Make-Up (Analogical)
(Patton's P.O.V.)
It's been a whole year since my friends and I moved in together, mostly for friendship but also since we all go to the same college. You see, the college we all go too is not only really close to where we live but also provides courses for all of us! I'm getting my teaching degree, and Virgil is getting his psychology major done, and Logan is getting his neuroscience major, and Roman...
Well, Roman is a special one. He, being Princey, is majoring in theater but minoring in make-up. This means that more often than not I get to be his test subject for multiple different things, which is great. I mean, yeah I have other things to do, but I never turn Roman down for a free makeover. He's so talented, and so passionate.
But today he didn't actually ask me to be his model, he asked Virgil. Of course Virgil immediately responded with a no, but Roman persisted and explained how it was because his assignment was to do the opposite of what he'd normally do and he wanted to use Virgil since their styles are polar opposites. Eventually Virge agreed, but only because Logan said something or other about there being no harm in trying.
So, here Logan and I am sitting in silence on the couch as I watch Steven Universe and he reads some sort of book. I would ask him about it, but he seems really out of it today for some reason so I've decided to just not bother.
I'm shaken from my thoughts (and my show) when I hear a very dramatic clearing of the throat. I pause the TV, glancing over to the hall to see Roman standing there with a very proud look on his face. I tap Logan's shoulder, who looks at me quizzically and then looks over at Roman, putting a bookmark in his book and putting it on the end table.
"Roman, you now have our attention." Logan states, me nodding enthusiastically. Is he finally done with his project? Can we see Virgil with make-up on now? Roman stands up straighter and puts a hand on his chest, inhaling deeply as if he was to make a bold declaration.
"Non-existent ladies and two gentlemen, I would like to present... Virgil." He says, immediately losing the facade and moving to the side in a very giddy manner. However, no one walks down the hall. I frown, Logan simply looks confused. Roman huffs, and puts his weight on one foot, kind of stomping. "Come on, Emo Nightmare, I want to show off my work." He says and I hear a groan from the door down the hall (aka, Roman's studio).
"But I look ridiculous." I hear a muffled Virgil, to far away and not speaking quite loud enough for it to be perfectly clear.
"I'm sure you look great!" I call out and Virgil only groans again. Roman sighs over dramatically and crosses his arms.
"If you aren't here in ten seconds I will drag you out of that room." He says sternly, followed by silence. And then a door opens and closes, and a very shy Virgil comes walking into the light. The moment he does I start squealing, praising both Roman for the work and Virgil for how great he looks. Roman made him ditch the hoodie and put on a leather jacket to complete the look, but his makeup...
Roman accentuated his cheekbones more, and did an homage to Virgil's usual eyeshadow. However, the way Roman did it it's both black and red, perfectly blending as it falls down his cheeks. He has eyeshadow on his actual eyelids as well, a mix of purple and black from what I can tell, a nice smokey-eye/winged look going on. Finally, he has lipstick on, a dark red outlined and blended in with an even darker red, almost black. Finally, his purple bangs fall in front of his face like they always do, but it makes him look even better. Amidst my praise, I didn't pay any attention to Logan until he abruptly stands up.
"I-I have to go." He stutters, mumbling and speaking quickly as he rushes out of the room. This leaves both Roman and I silent, Virgil not changing except that he just sulks more.
"See? I look so stupid I forced Logan out of the room." He huffs, looking to the ground. I frown, shaking my head as I put a hand on his shoulder.
"No, you look amazing. I'll go check on him to see what that was about." I say and he nods, though he doesn't look all that concerned.
I know he's more concerned then he's letting on, he always is. As I walk towards Logan's room I hear Roman talking to Virgil about taking photos to show his professor, and Virgil arguing about how that wasn't something he was told would happen. I don't hear the end of the conversation however as I reach the top of the stairs, quickly walking down the end of the hall and knocking on the last door to the right.
"Lo? You in there?" I ask, and I hear a muffled "yeah". I open the door slowly, walking in to see Logan bundled up in blankets and pillows on his bed, clutching his one pillow like a lifeline. This just makes everything even more confusing, considering I've never seen Logan like this before. I walk over and sit down slowly on his bed, frowning as I try to figure out what to take away from this. "Is everything okay?" I finally just ask, knowing that I'll either get a full-blown explanation or nothing at all. Today, however, seems like an explanation day as he sits up and leans against the wall, face as red as a tomato.
"Pat, I don't know what to do." He admits, voice quiet as he glances at me, glasses tilted weird on his head. The fact that he does nothing to fix them makes me even more worried and confused than before. I reach up and fix them quickly, my OCD getting to me more than my concern.
"You don't know what to do about what?" I ask, needing more clarification than just a plea for help. He sighs, hitting his head against the wall and closing his eyes.
"Feelings." He says then, and that's when my mind starts working with me. I've suspected for a while now that there's a couple crushes going on in this household, and if what I can take away from both Virgil's reactions and the start of this conversation I have a reason to suspect that Lo and Virge like each other. That's both so messed up and so adorable.
"Feelings... About what?" I ask, smirking slightly as I pray this is going the way I think it is.
"I don't know!" He huffs, frustrated about his current situation no less. I nod, humming softly as I try to pick my next question carefully.
"Well, what do you feel?" I ask with a sense of confidence I try not to let him pick up on. I don't want him figuring out my theory right now, I just want this to pan out the way it will. He sighs, smiling contentedly as he just thinks and speaks.
"I feel like I'm soaring above the clouds. Like there are butterflies in my stomach, but they aren't making me uncomfortable, they're helping to lift me up. I feel like my world is instantly brighter, better, and more lively than ever before. I feel like school suddenly isn't the most important thing ever, that there's something else to life than just learning." With a small sigh and a chuckle he brings his head down, smile one of both happiness and sadness. "I do know what my feelings are about." He admits and I nod, putting a hand on his shoulder and sighing.
"It's love." I whisper and he nods, not wanting to admit it but also wanting to always speak the facts. When I see tears start building in his eyes I shake my head, rubbing his shoulder to try and get him to look at me. "Hey, it's nothing to be upset about. You love someone, Logan, and that's an amazing thing." He chuckles a bit, a few tears falling as he bites his lip.
"But he won't like me back." He says it so quietly I barely hear him, but I do and I immediately know I have to take action.
"It's Virgil, isn't it?" I ask, and I only earn another small nod in response. However instead of feeling happiness like I thought I would, I just feel a sense of pride, smiling softly as I know a grin of excitement would be too much. "Logan, for the smartest one in this house you sure are dense sometimes." I state and he looks at me with an almost offended expression, although I know it's just shock.
I speak quietly, leaning in slightly so I know only he can hear me. "Virgil loves you so dang much, Lo, I don't know how you don't see it." When I earn no response I try to use a different tactic. "Tell me why you walked out of the room a few minutes ago." Logan seems shocked at my question, but doesn't deny it. He just starts talking again, rambling like he always does.
"I was running away from him, because he walked out in that make-up and somehow he looked even better than he normally does, although I thought that was impossible, and all I wanted to do was go up to him and kiss him and hold him and I couldn't, and I freaked out so I just got up and did what I do best. I walked away. I made him feel bad. God, I know I did, why did I make him feel bad?" I stop him from rambling more but cutting in, although I normally hate to interrupt.
"And you know he loves you because he felt bad that you left. He thought you leaving meant you were disgusted with him, and that hurt him because he loves you." I say, knowing that the information would break Logan's heart but would give him the motivation to finally talk to the anxious baby downstairs. Logan looks at me with tears in his eyes still and shakes his head.
"I'm not disgusted with him, I could never be disgusted with him. I love him." It's the first time I saw such raw emotion in Logan's eyes and my god I hope I'll get to see it more. I smile then and I push him slightly.
"Don't tell me that. Tell him." He smiles at me, gives me a quick hug, and then gets up and runs downstairs as quick as he could. I don't think I've ever been so proud of someone in my life.
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