The Most Inconvenient Couple (Analogical)
(Logan's P.O.V.)
When I met my current partner, it was almost love at first sight (if such a thing existed). We hung out quite a bit, learned about the other, and became very close very quickly. However, the topic of jobs and work never came up. Eventually, he asked me out and I accepted. We've been dating ever since, going on two years now. We've gotten to a point of even talking about marriage, but it's yet to be decided on either of our parts.
After our third date I finally decided to ask about work. After all, I had just been promoted to Chief of Police and was very excited to brag. He pulled me aside and took me down an alley before admitting that he was the towns Mob Boss. This took me by surprise, and I admitted to him my current line of work.
His eyes widened, and looked almost like he was contemplating shooting me. I was having my own personal battle; arrest him or pretend I didn't know? I finally settled on the latter, assuring him I would never betray him and would always find ways around it.
We decided the best thing to do would "run into each other" every once and a while and pretend to start a chase, maybe a shootout if he or I had backup. But we'd always put the other before our job, although he had a trickier time with that as he could be killed for doing so and I can only be fired.
Seeing as I'm Chief though, no one in my division can complain to me about me not catching the Mob Boss, and he assured me he'd keep his family in line and I have free right to arrest any of them if they're sloppy. He claims they know better, and I'm starting to believe him seeing as I've only had to arrest one member of the Mob about a year ago. Turned out it was his cousin, who he really didn't care about and said the Mob was better off without him.
In short, my relationship is currently a very interesting one. Even more interesting now that we live together, happier then ever before. We're both always on call and we've both had to jump out of bed at 2AM, but it doesn't matter because we protect each other.
"Lo, you're spacing out again." I hear his voice and I snap out of my trance, looking over at my partner. At Virgil.
"I apologize, I was thinking about how we got together and thought of our little agreement." He chuckles at that, shaking his head and tipping his hat down as a police officer passes by. We're walking down the sidewalk towards our home now, seeing as we walked to a small cafe a couple miles away.
"Not a bad thing to think 'bout." He admits and I nod in agreement, sighing as I watch him smile slightly.
"You truly are beautiful, Virgil Black." I whisper, and his cheeks burn bright red as he smirks.
"Well, you ain't too bad yourself there, Mr. Logan Whise." My cheeks burn the same red, a small smile on my face as I kiss his cheek. He stops then, looking down an alley and frowning. "Hold up, I think I see a shipment. It's unescorted... I'll be right back." He says, putting his hand on his hip. To anyone else it would look natural, to me I know he's reaching for his gun. I shrug, leaning against a wall and watching the street. It's fairly loud, with traffic passing by and people walking down the street. Until...
"Chief!" My head snaps towards the call to see a man of my division, Detective Sanders, holding his gun and nodding towards the alley Virgil went down, and three other men are now going down. "We found the Boss! He's right down here!" He calls to me, and I swear under my breath, nodding and grabbing my gun. I really hope to god that Virgil walked a different way, and/or has bullets. I run down the alley and hold up the pistol, spotting Virgil inspecting the crate he glanced at earlier.
"Freeze!" I yell and he looks up, snapping into Mob Boss mode and grabbing his gun, shooting towards us as we all duck. I notice his move to try and avoid me, but with the now rain of bullets that'll be harder for both of us. I curse quietly, reloading as I'd already wasted a lot on just shooting the crate. I quickly peek up and shoot, my heart stopping as I hear a cry of pain. I stand up and put on my facade, watching as Virgil books it down the alley. The four men behind me start following but I hold out a hand.
"But Chief-" I cut off Detective Sanders, holstering my gun and trying to swallow my guilt and fear.
"He's wounded, with any luck his blood trail will lead us back to his home." I state, putting on an emotionless facade that my men would be used too. The four nod and start slowly following the blood trail. I know Virgil, he wouldn't be dumb enough to actually lead them anywhere. He'll lead them to an abandoned parking garage we agreed on for this specific case, stop the blood flow (if there is any) and head back to the house. For now, I'm heading to the house on my own and mentally preparing for the worst.
"Oh, I'm never going to hear the end of this..."
Two hours later and I hear the front door open quickly and quietly. I put my book down and inhale deeply, trying to calm my racing mind. Sure enough, in a matter of seconds, Virgil walks in, holding his left shoulder through a red stained cloth.
"So, how was your day at work?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood but Virge is having none of it.
"You fucking shot me! That was my day at work!" He says harshly, a bite to his tone that I'm not used to hearing aimed towards me. I flinch a bit, frowning and standing up.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't see." I say, hoping he'll believe me. He does nothing but stare at me for a second, his brown eyes studying me through brown bangs.
"Yeah, whatever, I get it. There was heavy fire." He says, his muscles relaxing as he gets over his fury. I breath a sigh of relief, smiling a little before I start reaching towards his shoulder.
"Let me help you?" I ask more than state and he nods, letting me lead him to our bathroom. I have him sit on the countertop, and I hear him chuckle as I look through our cabinets for the needed supplies.
"You will never hear the end of this, you know that?" I nod immediately, putting medical supplies next to him.
"Yeah, I do." I take his hand away from his shoulder and take the cloth away next, seeing that his shirt was already torn to give access to the gunshot wound. The shoulder is bright red with blood, so I take a simple washcloth and start dabbing the blood away.
"I didn't bleed onto the ground much, but I went to the garage first." Virgil speaks quietly, leaving a comfortable and relaxed feeling around us, despite the situation. This isn't the first time either of us have come home shot, just the first time it was because of the other. After getting the blood cleaned up I start to inspect the wound, making sure I don't have to take it out or anything.
"Well, you're lucky as hell. Doesn't look like you got hit in any arteries or your brachial plexus, so we should be good. Scar tissue will form, but I don't think I have to take it out." He nods at my diagnosis, giving me a thumbs up as I start wetting a washcloth with water. There's still some blood and just to make sure I want a perfectly clear view.
Normally I would hate to diagnose the wound myself, but Virgil's face is known in all law-enforcement areas, including hospitals. He'd be arrested on the spot, and that's the last thing I want. So, we make due with our diagnoses and hope for the best.
"This'll sting." I say, causing another nod since he knows by now. I put the washcloth over the wound and he hisses, closing his eyes and gripping the countertop as I delicately start rinsing the wound.
"Damn it." He chuckles, shaking his head before he looks up towards the ceiling, sighing with a bit of an airy laugh. "God, and I was planning on fucking proposing today too." I don't think he meant to say it, but he does anyways, and it almost causes me to drop the washcloth. Instead I just freeze, taking the washcloth away and looking at him.
"What?" I can't have heard him correctly, could I have? He looks at me and nods, a small smirk on his face. That smirk I love oh so much because it both excites me and terrifies me.
"Yeah, have the ring and everything. That shipment I saw earlier was really some stuff I asked my guys to send so I could surprise you with a big dinner and nice decorations here at home, and then I was gonna ask. But you had to shoot me, didn't you?" He explains, but I don't even comprehend what he said before I speak.
"Yes." Is all I say, and he looks almost horrified.
"Excuse me?" I shake my head, realizing what I just accidentally said yes too.
"No, not that. I mean, I would have said yes." His eyes widen and a small smile graces his lips as he stares at me.
"You serious?" I nod, and he immediately grabs my tie, pulling me into a kiss that I wish could last longer. But what he says when he pulls away makes me want this moment to last forever. "In that case, let's get married."
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