Patton... this is not what it looks like...(logicality)
34iceway this is for you, ya dirty sinner. You hassled me for this so you gonna get what you asked for. And mayyyyybe I threw something else in here...
Obviously a smut/ lemon so sexy shit ahead
Logan's pov
No ties, great. One shirt, fantastic. I pulled it out, better than nothing. It was my fucking crop top. Why do I even have this? It was actually quite comfortable. It was slightly tight and it had the words "dirty b*tch" written across it in silver and gold. The shirt itself was blue. I slammed the drawer shut and I began to walk away when I saw something on the floor. I bent down to pick it up and heard the sound of cloth tearing. I stood immediately, expecting something to have torn the only shirt I have left. It wasn't the shirt that got torn. It was my trousers. From the waistband right down to the centre of the crotch. Fuck it all to shit. I pulled off the damn trousers and tried to find something else. I had a miniskirt for a reason I couldn't remember. I pulled it on, blushing furiously. I'd have to text Patton and explain the situation. Maybe leave out my current outfit. I pulled out my phone and texted:
Salutations Patton
What's goin on Lo?
I have an inconvenient situation. I seem
to have forgotten to wash my clothes and have
torn my only normal remaining outfit.
Oh, I'll wash some for ya!
Thank you Patton.
Quick question, what are you wearing right
It does not quite matter, thank you for your
concern though.
K, I'll get started on em now.
Thank you again.
I sighed, I wouldn't be able to leave my room until Patton got my clothes to me so I might as well have worked. I looked around for some work to do, I could always tidy. I organized my desk, made my bed, cleaned my bathroom, mopped the floor in there, piled up all of my mugs next to the door and finally relaxed when I remembered the thing on the floor. I stood and bent over to pick it up, Patton must have entered because I heard someone drop something, I whipped around, the skirt flying up as I did so. Shit. Patton was stood there, his eyes wide, his face red and a rather unorthodox bulge in his pants. I moved to pick up the clothes when I heard him mutter something.
"Y-you're so...."
"You'll have to repeat that, I'm so what?"
"C-cute." He mumbled, barely audible. My face flared , my shoulders tensed and I didn't know how to react. I began picking up the clothes, trying to function well when I felt something brush my hips. I looked around, Patton was just staring at the space between the bottom of my shirt and the waistband of my skirt. I blushed more, if that was possible, and turned around again. I reached out for a shirt and felt a hand strike me. I lurched forward. I caught myself before I could fall and then I paid attention to the sensation that ripped through my body. I moaned. I didn't register it until a few seconds later. A groan echoed out behind me and I turned around, confused. Patton was stood with one hand suspended at about hip height, the other clamped on his cat hoodie. He stepped further in and shut the door. I looked slightly shocked, he was the only one who could have hit me. What has come over him?
Patton's pov
I opened Logan's door. He was bent over, looking at something. More importantly, he was wearing a miniskirt. I dropped the basket that was in my hands and felt my trousers grow uncomfortably tight, shoot not now! I tried to form words but I couldn't. He looked amazing in that skirt. With a crop top. I felt my trousers grow even tighter. He could definitely tell. I couldn't stop myself, I told him he was cute and when he went to pick up the clothes that I had dropped I felt my hand brush his hip first. Then, when he returned to the clothes, I smacked him. He lurched forward and took a step to steady himself. Then he moaned. He was so hot. I groaned. He looked confused. His glasses had slipped down his face a little and now he looked over them, it was difficult not to. I pulled the door shut behind me. Logan already had his curtains closed so the light was already lower. I grabbed his hips and guided him towards his bed. He fell onto it and I pressed my lips onto his. Between kisses Logan moaned my name, his voice was breathy and it turned me on even more. I stood up and he whined. I walked over to the light and turned it off. I looked at him and bit my lip. He clutched his hands to his chest and let out a small squeak. I walk over slowly, grabbing the waistband of my trousers and flicking loose the button. He blushed even more. I began pulling off my hoodie with one hand. He could tell what I was doing.
"Just tell me if you get... uncomfortable~" I purred, the words rolled off my tongue with ease and they were deeper than he expected. He shivered as I knelt above him. In that moment, pure instinct took over and I pulled down his skirt, desperate to fuck him. He pulled my shirt off over my head and I pulled off his afterwards. We continued ripping clothes off each other until we were both completely undressed. I looked at him, a moment of pure concern flushing my own desires away for a minute.
"Have you... done this before?" He shook his head. I smiled. I summoned a bottle of lube and covered my fingers in it. He began to sit up, confused. I pushed him back down.
"Nuh-uh, I'm doing the work here, you relax." He nodded and let himself relax. I pushed in one finger. The sound he made was heavenly. I thrusted it in and out for a bit and then added another. He was stringing out moans and swears every time I moved my hand. I chuckled.
"We haven't even gotten to the best part yet~" my voice came out in a low purr again and he pressed against my fingers. I added another, he began to claw at the sheets beneath him. I curled them around a bit and smirked when I hit the bundle of nerves that made his back arch and sent more pleas pouring from his mouth than any other. It grew too much and I pulled out my fingers. The whine that ripped from his throat was what kicked me into overdrive. I applied the lube then I pressed in, I hovered above him and he clawed at my back, leaving crescents and jagged lines on my back. I moaned. I was completely in. I stopped and waited for him to give the ok. He moved his hips and I began to move as well, slowly so as not to hurt him.
"F-Fuck faster! Please! God, faster please, Patton!" His voice faded into a gentle half- whisper. I complied, going as fast as I could and all the while trying to angle myself to hit the spot I wanted to hit.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! Right there! Please, right fucking there!" I found it. He was writhing underneath me. I paid attention to his face for a bit. His glasses were heavily askew, his hair was a mess and his mouth was spilling a thousand words a minute. I pressed my mouth to his to try and get him to shut up. It worked a bit. He couldn't speak and was reduced to moaning loudly, especially considering that my tongue was pressing his down and was about as gentle as my hips were. He began bucking his hips upwards, making me hit even deeper every time.
"I-I need ahh~!" he screamed as he came, clenching around me and pulling me even closer. I kept going, almost at my own climax. He came down from the high and the room then began to echo with his overstimulated screams. It threw me over the edge and I came. I pulled out. He looked exhausted, to be fair, I probably did too. I grabbed a cloth and cleaned both of us off. I picked up his clothes and mine. I got dressed and told him he should come down for breakfast. I left the room and walked downstairs. Virgil was sat on the sofa.
"Oh you're done? Can you tell your boyfriend to use a gag on you next time, jeez"
"That wasn't me that was screaming, that was him"
Logan was at the door, dressed now in his normal outfit. I smiled at him
"Come on out, nothing to be afraid of" he stepped out and Roman walked in.
"So, was Pat good?" Logan blushed
"Leave him alone, he was a virgin until a little bit ago." I said as he hid his face in my shirt and I wrapped my arms around him
"Sorry, but seriously Lo, use a gag on him next time, he's loud as fuck"
"Again, I was quiet, Lolo here was the vocal one"
"Oh, wow... I did not expect that from you"
"I- I don't think I expected it myself..."
"Well. On the plus side we don't need biting to show you're mine, I could just do that again." Logan's face stayed cherry red for a good few minutes after that.
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