. He sobbed on the floor.
"He broke his promise! He broke it!" Remus screamed over and over again. He felt a strong pair of arms hug him. He quickly pulled back and stared at the person. It was Deciet. He lunged back at him and hugged him tightly.
"I hate him!" Remus shouted through tears.
"Shhh, shhh I know. I do too."
"You don't get it! He was supposed to be my brother! To be by my side! Always! He made a promise! And he broke his promise!" He paused and sobbed. "He broke his promise."
Her attention
Out in daylight
My potential,
"You're too slow!" Roman shouted as he ran away from Remus.
"Just stay in the room! I'll beat the dragonwitch myself! You can't even defend yourself. Pathetic."
Who am I now in this world without her?
Petty and dull with the nerve to doubt her!
What does it matter it's already done!
Virgil could see the chaos that was happening. He saw the torn up picture and the tears and he heard the screams. He remembered Logan and Patton and Roman. All of them used to be so close.
"You just have to get all of the colors to one side. The blues go on one side, the reds on another, the greens to another, and so on with the orange, yellow, and white. You think you can do that?" Logan asked as he watched Virgil fidget with the rubix cube.
Virgil, being too shy to talk, just nodded.
Logan watched as Virgil solved the cube and handed it back to him. Logan inspected the cube, quite impressed that he had done it so quickly for his fist time.
"Stunning Virgil. All the colors in the right place. It's perfect!" Logan said and smiled at him.
He would never get to see that smile again. And that broke him. He would never taste Patton's cookies or hear Roman nicknames ever again. They obviously didn't want any of them there. They were bad.
Virgil couldn't believe that all three of them turned on them, just like that. He could almost swear that Remus and Deciet would do the same to him. I mean he was only Anxiety and he couldn't do anything right.
He cried into his hoodie sleeves until he picked up the torn pieces of the family photo. He cradled it to his chest.
"Why are you even here? You just get in the way. I have to make a working plan so Thomas can get this project done, and I can't have children interrupting! Go bother one of the others!" Logan practically shouted.
He looked up and saw a door in front of him. It had a storm cloud logo on it. He opened the door and locked himself in. He looked around and it was like his old room. He saw his old pictures and his old posters and he smiled slightly. He saw his picture on his desk that was of Remus, himself, and Roman.
Virgil started to cry again at the picture. He just sat there, on his bed, and cried for a few hours. No one came to his door to see if he was okay. No one.
It's over isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
It's over isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
You won.
And she chose you!
Virgil thought back to how Roman so quickly just abandoned them and went to Patton and Logan's side.
It's over isn't it?
Why can't I move on?
Now it had been a few years. Virgil didn't fit in with the dark sides. They were now all the same age (as they had all had to become adults and take care of their jobs instead of being foolish children) and he wanted to start a new life. A life without the other dark sides. He needed to leave. To go back to the light sides.
He knew it would hurt Remus and Deciet for a while but they had each other. They had someone. Deceit had tried to care for him but never did as good of a job as Patton did.
Virgil had been hanging out with the light sides again and it was getting pretty great. At first he hated it because almost everyone hated him. Everyone except Patton. Roman was always mean and Logan always saw him as incompetent. But when Logan and Virgil had a logical debate for a video, they started to become friends again. And when Virgil decided it would be best just to duck out, they all came to his room and got him back. He even told them his name. They had seemed to forget who he even was before.
Virgil packed his things and walked through the dark sides common room where he found Remus and Deciet watching TV. He walked toward the door that led to the light sides Mindscape.
Remus turned his head from the TV to look at him.
"Where are you going?" He asked with a head tilt. He had his mace at his feet and he had a crazed look in his eye. But none of that scared Virgil. He was used to it by now.
"I'm leaving."
That got both of the others full attention.
"What? You can't leave! We need you!" Deciet said, trying to coax Virgil into staying. He needed whatever family he had to not leave.
"You don't really care about me! You just don't want me to be with them. The people that make me happy!" Virgil said back, raising his voice.
"You made a promise! You said that you would be with me! Always! Remember? Your Ani Promise?" Remus said as he walked toward Virgil slowly.
Virgil looked back with hatred in his eyes.
"Don't you dare call me that." Virgil spat.
Remus shut up after that. He couldn't believe that Virgil would hate him this much and that he would just leave them.
"Don't try and come after me. I've made up my mind." Virgil said turning back toward the door. "Goodbye."
And then he opened the door and left.
Deciet and Remus stood in silence and shock.
Deciet looked angry and Remus broke down and cried. Deciet went over to him but he rushed past and into his room. He slammed and locked the door. He sat on the floor and cried.
He couldn't believe someone else would break their promise to him. He couldn't trust anyone.
"He broke his promise. Just like the fist time! Why did I think things would be different? Everyone breaks their promises!" Remus said through tears to himself.
"Remus is just some toy you use and don't take care of! Why would you? He's worthless anyways!" Remus said and slammed his fist into the wall.
Virgil was never coming back. There was no way he would feel guilty for any of this.
Virgil was just
(2109 words)
Alright so there was that angst train. I liked that chapter actually! I cried while writing it so I think that means it's good?
I accidentally posted this before it was done and maybe you got the notification for it? But here it is now! Sorry for the confusion
Do you guys hate the light sides yet? I kind of do but I don't want to.
Why am I mean? I write so much angst.
My goal is to make you cry with both fluff and angst. Ahahahahahahahaha
Jk jk
I don't mean to, it just happens.
Anyways! Have a great day/night, lovelies!
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