walls of fiction (no ship)
Credit to BBCanimefangirl for the prompt! I hope I did it justice
Jay's pov:
Logan was the kind of person who got beyond curious when someone let something slip they shouldn't have. It was common knowledge that Logan sought out, well, knowledge. That's why when Patton mentioned his "second room" Logan just had to know what (or rather who) was in it.
He had made sure that Patton would be busy ( he was teaching Thomas how to bake cookies) and snuck into the paternal trait's room and looked for a door. There was no hint of a second door aside from a small trapdoor in the wall next to his dresser. Logan knew he shouldn't have but he still pulled the small door open, wincing when it creaked loudly and hoping no one heard.
He looked inside but the walls of the short tunnel were pitch black. Logan sighed and crawled into it, curiosity raging stronger than his fear that Patton would catch him. He looked around the small space, there were two lights, one ahead and one behind. Logan continued forwards, hating the suspense that was tearing at his mind like a rabid wolf. He stood slowly when he reached the end of the tunnel, not wanting to hit his head.
The ceiling was only a few inches above his head and had LED lights in a pattern across it. Logan looked at the walls. He felt quite the shock when the one in from of him showed the world from his perspective. It caught every detail perfectly and when his gaze lowered, so did the wall's. Logan turned and faced the wall that was to the left of the exit. It looked as though someone else was stood at the tunnel, watching him. His eyes flickered over to the entrance but no one was there. He spun to face the opposite wall and saw the room from the perspective of someone who wasn't there. A third person's point of view. He stepped back, alarmed. Then he looked at the wall that housed the entrance. He saw what looked to be a living room. There was a tablet in the centre of the screen and, as he took notice of this words describing it appeared on the screen, the view flicked up to a tv with a person on it, a person who looked alarmingly like himself. There was a small girl, out of focus behind the tablet. Logan stepped back alarmed. The sentence appeared on screen as he did so and terrified Logan even more. Logan was shaking slightly and looked up at the top of the wall to see the words "Jay- the author" written at the top. He turned to face the other walls and saw writing at the top of all of them
"What you see"
"A third person's view"
"The view from the entrance"
"Logan? What are you doing in here?" Patton's voice brought him out of his terrified state. Logan's voice was caught in his throat
"Oh crap, think of something, an excuse, an answer, anything!" Patton faced the wall he had entered from and saw the words on screen. He turned and smiled at Logan.
"Really? If you wanted to know you could have just asked"
A shocked expression remained plastered on Logan's face. Logan didn't move aside from blinking and his heavy breathing that forced his chest to heave and caused the panic to rise in his throat. Logan stumbled backwards and fell, his back pressed firmly against the wall as he tried his hardest not to panic. I smiled and wrote a message to him.
"Don't panic, it's alright. I can make this easier to understand if you want" Logan nodded at the offer, deadly afraid.
"I can control what happens to you because you are a part of my short story. Patton has known about me since I started writing stories about you guys. He knows about every parallel version of you, some where you are in a relationship with the others, some where you hate them. There's even a longer one that Patton hates because in it you get sent to live with the dark sides for a while. You get out though so don't worry."
"I don't u-understand"
"Here, let me try this, it might feel a little weird." Suddenly, the idea clicked in Logan's head. He didn't understand how, or maybe he did, but he was glad he understood.
"Don't make me do anything unusual, please"
"Of course not, this'll remain our secret, just the three of us" Logan nodded and left the room, leaving Patton alone to talk to me.
"You wanted him to find you, didn't you?"
"It was a prompt, and a good one at that. I loved writing this, what did Logan try to keep you busy with?"
"Thomas wanted to bake cookies, he had me help"
"Thanks, I'll write that down then."
"Great, have fun writing, Jay"
"I will, have fun yourself Patton"
"I think you can make sure that happens"
I smiled as Patton left. Later all of the sides had a movie night but no one except Patton and Logan knew why Logan looked so shaken the entire evening. Maybe the others would find out later, probably not though. I like having someone not know I exist, it makes things a little more fun.
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