My coat
Eun is pronounced Yoon (roughly) and is the Gaelic word for bird. I got too lazy to find an accurate term for the avian equivalent to a selkie so I just used the Gaelic term for a bird (technically selkie is just seal in Gaelic). I also ignored some sort of depressing lore about the rule of "visit only once every seven years" for selkies (I suppose it's excusable since there are no selkies, per se) when in reference to their human lovers.
Logan ran down the beach, long hair flying out behind him and the sand crunching beneath his toes. He giggled as he ran across the beach, sun setting over the ocean. Another person barrelled into him, and they fell into the sand, all laughs and smiles.
"Dee! Bro, I need to put my coat away first!" He squealed, both of them rolling in the soft white coral sands. "You know what could happen if I lose it."
Unfortunately, a hunter heard the conversation. He peeked over the rocks and blinked in surprise at the sight of the two gorgeous men, both carrying what looked to be a luxurious coat made of feathers of the mourning doves that lived on the cliffs sheltering the beach. He watched the two men as they set their coats in a small nook of an alcove before running off to the sea, where they danced and splashed about, both boys giddy with excitement.
The hunter stole one of the coats and ran off, hoping to show his older brother and make him proud.
Upon returning to the cove, Dee took his coat and flew off to the cliffs, but Logan's coat was nowhere to be seen. He was trapped as a human, an afraid, lone eun trapped in a cove until he was rescued or his coat returned to him.
Nightfall soon arrived and a fisherman landed in the cove, scaring Logan into hiding in the cave. He started to cry and the fisherman, intrigued and concerned at the sound of crying, found Logan curled up and with his long hair curled in locks as though they were a curtain veiling the slender body they belonged to. The fisherman knelt in front of Logan.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly, reaching out to touch Logan's shoulder. The poor eun flinched away, bluish green eyes full of tears. "Please... I need my coat..." He begged, sniffling. The fisherman was confused, but quickly realised what was happening after a quick glance over Logan's body. He wrapped his coat around Logan's shoulders, hoping to comfort him. "Let's get you into the warm, I'll help you find your coat in the morning."
Logan curled up into the contact, relaxing slightly as exhaustion from his long day and crying set in. The fisherman shifted and picked Logan up. "I'll take you back to my house, once you're rested and fed we can go find your coat. It can't have gone far."
Logan and the fisherman engaged in a light conversation as the fisherman carried Logan up the cliff and to his home. Logan eventually fell asleep and the fisherman, who's name Logan had learned to be Virgil. He also hauled his catch back, though he had it in a cart which held a few cold water tanks that he pulled by a rope around his waist.
Virgil set Logan in the spare bedroom before returning downstairs, his sister Christie and little brother Cailean helped him shift the shellfish to the cool tanks they kept in order to keep the crustaceans live. Virgil always found it best to keep shellfish overnight, so many would buy their crayfish and other such fish from him, where they got things dead for a few minutes if they wanted them that way, or still live if they didn't.
"Big brother, I found a cloak of feathers while hunting today."
"A cloak? What kind of feathers?"
"Well, it was more of a coat-type thing, and I found it near the cove. It was made of the same down as the Mourning doves on the cliffs. I didn't go near the beach, just to the edge of the forest to have a look, and I saw these men. They had really long hair, too long for them to have to worry about replacing something like a feather coat, so I figured we could sell it on, see how good the trade is for down." Cailean smiled at Virgil, who only seemed to be growing more concerned with every detail Cailean gave of his theivery.
"And what exactly did this pair look like?"
"Well, I don't really remember too much, and I didn't really see them up close, but they were both pale things, soft looking skin, not a blemish or bruise to speak of, as far as I could tell. They had big blue eyes, both of them, like the sea after a storm, and long hair down to their knees. But it was smooth, not like a normal person's hair. The ends all looked recently cut, but also curly at the ends."
"Cailean... you stole not just any coat... you stole the coat of a eun. A eun that, by your description, might be the one I brought home." Virgil explained. "Where did you put the coat?"
"M-my room. I didn't mean to, brother! I thought it was just a cloak. It looked very pretty."
"It's alright. This will all be alright." Virgil sighed. He left Christie and Cailean to continue sorting what he would sell tomorrow. In Cailean's room, he did find the coat, thankfully undamaged and even warmed by the heater.
"Logan... Logan wake up." Virgil whispered, shaking Logan very lightly. The Eun awoke with a whine, blinking up at Virgil tiredly. "I found your coat... turns out, my brother had it. He thought it was just a fancy cloak. But, here it is. You're welcome to stay the night if you wish, or you can go hom-"
Virgil was cut off by Logan pressing his lips against Virgil's. He pulled the human in close before gently pulling away. "Thank you, thank you so much Virgil..." Logan whispered, cradling Virgil, who was staring blankly at Logan in flustered shock.
"Isn't it your tradition to share kisses as a declaration of love?" Logan asked softly, gently rubbing his hand along Virgil's jaw. Virgil nodded dumbly. "Yeah, but like... normally people don't kiss over a returned coat..." He mumbled.
"I cannot help it... You returned my coat... it is my free will, my ability to go and stay as I please. I owe you my life..." Logan smiled weakly at Virgil. "And you are very handsome..." He whispered. The eun rested his head on Virgil's shoulder, and Virgil hesitantly laid down, ensuring he was given a permissive nod from Logan before using his coat as a blanket. Except Logan promptly set it on the table and pulled Virgil under the soft blankets.
"I do not like your brother much..."
"He's nice, just a little misguided. He didn't know you were a eun, see? It's normal for this kind of stuff to happen when kids don't know things. You should sleep now, we'll have something warm to fill you up in the morning."
Logan and Virgil ended up falling more and more in love as time passed, the fisherman and his strangely attractive husband, who always wore a mourning dove feather shawl. Cailean apologised very quickly for the misunderstanding, and made a woven cloth blanket for Logan to wrap his coat in in order to protect it from being stolen if he ever needed to.
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