Enough To Kill Me
Trigger Warning: Wanting to die
Third Person POV:
Virgil strolled into the living room to see Logan sitting on a couch leafing through his notecards and muttering to himself.
"Hey Logan," Virgil said, obtaining the attention of Logan.
"Yes, Virgil? Do you require something?" Logan looked up from his notecards, clearly a tiny bit irritated at being interrupted.
"Yeah, I do actually," Virgil said. Upon hearing that, Logan perked up and pushed his glasses up his nose.
"What is it that you require?"
Virgil looked Logan square in the eyes, and, without blinking, asked, "How much food can you eat before it kills you?"
Logan looked at Virgil in alarm. "Why do you need to know this information?"
Virgil shrugged, "Just curious."
"Well," Logan said, "I do not know at the moment. I shall go research the topic and get back to you when I do know."
Logan got up and walked out of the room. He didn't see Virgil's slight smirk.
~~~~Time skip brought to you by the deliciousness of chocolate chip cookies~~~~
About an hour later:
Logan walked back into the living room to see Virgil curled up on the armrest of a chair.
"You know there are plenty of places that are actually meant to be sat on," Logan stated.
"Ya, I know. I just prefer to sit in unorthodox locations," Virgil answered. He got down from the armrest and walked closer to Logan.
"Did ya figure out how much food you can eat before it kills you?" Virgil inquired, a devilish glint in his eye.
"It's 'did you', and yes, I did find the answer."
Logan adjusted his glasses before looking at a notecard he had brought, "According to my research, consuming 85 chocolate bars, 70 cups of coffee, 13 consecutive shots of alcohol, 2 ground cherry pits, or 1.59 gallons of water is enough to kill you."
Logan looked up at Virgil, who looked to be planning something.
"Oh. Neato," was all he said in response.
Virgil looked off into the distance for a while before walking into the kitchen and ruffling through the fridge.
Logan stood in the middle of the living room for a few seconds and then went back to looking through his notecards.
He was only able to look through 5 notecards before Virgil walked back into the living room.
Virgil started looking through the piles of books, DVDs, and stuffed animals on the various tables.
After a few minutes, he huffed and stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed.
"Hey Logan," he said, once again drawing Logan's attention away from his notecards.
"Yes, Virgil??" Logan responded, clearly annoyed.
"Do you know where the keys to the car are?"
"Why do you need them?" Logan asked. "And, besides, wouldn't you think Patton would know where they are since he's the one that does all the errands?"
"I don't want to bother Patton," Virgil whispered, looking at the floor.
Logan sighed, "And why is it that you need them so badly?"
"BECAUSE I NEED TO GO TO THE GROCERY STORE AND GET ENOUGH FOOD TO KILL ME," Virgil whisper-yelled, not wanting Patton and Roman to hear.
"Virgil no-"
Logan tried to grab Virgil's hand, but Virgil had already run out of the room.
Logan stood there, trying to understand what had happened. As he stood there, he heard Virgil's door slam shut.
A minute later Patton walked into the living room and saw Logan.
"Logan?" Patton asked. "Is everything okay?"
Logan slowly shook his head, "It's a long story."
Welp. That was not how I was expecting it to end. Like, I'm shook, and I'm the one that wrote it.
If you or anyone you know is suicidal or even thinking about suicide, please call the following number depending on where you live;
US: 1-800-273-8255
Australia: 131114
Canada: 514-723-4000 (in Montreal); 1-866-277-3553 (outside Montreal)
Philippines: 028969191
Sweden: 4-631-711-2400
Germany: 0-800-181-0771
So many people care about you guys. You're all such beautiful, incredible people. The world needs you around.
On a slightly brighter note, do you guys want me to do a part two?? Comment what you think.
Until next time,
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!!
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