Aw come on! Part 2 (prinxiety)
Virgil was honestly scared for what was about to happen. It was 5:00 now. Is this a date? Is this him rejecting him? WhAt Is HaPpEnInG?
Virgil just decided to text Patton to help him.
Virgil: PATTON! I really need your help! Come to my dorm room please!
Patton: alright kiddo! Be right there!
Patton arrived and gave Virgil a hug.
"What happened? Who made you upset? I sweat I'll murder them!"
"No no no it's nothing like that! I need your help" Virgil said, shoving Romans letter into Patton's chest.
"It sounds like a date! Omg what are you gonna wear?"
"I don't know! What do you think?"
"Did you happen to bring any of the skirts you used to wear last summer?"
"Yeah... I haven't put those on in so long."
"You need to wear one! You looked so cute in those! Roman would love you in those!"
Storm his behind Virgil's legs, slowly coming out and walking towards the closet. She went and stood by a black and purple skirt and a dark purple and blue flower crop top hoodie.
"I guess that's what I wearing..." Virgil said with a sigh.
Virgil put on the clothes and came out of the bathroom and looked for his combat boots.
Once he put them on he looked in the mirror and called Patton back into the room.
"Gasp! You look so good!! You now need makeup and OOOH we can curl your hair!!" Patton said, super excitedly. It's not his fault he wants to be a cosmetologist/fashion designer.
"Wait, I didn't sign up to curl my hair!" Virgil said, scared of what could go wrong.
"Do you want Roman to be impressed or not?"
Patton got out Virgil's old curling iron and got to work.
Virgil looked in the mirror and he looked stunning. And it was only 6:15!
Now makeup! The thing that Patton specialized in!
(It won't let me put in the makeup look! Sad. Pretty much it's a dark purple look with gold and black on the lid and a silver eyeliner wing)
"Wow Patton! I look stunning!"
Virgil looked down and saw 6:58
"Aw shit! It takes 15 minutes to get there! I have to go! Shit!" Virgil said as he grabbed Storm and rushed out the door. He ran though the campus. He got cat called a couple times and he was totally ruining his look by running but he didn't care, he needed to get to Roman.
Roman was waiting at the pavilion. It was 7:10 he had waited an extra 10 minutes for Virgil. He was honestly disappointed. He really liked Virgil. He wanted to go on a date with him and he had set this whole thing up.
He started walking away from the pavilion, slowly with his head down.
Roman turned around and was stunned. He couldn't think, he just rushed up to Virgil and stared.
"I'm so so so sorry I'm late! I was getting ready with Patton and I lost track of time and I had to run to get here! And so I probably ruined my makeup and I probably look like shit and-"
"You look- stunning." Roman said exasperatedly.
"Yeah." Roman said, still staring. He couldn't believe Virgil got all dressed up for him, "man I look like shit compared to you."
"No you don't, you look beautiful." Virgil realized what he said 10 seconds later, "oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I'm anxious and whenever I get anxious I talk a lot, it's just I never believed someone as pretty as you would want to go out with me, I mean I'm just an anxious guy who doesn't know how to properly go on a da-"
Roman kissed him so he would atop talking bad about himself. Virgil kisses back as soon as he realized what was happening.
Roman pulled back and said, "are you ready to go on a date with me now?"
"Of course!" Virgil said.
(648 words)
(December 1, 2019)
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