A Lovely Night (Prinxiety)
Cross dressing Virgil again.
Roman and Virgil were on a hill in Florida, looking out over the city and the beach. The sky was a beautiful swirl of color that looked like it was from a painting. They had just been at a party and it was a bit too much for Virgil. They had been invited by Patton and Logan, their roommates who were dating, and they had agreed (Virgil reluctantly). Roman had offered to take Virgil out somewhere that would be quiet so he could calm down. They had a little flirty banter on the way there and during the party. But they both had to pretend not to like each other, even though they were head over heels for each other.
Virgil was sitting on a bench with his feet out of his heels. He was in a dark purple dress with lace patterns on it
He was wearing his usual makeup and the dress was perfect on his body in Romans opinion.
Roman looked out over the sea and felt the cool breeze.
"The sun is nearly gone" Roman sang
Virgil looked up at Roman with a look that was hard for him to place.
"The lights are turning on"
Virgil was just sitting there in awe of Romans voice which he had heard plenty of times before (mostly in the shower).
"A silver shine that stretches to the sea" Roman took his hand and gestures to the sky and then over their the sea. Virgil's eyes followed his hand.
"We've stumbled on a hill, that's tailer made for two."
Virgil was looking straight at the back of Romans head, since he was faced away from Virgil.
"What a shame," Roman let out a sigh and turned to look at Virgil, "those two are you and me."
Virgil looked down at his toes. His feet were sandy.
"Some other girl and guy," he thought of Patton and Logan kissing on the bench Virgil was sitting at, "would love this swirling sky."
Virgil looked at the sky again, it was turning to purple and blue shades. He rushed up next to Roman to look at the sky better.
"But there's only you and I," Roman kept sneaking glances at Virgil's calm and lovely face, "and we've got," he looked at Virgil again "no shot,"
Virgil looked almost disappointed.
"This could never be," Roman used his hands to motion Virgil away.
"Your not the type for me," Roman winked at him and slightly hit his shoulder.
Virgil scoffed, "really?"
"And there's not a spark inside," Roman shook his head.
"What a waste of a lovely night" Roman teased, walking away from Virgil.
Virgil shot around and looked at Roman, half angry half playful, and put his finger on Romans chest once he got close enough (and turned Roman around that is).
"You say there's nothing here, we'll let's make something clear, I think I'll be the one to make that call." It was times like this in which Virgil's shortness was shown off
"What's your call?" Roman asked, leaning over Virgil, making his cheeks tint a light red.
"I know you looked so cute in your polyester suit," Virgil pointed at Romans suit jacket that was lazily thrown on the bench where he was sitting.
"It's wool," Roman corrected.
"Your right," Virgil started walking back towards the place on the hill where he and Roman were standing before, "I'd never fall for you at all,"
Roman felt a pang if disappointment in his chest.
"And maybe this appeals," Roman started whistling to his singing, "to someone not in heels, or to any guy who feels, there's some chance, for romance" Virgil sang over the top dramatically.
"But I'm frankly feeling nothing," he sang, returning to the stoic mask he used, Roman walked over to him and put his hand on his waist.
"Is that so?"
Virgil pushes him back, "or it could be less than nothing," he gave Roman a playful glare.
"Good to know, so you agree?"
"That's right," Virgil pulled Roman in close, lips ghosting Romans.
"What a waste of a lovely night," they sang together.
Roman closed his eyes, getting ready to kiss Virgil, when Virgil pulled back and pulled Roman into a dancing position. And they danced for a minute or two, ending in a rather close position, both of them holding each other. Roman looking down at Virgil with loving eyes, and Virgil looking back with the same. Both of them out of breath from dancing.
"But I'm frankly feeling nothing,"
"Is that so?" Roman said, leaning in slightly.
"Or it could be less than nothing..." Virgil sang teasingly.
"Good to know so you agree?"
"That's right,"
"What a waste of a lovely night." They sang together finally.
"May I?" Roman asked quietly.
Virgil nodded and Roman leaned in and let Virgil close the gap.
(835 words)
I cracked my phone and I'm sad,
That being said, I'm gonna start doing a question of the day type thing, which I saw someone do. I don't remember who I'm sorry!
Q: how was your Christmas?
Mine was okay, I haven't come out to my parents about being bisexual and non-binary, so they misgender and ask me how my crushes are, and right now I have a crush on a girl soooo... it was okay.
Drink some water, eat some food, and have a great day!
(December 27, 2019)
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