A/N: This was requested by the wonderful BrandonMull_Lover. Go check out her out!!! She's got a book of awesome poetry!!!!!
Proceed with caution, as this is incredibly adorable and heartwarming. Side effects may include happiness, fangirling, squealing, and being unable to contain your excitement.
Thomas POV:
Waking up, I felt refreshed and excited for recording today's video, no hint of nerves present. I hopped out of bed, took a quick shower, and ate a small breakfast.
As I was setting up the cameras, Patton rose up in his spot.
"Hey there kiddo!!!" he beamed, clearly excited for the video.
"Hey, Pat!" I acknowledged, making sure his camera was good.
"You seem to be in a good mood!" Patton said.
"Yeah," I responded, turning to work on Roman's camera. "I just woke up feeling super excited for the video. I don't know why. I just am."
As soon as I finished talking, Roman appeared in his usual fashion. A massive grin was on his face, and he couldn't stop bouncing around.
"Clearly you are excited because you have a very creative idea. Don't bother thanking me, it's my job," he said in an incredibly dramatic fashion.
"Roman!" I sighed, exasperated. "Would you stop bouncing around for 5 seconds so I can get the camera into focus?!?!?!"
Roman stood still and pouted. "I can't help that I'm excited to record this new video!!!! You don't ever tell Patton to hold still when he's bouncing around."
When Roman finished speaking, Logan appeared in his spot, arms crossed across his chest.
Straightening his glasses, Logan addressed Roman. "Clearly the reason he is reigning you in is that Patton doesn't bounce around the room like he is made of rubber."
"Well sorry that I'm passionate about what I love, bore and a snore times four... eyes," Roman said in response.
"Now kiddos," Patton said. "Now's not the time to argue. We've got a video to make!!!"
"I agree with Patton on this one," I said, moving on to Logan's camera. "You can argue during the video, but not before, please."
Roman and Logan both looked at each other for a few seconds before sighing and pouting.
"Fiiiiiine," they said in unison
I gasped, probably inhaling all the oxygen in the room. "Yay!"
Patton squealed and clapped, "Let's start recording!!!!!"
~~~Time skip because I can't think of anything that sounds good~~~
A few minutes into the video, I said something that had been on my mind since before I hit the record button.
"Guys???" I asked.
"Yes, Thomas?" Logan said.
"What is it kiddo?" Patton inquired.
"Is something wrong?" Roman fretted, starting to get out his sword.
"Well, I was just wondering, but," I paused for effect. "Do any of you know where Virgil is??"
I looked at the three of them, and they all looked baffled.
Patton was the one to speak.
"I don't know kiddo. I haven't seen him since last night at dinner."
I paused for a few seconds, thinking. Eventually, I held out my hand and summoned Virgil.
Within a few seconds, Virgil was sitting on the stairs partially facing away from us. In his lap was a large book, and he was holding a glue stick between his teeth. I saw him place something in the book before he looked up and realized where he was.
"WHAT THE FUCK GUYS!!!!!!!" he shouted, almost falling off the stairs.
"LANGUAGE!!!!" Patton shouted back.
"ITALIAN!!!!!!" Roman shouted, happy to be able to be loud.
Once my sides had quieted down some, I asked Virgil a question.
"Hey, Virgil? What's that you've got on your lap?"
Virgil's eyes widened and he looked down at the book. He quickly slammed it shut and tried to hide it behind his back.
"Oh no you don't," Roman said as he reached over and snatched the book out of Virgil's hands. He flipped the cover open and immediately "aww"-ed.
"You guys," Roman said. "It's a scrapbook!!!"
Patton, Logan, and I walked over to Roman's corner and looked over his shoulder at the pages the book was open to.
The background was a baby blue color, and in the middle of the layout was construction paper cut out to spell "Dad." Covering the pages were pictures of Patton.
Some of them looked to be screenshots he took of the videos, while some were obviously taken on his phone's camera.
Patton squealed and immediately walked over to Virgil to give him a hug.
I watched Patton walk over, and it was then that I noticed that Virgil was huddled in the corner of the stairs. His hood was up, and he was looking at us all with a death stare, quietly hissing.
I turned back to the scrapbook when I heard Roman "Aww" again. The next page was dedicated to Roman. At the top of the page was "Sir-Sing-A-Lot" in fancy letters. There were pictures of Roman on stage performing, him holding a microphone while singing karaoke, and even one picture of him standing on a cliff looking out over a lake.
When Roman saw the picture of him by the lake he gasped.
"Virgil!!!" he exclaimed. "How did you get all these pictures?!?!?!?!"
He looked over to Virgil, and I looked too. Virgil curled further into the corner and hissed again louder this time.
"AWWWW!!!!" Patton squealed. "HE'S LIKE A LITTLE KITTY!!!!!!"
It was true. Virgil looked like a black kitten that was trying to hide in a corner. In a way, he sometimes acted more like a cat than a human.
I heard Roman flip to the next page and heard him gasp. Looking at the page I saw a bunch of pictures of Logan surrounding the nickname "Pocket Protector," which Virgil gave him in the Growing Up video.
I looked over at Logan, who was scanning the page, eyes wide. His mouth was hanging open, and his glasses were askew.
After a few seconds, Logan came to his senses.
"I- wo- um..." he stuttered, straightening his glasses. "This is incredible Virgil."
At that, Virgil stopped hissing. "You think so?"
"Of course!" Logan said. "The dedication it must have taken to make this shows just how much you care for all of us."
Virgil blushed and looked at the floor.
"Thanks, I guess," he mumbled. "You guys haven't even seen the last page."
Logan, Patton, and I looked on as Roman flipped the last page to reveal group photos of all of us. The top of the page said "Family," and there were pictures of my sides in their Christmas sweaters, them as my friends, and one of all of us right in the center.
I felt tears in the corner of my eyes. Virgil must have worked so hard on this.
Walking over to Virgil, I sat down next to him on the stairs.
"Let me guess," he said, refusing to look at me. "You're gonna say something about how this isn't appropriate or it's weird that I took pictures of you guys."
"Actually," I said. "I was gonna say that that is flipping adorable and it's really cool that you have that."
Virgil looked up at me, eyes wide. "Wha... You mean it?"
"Of course!!" I said. "I just have one question."
Virgil tensed, waiting for the question. I looked up and saw that Roman, Logan, and Patton were looking at me as well.
"When do I get my own page?"
As soon as Virgil heard the question, he blushed and looked at the floor, a rare smile on his face. He started to laugh, and soon the rest of us joined in, forgetting that the cameras were recording this memorable event.
Hey y'all!!!
I finished this one shot after getting the prompt, like, about a month ago. Woops. 😬
Please send me requests!!!! I have a few ideas of my own, but I wanna write what y'all wanna read.
Until next time,
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
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