Can't Sleep Love (Logince)
Alright so I have officially started my non-prinxiety streak. Idk how long it will last but it will be for at least 3 or 4 chapters.
Also there's not enough logince in the world so have this!
And I know Shapa232 you told me to slep but I have to write! It's important! (I did end up sleeping it's fine)
High school AU
(They live in California)
Friday, October 16th, 4:30 pm
Logan was walking through the halls with Patton and Virgil. It was the end of the day and the end of a very long week. Logan had broken up with Dario (deceit) a month ago but not because he did anything wrong. Neither of them felt any romantic attraction to each other but they were still friends. In fact, they walked home together. But Dario wasn't there today. So he was walking with only Patton and Virgil.
Logan missed the feeling of love and the rush of it. He missed the feeling of being in love and kissing someone with passion and sparks flying through his body.
"Tell me at I going crazy?" Logan asked.
"Uh-huh" Patton responded.
"Tell me have I lost my mind?"
"Yeah!" Virgil replied with an eye roll.
"Am I just afraid of loving?"
"Or am I not the living kind?"
This continued for quite some time until they eventually changed the subject and walked the rest of the way home. Logan was silent for most of the conversation. But suddenly he saw a boy who went to their school, specifically Roman Prince, the quarterback of the Varsity Football Team, staring at him from his dulled red convertible. He had on his red letterman jacket with white letters on the back that had his jersey number "24" and his last name printed above it. He had on some circular sunglasses that were tinted rose gold. His hair was fluffy and swooped up. Logan blushed at the sight of him looking at him.
Wait. He was blushing? That usually meant romantic attraction to someone. And he hadn't even really talked to Roman much! What was happening to him. He brushed his flaming cheeks with his fingertips. He stopped dead in his tracks. Patton and Virgil walked a few more steps and then noticed his gaze.
"Who are you looking at?" Patton asked.
"Is it that guy over there?" Virgil asked.
Logan snapped out of his daze and blushed even brighter at being caught staring. "No! It isn't anyone."
Just then, Romans car screeched up next to them. Well more like next to Logan.
"Hey cutie! Want a ride home?" Roman asked as he put his sunglasses on the top of his head, revealing a pair of stunning emerald green eyes that sparkles in the sun. Logan's heart was caught in his throat. Patton and Virgil rushed up to him to save him though.
"Of course he would! He just is a little shy!" Patton practically shouted, side hugging Logan to get him out of his daze. Then he shoved him into the open door of the car. Logan sat down and glared at Patton and Virgil, who just ran in the opposite direction.
"So... to your house? Or somewhere to eat first?" Roman asked charmingly.
"M-My house." Logan replied, mentally cursing himself for the blush and stutter.
"And that would be where?" Roman asked. Logan told him where and Roman started driving. The wind blew in Logan's face and hair and he loved the feeling. He had never been in a convertible before.
"Your house is a long way away. Do you usually walk all that way?" Roman asked.
"Well, yeah. I usually walk all the way home but Patton and Virgil walk with me some of the way. I just have to walk alone for around 20 minutes." Logan replied calmly, having gotten his emotions under control.
"Some part of me assumes that you don't like walking alone. Is that true?"
"Well I guess I don't like it."
"Next time you're going to walk home, I'll be parked in front of the school like I was today, if you want a ride." Roman replied, his eyes still on the road. Logan smiled a little at the offer.
Then they arrived at Logan's house and Logan started to get out of the car.
"Wait, I didn't catch your name." Roman said.
"Some part of me assumes you already know my name." Logan said as he stilled from getting his stuff together. Now it was Romans turn to blush brightly. Logan then leaned over and kissed Romans cheek quickly.
"We'll be seeing each other around." Logan said quickly.
"See you tomorrow, Logan!" Roman said and drove away.
"But tomorrow is-" Logan called after his car, "Saturday..."
He rushed inside his house and was happy his parents were on a business trip. He quickly called Patton and Virgil and told them everything that happened.
When Logan fell asleep he had a dream of him and Roman on a date. He dreamt of many romantic things, and he had Pentatonix's "Can't Sleep Love" playing in his mind during the dream.
Kissing in the moonlight,
Movies on a late night,
Getting old~
I've been there, done that,
Supposed to be hot,
But it's just cold.
Somebody wake up my heart,
Light me up,
Set fire to my soul.
Cause I can't do it anymore!
Gimme that can't sleep love~
Saturday, October 17th, 10:00 am
Logan was awoken by the sound of his doorbell ringing. He quickly looked over at his clock.
He quickly threw on short shorts and an oversized cropped hoodie, believing it was just his older brother coming home from a party. The doorbell rang again.
"Coming! I'm coming!" Logan yelled to the door.
He rushed down the stairs, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He quickly opened up the door and blushed at who was there. It was Roman. With flowers and in his letterman jacket again.
"Oh! Hi!" Logan said, trying to hide as much of his body as possible.
"Hello, beautiful." Roman said, looking him in the eyes. Not once looking at the way he was dressed.
"What are you doing here?" Logan asked quickly blushing more and rubbing the back of his neck, "not- not that I don't want you here or anything I was just- wondering!" Roman chuckled and that lit Logan's heart on fire. That was a new feeling.
"I was just coming to ask if you wanted to go out with me? Hence the flowers."
Logan took the flowers and smelled them, they were daisies and they were all different colors. They were also very alive and well taken care of. They looked like they were just in a garden.
"I would love to! Let me just- get changed." Logan said with a nervous smile.
"I'll be waiting in the car," Roman gestured to the convertible in front of Logan's house.
"Alright see you in a minute!" And with that Logan went to get changed.
(Tiny time skip because I'm lazy lol)
Logan walked out the door in a casual tank top and jeans. He wanted to seem casual but not too casual. So he walked out and got into Romans car.
Roman greeted him with a kiss to the back if his hand and then drove off after flashing Logan a smile that could kill any straight girl or gay guy.
They drove and talked about their interests and activities they were in. Logan and Roman both felt so open and free around each other. They finally stopped in a park by the San Diego beaches.
They got out and they walked a while in the nice warm breeze and the sun. They walked for a while until Roman saw something that excited him. He grabbed Logan's hand and pulled him towards an ice cream shop just outside the park area. Both of them blushed brightly at the closeness and their intertwined fingers.
They stopped at the ice cream shop and walked in. They walked up to the counter, fingers still intertwined, neither one wanting the intimacy they shared to end.
"I'll take one strawberry vanilla swirl please!" Roman said, eyes wandering the flavors with excitement.
"And I'll just take a blackberry cone please." Logan answered, amused at the teen in front of him.
Once the worker had given them their ice cream, they walked back through the park until they got to the beach. They ate their ice cream while sitting in the sand, their fingers not anymore intertwined. The warmth between their fingers just a find memory now.
They ended up getting lunch in a nice sandwich parlor just down the boardwalk with a nice view of the ocean. They sat and talked until the sun started to go down, the wind getting chilly as it blew off the ocean. Logan, being in only a tank top, shivered a few times. Roman noticed and frowned.
"Are you cold?" Roman asked with a truly concerned look on his face.
"No, no I'm fine," Logan said, still shivering.
Roman sighed and took off his jacket. He put it over Logan's shoulders. Logan blushed and immediately felt warmer.
"Uh- thank- thank you." Logan said, severely flustered. Roman chuckled that same chuckle that lit Logan's heart on fire.
"No problem! You're cute when you're flustered." Roman said with a wink. Logan felt like he was as red as a tomato right then.
Roman and Logan eventually finished up their date and Roman drove Logan back to his house. Once they got there, Roman walked Logan up to his door and waited while Logan fumbled with his keys.
Logan eventually unlocked the door and looked back at Roman.
"I had fun today." Logan said, looking down to the floor. He didn't want this date to end. This was the best date he had probably even been on.
"So did I! This is the best date I've ever been on!" Roman said looking at Logan, who looked into Romans green eyes. He practically melted when he realized what he was asking silently with his eyes.
Logan leaned in and kissed Roman on the lips. Roman very quickly kissed back. Then they pulled back. They both were very giddy once they had gone back to their original positions.
"Definitely the best date I've ever been on." Logan said with a smile.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Roman asked.
"Of course!" Logan said and hugged Roman.
And with that, they parted and Logan went into his house and leaned against the door with a huge smile on his face. He smelled the jacket and smelt Romans earthy cologne. And Roman went back to his car and hid his face in his hands with a huge smile on his face. They both were acting like schoolgirls and almost squealing. Both having Can't Sleep Love in their heads
Gimme that can't sleep love
I want that can't sleep love
The kind I dream about all day
The kind that keeps me up all night
Gimme that can't sleep love
(1835 words)
I really really like this chapter. I love the way the song is in it and I want to do more like this.
If any of y'all want to know why I'm doing other ships instead of my usual all prinxiety all the time, it's because I don't have any original or inspiring ideas for myself and I want to have this as my way to escape from the world pretty much. I will eventually get back to writing prinxiety and logicality, but for now I will write other ships.
Hope you all stay safe and healthy during these weird times!
Have a great day/night, lovelies!
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