Tense (logince)
Roman's pov
Logan was tense. That's nothing new. Logan was not taking care of himself despite telling us to. That was where the issue started. I knew he wasn't suffering from any illnesses because he would be vomiting or otherwise trying to choke up some organ or another and he would be carrying tissues or a bucket around. So he clearly was stressed. I walked into our bedroom to see him hunched over his computer, typing hurriedly. I was doubly concerned when I saw the bags under his eyes that were as dark as panic! at the everywhere's eyeshadow. I ran over to him and turned him to face me. He looked up at me with the same glower you might give someone who just took the last slice of your favourite pizza. I chuckled slightly before the dark circles under his eyes regained my attention and I traced them with my thumbs.
"Baby boo, when was the last time you got a full night's sleep?"
"What day is it?"
"Five... or seven..days, maybe two weeks?" He seemed unsure of himself, which only concerned me more.
"How much sleep did you get last night?"
"Are we talking solid or broken?"
"Preferably solid and I swear if you say three hours or less of solid sleep I am dragging you to bed right now-"
"Four hours..."
"Alright, come on. Pyjamas, bed, now."
I saved the document and turned off the laptop, ignoring his protests. He could kick and scream like that one child in Tesco and I would not care because he was going to bed, whether he liked it or not. He tried to get up when I moved to leave him alone so I sat on his feet. He groaned and I smirked in the way that meant I was going to get my way
"Fine, but cuddle me instead of crushing me"
"I beg your pardon, I am as light as a feather."
"In your dreams"
"Good thing we're in bed then isn't it?"
"Shut up, I'm going to sleep..."
"Good. Goodnight honey bear"
"G'night Ro"
I cuddled up to him, feeling his breaths falter into a sleeping pace.
Logan was still too tense and he was sleeping well now, even though I had to sleep with him to make sure he did. I walked into our bedroom. The only thing that changed was that he no longer had bags under his eyes. I smiled a little at that but I was still dismayed with his hunched posture as he typed. I rested my arms on his shoulders and he sighed before saving the document and turning to face me
"What is it this time?"
"What do you mean?"
"You look dissatisfied, you seem to be acting with excess affection (even for you and that is a difficult feat) and you were observing my stature earlier."
"When was the last time you took a break?"
"I don't 'do' breaks, they aren't appropriate to my work ethic"
"You said it yourself, as did Thomas and Patton. You need to take breaks, otherwise you could end up over working."
"It is futile, however I shall consider a break."
"You are not 'considering' a break. You are having one. No ifs, buts or whys."
"Nevertheless, I-"
"And that includes any synonyms for them"
"I still-"
"No, you know what? No protests, at all"
"Fine, I shall take a break, just let me finish this-"
"No, now. Right now."
"And I'm not getting out of it, even if I gave you every jar of Crofters on the planet, which I would never do because if Crofters became a person I may leave you to chase after them instead."
"Exactly, so come on, we're watching the incredibles 2" (great movie if you haven't seen it)
"Sounds interesting, was the first one the movie with the villain who suffered the obviously horrific death by aeroplane engine?"
"You make it sound so morbid"
"That was the end of that movie"
"But still!"
"I didn't say I wouldn't watch"
"Fair point." I clicked my fingers and the tv turned on. We watched both of the incredibles movies and I was pretty happy when Logan fell asleep on my shoulder.
Logan's pov
I had accepted that Roman had unusual habits and behaviours before we started dating but now it was getting out of hand. Sure I was a little stressed and maybe I needed a break but he was forcing me to take one day off every week and I was beginning to get sick of it. I was naturally tense, could he relax for a minute and let me get back to my normal work? Apparently not as he walked in today and huffed, exactly as he did whenever something was irritating him. I sighed and turned off the laptop, facing him and repeating the process that had occured the last several times he had interrupted my work
"Let me guess, I'm too tense?"
"Exactly, and it's making you irritated, I have an idea if you want to try?"
"You've never asked before."
"Well I asked this time, yes or no?"
"Yes, if it gets you to leave this whole ' relaxing' thing alone, I will participate"
"Good, because this one is guaranteed to work"
"Nothing is guaranteed, there will always be a chance of failure"
"Stop, it's going to work," he had walked over as he spoke and was now pushing the back of my chair back. I sighed and leaned backwards until he pushed me upright. I looked confused but he didn't explain. He went over to our bed and grabbed a pillow. I raised an eyebrow but he didn't even react. He placed the pillow on my desk, moving my laptop and stationery out of the way beforehand, earning a little gratitude and more confusion as he did so. I didn't question Roman, it was an unspoken rule because he never gave a reasonable answer. I felt a pair of lips on the back of my neck and sighed.
"Roman, I love you but we are not doing that over my desk, that's what the bed is for"
"And you have the nerve to call me dirty minded"
"Well I came to the conclusion based on the evidence I have, you cannot blame me if I misinterpreted the data and came to the wrong conclusion."
"You were very wrong, baby, I'm not doing anything like that"
"Well then what are you doing?"
"Giving you a massage"
"You're giving me a what?"
"A massage" Roman pushed me forwards onto the pillow and normally I would have complained but he began to rub circles onto my back and I felt my shoulders arch painfully before they relaxed, dropping almost instantly. I sighed and closed my eyes, there was no use in stopping him. He continued pressing patterns into my back with his fingertips and worked his way up from below my shoulder blades to my neck, letting out a short chuckle when I moaned at the feeling, not bothering to contain it because I was surprisingly relaxed. I let him have his way with me until he pulled his hands away and I lifted my head to see his triumphant smile. I stood up with the pillow in one hand and threw it back on the bed. Roman hugged me, his usual affections seemingly doubled. I was beyond done at this point and fell into him. Roman pulled away to smile.
"I guess, why did you- wait- what did you do?"
"I gave you a massage, and it worked. Told you"
"It would be ' I told you' but if you're sure it worked can I get back to my work?"
"Fine, but I'm gonna do that more often, look at how relaxed you are"
"I don't feel very different"
"Shrug your shoulders"
"Just do it" he sighed. I lifted my shoulders and I was surprised when they moved such a considerable amount and it hurt much less. Roman had the expression that told me he was about to say something self-centered so I held up a hand and kissed him.
"Thank you, Ro. "
"You're welcome Lo."
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