Acutely Aware (logicality)
Logan's pov
Roman was being his usual self - far too loud and rambunctious. This meant that my ears, as I was extremely sensitive towards sound, had begun to hurt about five minutes into his practice for another one of his theatrical performances. I ignored him at first, watching game theory on my phone. Then he got louder and louder until I could barely move it was so bad. I managed to collect myself just enough to leave the room in a calm enough manner that it might just seem that I was annoyed but not in the mood for confrontation.
I ran to my room and slammed the door, not caring who heard. I slapped my hands over my ears and crawled to the corner of my room furthest from the stairs, he was practicing by them. I let a choked sob escape as I curled up in the corner, my hands still cupping my face. The sobs were loud and I wouldn't be surprised if someone heard, then again they were all less gifted when it came to hearing than me. I lifted my head and dropped my hands. It was quieter. I stayed in the corner but I extended my legs and sat in a more comfortable position than the small ball I had previously been in. I felt my entire body trembling from the remnants of my panic attack. I stood after a little, holding my hands out and grabbing at my furniture to make sure I didn't fall. I sat at my desk and picked up my hand mirror. I had visible tear stains on my face but otherwise I looked completely normal. I rubbed them a little and my cheeks flared from the friction. Patton opened the door at that exact moment. I looked up at him and smiled briefly before I realised; he was the literal embodiment of emotion, I couldn't hide this from him.
"Logan? What's the matter?" His voice was soft, barely above a whisper. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I turned away as they began to spill, trying to hide this was more difficult than it first seemed. Patton picked me up and sat on my bed, hugging me tightly. I didn't bother trying to move away and instead huddled closer, tears pouring down my face. He didn't push me away or try to stop me from making a mess of his shirt but just let me cry until I was hiccuping dry into his chest. He held my shoulders and smiled at me in that comforting way he was best at. I bit my lip to try and stop myself from crying again but he pulled it from between my teeth.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Sort of..."
"It's okay, take your time, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."
"I, my hearing is... beyond good. Roman's loud so I hid up here to try and get some quiet."
"And you had a panic attack."
"How did you know?"
"I've helped Virgil through a lot of them, I know the before and after signs. Plus I heard you crying but if I burst in I might have made it worse."
"Thank you Patton... You're the first person to know this."
"Maybe you should tell Roman so he doesn't practice too loudly around you."
"I don't know, what would he think of me?"
"He's a good guy, he would probably be upset to know you've hidden it as long as you have."
"If you're sure..." I tried to climb out of his lap but Patton hugged me close.
"Patton, I need to get off of your lap to tell Roman..."
"Do you?"
"I could carry you"
"I love you but no thanks"
"Awww, love you to Logi berry"
"Now can you let go? "
"Aww, okay..." Patton whined as I clambered off his lap and onto the floor. We walked downstairs hand in hand and Roman yelled just as we reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Roman, stop it. Now." Patton growled, clearly noticing me flinch at the volume Roman was speaking at.
"Padre, what on earth is the matter, I thought you liked my drama?"
"I do, but Logan has sensitive hearing and you're being too loud"
"Oh my, I didn't realise. Are you okay Logan?"
"Fine, just shaken is all...."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you"
"It's okay, I'm just glad we could sort this out."
~one week later~ (Logan's writing a letter nightly... I couldn't help myself)
Patton rubbed the tears from his cheeks. He looked up into the mirror on the bathroom wall. I didn't want to make my presence known but I really had no choice. I stepped into the room and waited for Patton to look at me. It took a moment, but he turned to face me and I broke at the expression on his face. Before either of us could say a word, tears sprung up in his eyes and slithered down his face on roads less travelled. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around his torso and pull him in tight. He sobbed into my chest, clinging to me. I picked him up and brought him back into my room.
Once he had calmed down, I decided to ask: "what happened?"
"It was just a sad video, nothing important, really"
"The truth this time"
"I-I was... upset because... I thought you didn't need me..."
"Of course we do, you're Thom-"
"Not like that," he cut me off, "like... you didn't need me. You specifically"
"Why on earth would I not need you? Patton, you care so much about me and you helped me when- this is what it's about isn't it? About my hearing, is that it?"
"Y-yeah. I thought you wouldn't want me..."
"Of course I want you, in more ways than I think you realise"
"W-what?" Patton stammered. I blushed and my eyes flicked down to his lips, then back up to his eyes. He blushed, obviously noticing the change in my focus. I leaned forwards until my lips touched his. It only lasted a moment, I pulled back fast. Patton rolled his eyes.
"That's not how you kiss, silly. This is how you kiss" he leaned forwards and kissed me again, it lasted longer and I felt the butterflies in my stomach begin to whirl. My head was spinning, my thoughts swirling uselessly as he kissed me. He grabbed my hands and lead them to his waist, I wrapped them around him tighter so he was pulled in. He draped his forearms over my shoulders, his hands locking behind my head to keep me there. Our lips parted and I realised just how badly I needed oxygen. I felt his breath fanning across my cheeks and so I matched my breathing to his.
"That was... a kiss." He whispered between breaths.
"C-can we do that again?" I asked, he didn't respond with words, instead he kissed me again.
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