Flowers? (Prinxiety) (Logicality)
This is an AU! I'm not going to tell you who's who but it's Florist! And Tattoo Artist!
Warning! Teeth rotting fluff to make for what I'm about to do. And what I just did.
A flower shop and a tattoo shop have been on the same street, right next to each other, for about 6 years. The owners have never talked to each other before, they don't even know who the other is.
In fact, the flower shop owner doesn't leave the shopping complex much, his house is above the shop, and all the essentials are in the area.
The tattoo shop owner does most of the tattoos in the shop so he's there all the time. He also goes out to bars and clubs a lot. He stays out as to not get too dependent on everything in the area and to see his close friends.
The flower shop owner was Virgil. And he had just started to close up shop. He closed at 4:00 in the afternoon. It was a Tuesday. The tattoo artist was also closing up early.
"Virgil?" The tattoo shop owner asked.
Virgil turned to him, paused, and gasped. "Roman!" He had a huge smile on his face. "I haven't seen you in forever!" He ran up to him and hugged him.
"I know! Are you alright? You don't usually act this happy unless something is wrong." Roman said, knowing him all too well.
"Yeah, I just can't believe that I haven't even had the time or courage to go over and talk to you. Like you were just right next door. And we never saw each other. I mean these shops have been together for, what, 6 years?" Virgil said, looking at the ground halfway through then back at Roman.
"Hey, well what if we go to dinner and catch up? We can go to a nice restaurant and have some fun?" Roman asked, trying to cheer him up.
"Are you asking me out on a date?" Virgil said sarcastically.
"Only if you want it to be~" Roman said with a seductive tone of voice.
Virgil blushed like mad. "Uh- yeah-yeah sure!" He honestly did still have a crush on Roman. You see, Virgil and Roman went to the same high school. They were best friends and the two (plus Patton and Logan) were inseparable. And Virgil and Roman had huge crushes on each other, but they never told each other.
"I'll pick you up at 7?" Roman asked.
"I'll be in front of the shop!" Virgil said, racing up the stairs to get ready. He hasn't had an actual date in quite a while.
Roman laughed, "alright!"
Now it was time for Virgil to do something else he hadn't done in a long time.
Call Patton.
He picked up his phone. Today was a new day. Today was a good day. And he would get to talk to his old best friend for the first time in almost 3 years.
He took a deep breath and pulled up Patton's contact.
He pressed call quickly before he could regret it.
"Virge? Is that actually you?" Patton asked through the phone.
"Uh- yeah it's me." Virgil said quietly. He was afraid Patton would be mad at him for not talking to him for so long.
"Oh my gosh! Kiddo! I haven't talked to you in forever! We have to catch up! How does tonight sound?" Patton asked, ecstatic.
"Well actually... I have a date tonight."
"Oh. My. God. EEEEEEEEEEE. Who is it? Are they nice? Are they cute? What's their name?" Patton screamed. Virgil laughed.
"Roman..?" Virgil said hesitantly.
"Wait as in Roman Prince? Like high school Roman? Like your high school crush Roman?" Patton asked slightly confused.
"Yeah. And I'm really excited! I mean it's in like 3 hours but I have time to get ready! Right? Oh gosh, what if I'm late? What if he thinks I'm standing him up? What if he hates me? What if he-"
"Calm down Virgil! He won't hate you. I will come over to your place and help you get ready. And don't worry I'll be out before he has the chance to see me." Patton said and hung up the phone.
Virgil couldn't wait.
Roman on the other hand... he was freaking out. And what does he do when he's freaking out? He calls Logan.
"I don't know what to do! He could have totally not wanted to go on a date with me and just been to anxious to say no or something!" Roman was almost shouted.
"You know that he wants to. Why would he have agreed, twice, if he didn't want to go out with you?" Logan asked calmly.
"He could have just been to anxious and wanted it just to be a regular hang out or something." Roman said quietly.
"You really are nervous about this, aren't you?" Logan asked with sympathy.
"I mean... I haven't seen him in 4 or 5 years, since like your wedding. It's not like I can just easily forget how awful I feel about not reaching out when I wanted to. And then I don't want to mess anything up."
"Well, Patton just got a call from Virgil and this could go one of two ways. He could either have really not wanted to go with you, or he could still have a crush on you and want to go out really bad." Logan said as he watched his husband walk out of the room.
"Wait, what do you mean 'still'" Roman asked.
"He had a huge crush on you in high school. For like all 4 years." Logan said smirking.
"Your kidding."
"Am I ever?"
"Well now I at least have some hope." Roman sighed over the phone, "I'm going to go get ready for my date! I'm so excited!"
"I know you are. Go get him 'tiger'" Logan said, trying his best to sound "dad-like"
Roman laughed and hung up.
"Hey honey?" Patton called while getting his stuff ready.
"Yeah bear?" Logan called back, getting up and walking over to him.
"I have to go help Virgil get ready for the date," he paused when Logan hugged him from behind, "but I'll be back soon!"
"What if while their having their date, we have one of our own? We can talk about that really nice adoption agency I found?" Logan asked sweetly. Patton turned around in his arms with a huge smile on his face.
"I would love that," he kissed Logan sweetly, "I've always wanted to be a dad!"
"I know, love."
And with one more kiss, Patton rushed out the door and to Virgil's place.
When Patton got there, Virgil gave him a huge hug and invited him in. They talked about how Patton and Logan have been doing and Patton got in a few questions about Virgil's previous relationship, even though Virgil was hesitant to share. They talked for almost the whole time, but Virgil got ready and eventually headed downstairs in his favorite hoodie and jeans. He did put on some fancy makeup.
He walked down the stairs and into the flower shop, then out the door and to the street. He saw Roman waiting underneath a street lamp. He looked like a million bucks. He had his hair swooped upwards and slightly curled. He had the red and white letterman jacket from high school on. Virgil remembered all the times he wished he could have worn the jacket that would look so oversized on him and would smell like Roman.
Roman saw him and smiled brightly. Virgil felt so out of breath and stunned. He missed that smile. He almost swooned. Roman walked over to him.
"Hey! You look really nice!" Roman said happily.
"Same jacket." Virgil smiled as he gestured to Romans jacket.
"Same jeans." Roman gestured to Virgil's jeans. Virgil blushed brightly and looked down. "Hey, I'm just joking. I don't want us to be awkward or anything."
"How am I supposed to be not awkward around the most beautiful man on the face of the planet?" Virgil said, still looking down.
Now Roman blushed bright red.
They ended up walking to one of the more fancy restaurants in the shopping complex. They sat down in a booth at the back of the restaurant. They talked for hours about their lives and what had led them to be here. Virgil always loved having a place where he could make people happy with the art he created and be able to put that into peoples lives. He mostly did flowers for couples and even a couple weddings, he loved being apart of those peoples happily ever after.
Roman loves having something that he could use his creative genius on and be able to make things that would be meaningful to people.
They eventually finished with the food and (after a long debate ending with "I asked you out, I get to pay") Roman paid. Roman walked Virgil back to his place.
"I had fun tonight..." Roman said, not wanting it to end.
"Yeah! We should do this more often!" Virgil said happily, though he didn't want to leave Roman so soon.
Roman took a step towards Virgil. He grabbed Virgil's waist (but he gave Virgil enough time to back away if he so chose). Roman started to close the gap but waited and his breath ghosted Virgil's lips.
Then Virgil closed the gap.
The kiss was short and sweet, but it was full of emotion and passion. They both had been waiting for this since high school and now they were finally getting it. Eventually though, they had to pull away. But Virgil stayed in Romans arms.
"That was..." Virgil started.
"Better than I could have ever imagined..." Roman finished.
"Yeah..." Virgil said, speechless.
"Do you want to go out this weekend? Like on Saturday?" Roman asked.
"Of course!"
And with one last small kiss, Virgil raced up to his room to call Patton and tell him what had happened.
(1676 words)
That took me forever. This was a great au and I have so many different ideas for this au. I kind of want to write more of this au but idk if I will. I have so many other ideas that I could be doing.
Anyways, love you guys! Have a great day/night!
Peace out!
(February 2, 2020)
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