Fight! (Prinxiety + Remrom being bros)
This one gets sad and there is crying so
TW: crying
Virgil was watching Roman and Remus play fight in the creative boys room. He was sitting on the top of the bunk bed. He saw them having fun and was put at ease.
Virgil was a very shy and quiet side. The quietest in fact. He was around 8 years old while Roman and Remus were 9 years old.
"Hiya! Take that foul bother of mine!" Roman shouted as he flung his fake sword at Remus.
"You'll never catch me!" Remus slithered under the bed and Virgil leaned over the side of the rail to watch.
"Aha! Got ya!" Roman said as he pulled Remus out by the hair and held him for Virgil to see. Virgil clapped with a smile.
You see, both twins liked Virgil and Virgil liked Roman (though he would never admit it). Roman has been trying to show Virgil he was better than his brother all day.
"I have an idea!" Roman shouted, making Virgil fall back and onto the bed more. Roman dropped Remus out of worry. "Omg are you ok? I'm so sorry!"
"I'm f-fine Rowman." Virgil said. He might be eight, but not talking caused him to have a little trouble speaking. But only when he first started talking after a little while of not talking.
"Remus! I have an idea! Com'ere!" Roman said and pulled Remus up to whisper in his ear. Virgil leaned in to try and hear what Roman was saying, but he couldn't.
When Roman was done, he let go of Remus with a large smile, Remus copying that same smile (a little more vicious though).
Roman grabbed onto the side of the bunk bed and thrusted himself onto the railing, sitting on top of the railing. Remus did the same next to him. Virgil was a little intimidated by the two larger boys.
"So what if we played magical kingdom? And you were the princess?" Roman started.
"And I was the dragon witch!" Remus said.
"And I am the mighty prince!"
"And I have you captured in my lair!"
"And I'm trying to save you!"
"And we fight to the death, or until one of us surrenders, and we get to have you as our princess!"
"And they get to do with you as they please!"
"Remus that sounds bad," Roman scrutinized.
"Maybe it was meant to~" Remus said, wiggling his eyebrows at Virgil.
"So, do you wanna play with us?" Roman asked finally, "I mean you don't have to and we won't make you if your too anxious and stuff..."
"No I'll play... just don't hurt each other..." Virgil said hesitantly.
"Oh save me my prince!" Virgil said dramatically.
Virgil was in a princess dress and Roman was in a prince outfit and even Remus was in a dragon costume. They had all dressed to their part.
What Virgil didn't know about this is that whoever was the winner got to stay liking Virgil, and the other had to find a different "bride". And neither one wanted to lose Virgil.
"You will never get to the princess!!" Remus shouted and lunged at Roman.
This went on for some time.
(Time skip cause I'm lazy...)
Remus was pinned to the ground with Roman on top of him. Remus was on his stomach and Roman was crushing him with all of his might.
"Admit that I won the princess!" Roman screamed at Remus while squeezing the air out of him.
"Fine! Just get off of me!" Remus said with no breath.
Roman celebrated winning by grabbing Virgil and carrying him bridal style.
"Haha! Your all mine princess!" Roman said happily
Virgil just wrapped his arms around Romans neck and leaned into his chest.
Roman carried him into the imagination. But before he left the room he said to Remus, "I heard that deceit likes you, you should go check him out."
And with that Roman and Virgil were off to the imagination and Remus was off to go find deceit.
(With Roman and Virgil)
Roman put Virgil down on a blanket in the middle of a field with beautiful flowers.
He laid down on his stomach, chin resting in his hands as he looked up at Virgil. But Virgil laid down the same way Roman was, facing Roman.
They looked into each other's eyes.
All of the sudden Virgil kissed Roman on the cheek.
"That's for saving me."
Present day:
Virgil's POV
wow, I forgot that ever happened, Virgil thought to himself. Roman had brought me to this part of the imagination so many times before, when they were little and when they were teens. But now, Roman was gone.
I walked out into the middle of the field and sat down, facing the trees. I looked around at the memories on the field as they played out, as if they were happening right then.
Their first kiss
It was Virgil's 16th birthday and he hadn't had a proper first kiss. So Roman took it upon himself. It was his best birthday present ever.
Their first date
Roman had set up this huge dinner and was super romantic and wanted Virgil to know just how much he loved him.
And many more like that.
Then came one that Virgil did not want to see.
Roman and I were sitting on our blanket and were looking out over the city over the hill. Though the city was quite far away. We were cuddling and every once in a while Roman would lean over and kiss me.
All of the sudden he pulled me up and got down on one knee.
"Virgil you are the love of my life and I couldn't live without you, will you marry me?"
"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" Virgil replies and Roman slipped on the ring and went to kiss Virgil.
(Who knows that reference? Ok back to this)
But just as their lips were about to meet there was a loud explosion in the distance. Roman turned his head as they heard screams coming from the village.
"I have to go make sure everyone is alright!" Roman said, turning to leave
"Roman you can't you could get hurt, or worse!" Virgil said, grabbing his arm.
"It's ok, love, I won't be gone for long." Roman said and kissed Virgil's cheek. He turned and ran towards the village.
End flashback
So much for him being back.
It had been three years.
And Virgil hasn't seen or heard from him since that day.
He's kept the ring on for the whole time.
He walked over to the tree where Roman had carved their names into a tree in a heart. (Cliche I know)
"Roman..." Virgil said as he traced the carving with his fingers, "I miss you. I come here every day. I can't bear to leave you," Virgil wipes away some tears that were forming in his eyes. "I keep wanting you to break into the mind palace and come and hold me. And I keep wishing I had convinced you to stay instead of go to the village. Or take me with you, or something!" Tears fell down his cheeks, "I just want to turn around and you're there, behind me,"
Virgil thought he heard something behind him and turned around expectantly. But no Roman. Nothing was there. It was just a figment of his imagination.
"But that's unrealistic. You've probably found a better prince or princess to keep you occupied. One who's prettier and smarter and just...
Than me."
Virgil fell to his knees and cried. He stayed there for around 10 minutes, just sobbing.
When he finally stopped crying, he sat and looked at the tree.
"Ya know, deceit has tricked me multiple times, he's pretended to be you and to get me to kiss him. And admittedly, I have. And I feel horrible for it. I'm so sorry. I'm the worst fiancé ever. I just miss you so so much.
And I- I love you Roman,"
He sat and cried.
"Virgil?" Virgil heard what he thought was Roman say. He sounded broken and like he was sick.
When Virgil turned to look at him, he looked that way. He got up and walked towards him, but he stopped short.
"Roman? Deceit I swear if this is you-"
"Kitten, it's really you?" Roman asked, almost shying away from Virgil.
"Yes of course! Is it really you?" Virgil asked.
"Tell me something only Virgil would know!" Roman screamed, causing Virgil to fall back. He had a stone cold look in his eyes. Nothing like the Roman he knew and loved.
"When we were kids, you and Remus fought over me and you won and got to take me here, we've been going here ever since!" Virgil said, now convinced it was Roman.
"Oh my god. It really is you!" Roman said, with the love back in his eyes.
Virgil was cut off by Romans lips on his own.
They kissed until they had no breath and only stopped briefly.
"Oh my god, Roman I missed you so much!" Virgil said as tears streamed down his face.
Roman kissed away Virgil's tears and kissed him all over.
"Where were you? What happened?" Virgil said.
"That- that is a story for another time." Roman said in between kisses.
"I'm so happy your back! Patton and Logan are going to be so happy!" Virgil said happily.
"Then let's go tell them." Roman said as he picked Virgil up and ran towards the commons.
(1594 words)
Holy shit that took a looooooong time. Ah. I'm dead and I'm gonna go to sleep now
I'm sick and sad.
(December 2, 2019)
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