Deaf (Logicality)
So I was gonna make this Prinxiety... and then I thought...
And I just, yes.
So have-
(Patton's POV)
I was walking with Virgil through our private school, trying to get to lunch without much hassle. Virgil was always talking bad about himself and as his best friend I had to tell him he was in fact good enough.
"I'm just saying Virgil, you are so talented and have so much in that noggin of yours. I mean, your dating Roman Prince, the most popular person in this school! You learned Spanish and ASL when you were in second grade! And you know Mandarin Chinese and Brail! You know 5 languages Virgil!! That's insane!! Your amazing!" Patton practically preached.
Virgil flushed at the compliment. "No no no, I only got Roman because he thought I was mysterious and wanted to know more about me. And I am not talented, the only reason I'm in this school is because my parents don't want me going to a regular school with my anxiety. Also all of those languages were just extra curricular activities. And you could know all of those languages if you asked me to teach you." Virgil said calmly but anxiously.
"Virgil you don't just get into this school because you have severe anxiety. You have to be extremely talented." They arrived at their lunch table with Roman, Remy, Emilie, Remus, Ethan, Thomas, Joan, and Talyn. "Roman, how talented is Virgil?" I asked smirking.
"Well he's only the most talented person that's walked the earth, I don't know why he went out with me when he could have anyone in this school!" Roman replied.
"You are the only one I want..." Virgil said quietly.
Roman and Virgil were sitting and talking to each other, Remus and Ethan were flirting, remy and Emilie were doing whatever they were doing, and Joan and Talyn were talking about a date they were having that weekend. Thomas and I are the only ones who are single. I felt very lonely sometimes, even with all of my friends.
The group kept talking like that for a while until Remy spoke up and said something that I found intriguing.
"There is going to be a new boy at the school tomorrow, babes." Remy said, taking a large swig of coffee.
"Ooooooooo, do you know what he's like? As in why he got in here?" I asked curiously.
"Hun, I don't even know why I got into this school." Remy said with an eye roll.
"I heard that he was deaf (that autocorrected to dead and I can't breath)" Talyn spoke up.
"Then my ASL will come in handy," Virgil said
"I see what you did there! You made a dad joke!" I shouted.
"Wha- oh. I didn't mean to!!" Virgil shouted sarcastically
(Time skip to the next day in class cause I'm lazy and idk what to put here)
(Logan's POV)
"Do I have to go to this school dad? I mean there are plenty of deaf schools in Florida and those have good academics as well! I don't want to have a personal translator or something." I signed shyly, crossing my arms afterwards and frowning. I didn't want to go to this school and have to meet people who would try to actually talk to me and then have to get them to realize I am deaf. It's happened quite a lot actually.
"Yes, Logan, you do have to go here, you were awarded a scholarship to this school for your astronomy. Also there's no translator, I wouldn't make you do that. There's also some people who already know ASL and I'm sure there are some cute boys at this school that you could show your knowledge to"
"DAD! I came out as gay like a year ago! You don't have to point out cute boys everywhere I go!" I sign/shouted.
"Just go in now, you've been sitting here for quite some time, you'll be late."
(Tiny time skip)
I walked into the classroom to see most people already sitting down. Some were talking to their friends but one boy on the outside of the middle row caught my eye. He had circular glasses that made his eyes look magnified. He had on a blue and white crop hoodie and dark blue jeans, and was sitting bored at his desk, looking out the window. My heart figuratively stopped when I saw him.
Boy am I gay. I thought with a shake of my head. I went to the teacher and signed good morning and my name to her.
"Class we have a new student today! His name is Logan and he is deaf. Can everyone sign him a hello? Like this." The teacher, Mrs. Plum, said, I've gotten very good at reading lips.
Everyone signed a hello, even the cute boy in the middle row. She signed for me to sit down next to him. He continued to stare at me. I walked over and put my stuff under my desk. I waved hello at him. He quickly stopped staring and blushed and looked away and apologized. I could tell he was apologizing but I couldn't tell what he was saying. I pointed to my ears and shook my head.
He realized what I meant and thought for a moment. He reached down and grabbed a spiral that had doodles and drawings and words all over the front and all the pages. He grabbed a pencil and opened the spiral to a clean page. He started writing, then he slid it over to me.
Sorry! I'm not used to new people coming at me! Not that your scary! I just mean in general. Anyways! My names Patton! And I like to draw and write, of you couldn't tell already, and I am VERY gay. I mean if you couldn't tell by what I'm wearing. Anything you wanna tell me about you?
Logan thought for a minute, this mans handwriting was both messy and formal, but like a toddler. He was intriguing logan more and more by the second. And he was gay, sooo yay?
Well, my name is Logan and I am deaf. I've never been to a private or public school, since I was homeschooled up until now. I am a senior in high school and 17 years old. I love astronomy and physics is my strong suit. I take things very literally most of the time. I am also very gay and I have a hard time with romantic partners due to a bad relationship in the past. I don't usually feel comfortable with a lot of touching (hugging, etc.) and I am not very good at portraying emotions. That's a reason why I don't have many friends.
Patton stared at my handwritten almost essay on his notebook. I don't know why I felt comfortable sharing information with him but I felt comfortable with him around.
Well, Logan, I can be your friend! How does that sound?
I looked at him to see if he was joking. He wasn't. I smiled slightly.
Sounds perfect.
And just like that, the teacher called class to start.
(Time skip again and POV change)
"Can you please teach me ASL? I want to be able to talk to him!" I practically begged.
"So you've passed a note with this guy for like 10 minutes and your in love with him already? Seems a little fast for you to be doing that." Virgil said teasingly.
"I'm not in love with him! I just want to get to know him." I said, hiding in my hoodie sleeves.
We reached the table and Virgil screamed "PATTONS GOT A BOYFRIEND~" in a singsong voice. Romans eyes lit up as he went to sit with him.
"Gasp! Is it that boy from English you were talking to? What was his name?"
"His names Logan and he's not my boyfriend." I said defensively.
They looked at me skeptically.
"But you do like him." Remy said in a matter of fact tone.
"No! I don't!" I said and pouted.
"Fine, what does he like to do?" Emilie asked.
"Well, he said he likes astronomy and he's really good at physics! He has the darkest blue eyes that just have so much passion and emotion, even though he says that he isn't good at portraying emotions. He has this hair that lays above his glasses perfectly and-" I stopped once I realized I was being looked at by all of my friends with raised eyebrows and smirks.
"Okay FINE. I may like him, just a little." I said shyly.
"Well you can tell him yourself because we are getting him to come over here." Virgil said and grabbed my hand to pull me to go find him.
"Wait Virgil! We can't just do that!" I said while I laughed at his action, though I was also panicking.
Virgil stopped to look around the outdoor cafeteria and saw him sitting under a tree, a book raised up to his face. He could only tell it was him because we saw him from the side.
Virgil took me and approached Logan. I started blushing when he looked up at me, his eyes then went down to Virgil's hand that was grabbing my own. I dropped it quickly.
Logan was signing to Virgil.
(No ones POV)
"So are you Patton's boyfriend" Logan asked, slightly jealous.
"Oh no, that's not, I'm just his best friend. I actually have a boyfriend. We were just coming over because Patton wanted to invite you to our table. He must really like you because he almost never just invites people in. Not even me." Virgil signed to him. Logan blushed slightly.
"I would love to. Tell Patton to not be as nervous around me, I'm not going to bite." Logan signed teasingly.
Virgil told Patton and then walked back to the table.
Logan got up and stopped Patton from walking away. He looked around him and picked up a yellow flower that was laying on the ground next to where he was sitting. He placed it above Patton's left ear and Patton blushed. He led him back to the table where his friends were smirking.
(Another time skip cause I'm lazy as F)
A few months later
Virgil had taught Patton sign language and he could now sign fluently. It had made him and Logan not be as awkward when trying to communicate. They hung out a lot now. And they were always around each other at school.
They were constantly flirting with each other, but neither of them wanted to do anything about it, and they were to nervous for it.
Until Roman had told Patton to just go for it. So Patton decided he would.
So one day when they were sitting in the park on a Saturday, just hanging out, Logan asked Patton if he had a crush. In all honesty both of them were head over heels for each other. They had even told their parents that they liked the other. Logan was very scared for Patton's answer though.
"I- yes I do. But he would never like me." Patton signed, tensing up.
This is your chance Patton, but he won't ever like you.
"Oh? And why not?" Logan asked, feeling his heart sink.
"Because... well... because I'm too silly and I'm not smart like him. I mean I barely know anything about astronomy and physics. And besides he can't even hear my voice, which is what makes people like me, I guess." Patton rambled. And he kept going on about reasons that this boy wouldn't like him. He had tears in his eyes as he spoke. Logan grabbed his hands and brought them down to their laps. He let go of his hands to sign his next sentence.
"I don't need to hear your voice to love you."
Patton smiles sadly and looked into Logan's eyes. His tears started to fall. Logan wipes away his tears and looked into his eyes. He kept his hands on Patton's cheeks and leaned in. Stopping momentarily to see if Patton was okay with this. His breath ghosted Patton's lips and made Patton shiver. Patton closed the gap and kissed Logan gently.
Once they pulled away, they looked lovingly into each other's eyes. Patton was still crying.
"You can't imagine how desperately I wanted to do that..." Patton signed.
(2086 words)
(January 3, 2020)
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