Best Friends
Alright, I don't really remember how I came up with this. It might have been based on a dream, but idk.
Also, for a while, I kinda forgot that this idea existed, lol. Like, I think I started writing it sometime around January 26th, and it's been almost a month.
Human AU
They're five-year-old quadruplets.
Virgil has a lisp because I thought it'd be hecking adorable.
TW: One curse word, panic attack
Third Person POV:
The Sanders quadruplets had a routine, and they always stuck to it.
Wake up around 6:30, have breakfast at 7, get ready for the day, and head over to daycare at 8.
Once at daycare, the four did everything together. They played the same games, ate lunch and snack at their own little table, and, during nap time, they all slept in a giant pile.
Around 4:30, their father picked them up, and they spent the entire car ride plus dinner explaining everything they did. Roman and Patton did most of the explaining, as Roman was very dramatic and Patton was the bubbliest of the bunch.
Logan would chime in every so often to correct Roman and Patton when they got a little too carried away. He was the more grounded of the four, and he often helped reign Roman and Patton in at daycare.
Virgil would only speak when he was directly asked something, and, even then, he only gave one or two worded responses. He had always been the quietest of the four, but that was just his personality.
Roman was always the first to wake up, usually around 6:30, and he always started singing within five minutes of being awake. Each day he sang a different Disney song, because, even though he was five, he had an impeccable memory when it came to songs.
His singing always woke the other three, who differed in their level of annoyance.
Patton was always the most excited to hear Roman singing, and he often joined in when he knew the song. Logan... tolerated the singing, although he had made it known many times that Roman should be more considerate of the others.
And Virgil? Let's just say that he didn't appreciate Roman's daily eccentricities.
The day started out like any other. Roman woke up a little after 6:30. Sitting up in the twin sized bed he shared with Patton, he wrapped his red and white blanket around his shoulders and immediately started singing I'll Make A Man Out Of You, although it was quite off-key, considering that he was five. They had watched Mulan the previous evening, so the songs were still fresh in Roman's head.
Within seconds, Patton was awake, and he didn't hesitate to join Roman in singing. Instead of sitting up like Roman, Patton remained laying down on the bed, buried in the warmth of his pale blue and grey blanket, his favorite stuffed animal—a small black and grey kitten—held tight against his chest.
It wasn't too long before Logan was awoken by Patton and Roman's singing. Instead of joining them, he chose simply sit up and continue working on a Rubix Cube that was placed next to the bed he shared with Virgil, his dark blue blanket spread over his legs.
As always, Virgil was the last one to wake up, but he didn't make it known at first. Instead, he sneakily grabbed one edge of his pillow. He waited a few seconds before chucking the pillow at Roman's head.
"Roman!!" Virgil groaned from where he laid. "Why do you thing tho much?"
"Because," Roman exclaimed, stretching his arms wide. "Singing is a marvelous thing to do!!"
Virgil rolled his eyes before sitting up. "But ith tho loud."
"I do agree with Virgil," Logan said from where he was sitting. "It is rather loud, and it is not always pleasant to be woken up by singing."
Roman gasped and placed a hand on his chest. "Are you calling my singing annoying? How dare you!"
"Guys," Patton whined. "Don't fight. We gotta go have breakfast!"
Just as Patton finished, the door to their room opened, revealing their father, Thomas.
"I see you boys are all up on time," he grinned, looking at all four before focusing on Virgil and Logan. "I hope Roman wasn't too loud today."
The two boys smirked, looking at each other, and remembered what the two of them had talked about the night prior.
"Oh, he wasn't too loud, Father," Logan said, turning back to Thomas. "It was more the pitch that bothered us."
At his son's response, Thomas burst out laughing, along with three of the four quadruplets. Logan and Virgil shared a discreet fist bump. Meanwhile Roman sat on his bed, mouth hanging open and both his hands over his heart.
"I am deeply offended," he said to Logan. "You just don't appreciate how wonderful Disney is. I don't think I've ever yeard you try to sing."
"I simply prefer to spare myself the embarrassment," Logan retorted, leaning over to grab his glasses off of the table by his bed. Once he had put the glasses on, he turned to Thomas. "Is breakfast ready, Father?"
"Yes, it is," Thomas said, opening the door wide. "I made pancakes."
Upon hearing that breakfast was ready, Roman, Logan, and Virgil all climbed out of bed and headed for the door, but, when he heard "pancakes," Patton jumped out of bed and raced for the door. Before he could leave the room, Thomas scooped him up around his waist, letting the others file out of the room and into the kitchen.
"Whoa there, bud," he chuckled. "What have I told you about leaving without your glasses?"
Patton giggled, looking down at the floor. "That I need to wear them or else I'll run into everything."
"Ding ding ding!" Thomas said, setting the five-year-old down to get his glasses.
Patton quickly scrambled over to his bed, grabbing his pair of glasses and putting them in place. As soon as they were on, he ran back over to Thomas, who picked him up again and carried him to the kitchen. The two of them were just in time to see Roman fling a blueberry at Virgil, who was holding a spoon up in defense while Logan tried to make a catapult with his silverware.
"Boys!" Thomas called, and the three of them immediately froze.
"He thtarted it," Virgil called out, pointing at Roman. "He threw a rathpberry at me."
"But they threw a strawberry back at me!" Roman cried, waving a hand at Virgil and Logan while pouting in his chair.
Thomas glanced between the three of them. Roman looked like the most heinous crime had been committed against him. Meanwhile, Logan and Virgil both looked like they were trying not to laugh.
"Oh, my," Thomas sighed to himself, setting down Patton, who immediately scrambled to get in his chair. "It doesn't matter who started it. Just eat your pancakes."
With that, the tension was diffused, and the five-year-olds were eagerly digging into the pancakes in front of them. Thomas chuckled at their antics and ate the bowl of cereal he had made for himself at the island.
About five minutes into breakfast, Virgil, who had barely eaten any of his breakfast, got up from his chair and trudged over to Thomas.
"Daddy?" He asked tugging on Thomas' pant leg.
"Yes, Storm Cloud?" Thomas responded, picking Virgil up and setting him on his lap.
Virgil didn't respond at first, but, after a few seconds of twidling his thumbs, Virgil leaned closer to Thomas so that he would be the only one to hear what he said.
"I'm not hungry," Virgil whispered and immediately hid his face in his father's shoulder.
Thomas wrapped his arms around Virgil in a hug and rubbed his back softly.
"Are you not hungry, or do you not want to eat?" Thomas asked quietly. One of his high school friends had struggled with an eating disorder for a few years, so Thomas' mind immediately thought of all the worst case scenarios.
"'M not hungry," Virgil whispered, still hiding his face in Thomas' neck.
"That's alright squirt," Thomas whispered back, giving Virgil a quick squeeze. "I'll just tell Joan and Talyn that you didn't have a big breakfast. That way they'll have a bit of a head's up if you're starving at lunch."
At the mention of Joan and Talyn, a pair of Thomas' friends that ran the small daycare in their house that the quadruplets went to, Virgil immediately perked up. When Thomas saw Virgil perk up, he smiled, glad that his children got along with his close friends so well.
While the two of them were talking, Patton, Roman, and Logan had all finished their pancakes. Surprisingly, only two more pieces of fruit were thrown during that time. As Logan and Roman went to their room to get dressed, Patton ran up to Thomas and Virgil.
"Virgil!" Patton called, tugging on the sleeve of his brother's shirt. "We gotta go get dressed so we can see Joan and Talyn!"
Smiling, Virgil wiggled out of Thomas' arms and slid down onto the floor. Patton immediately grabbed his hand, and they ran back to their room.
About 5 hours later, the quadruplets were finishing their lunch at their private table. Virgil, having a strong liking for strawberries, noticed that Roman had a few more left on his plate. While Roman was looking the other way, he leaned across the table, snatching one of the strawberries and quickly shoving it in his mouth.
"Hey!" Roman cried, seeing what Virgil had done. "That was my strawberry!"
Virgil noticed Roman start to stand up, and he knew he was doomed. In an instant, Virgil was also up and running away from Roman.
As Virgil ran from the kitchen to the living room, he glanced over his shoulder to see where Roman was.
As he did, Roman's eyes widened and he called out, "VIRGIL! Look out!!"
But he was too late. Virgil hadn't been able to see that there was a toy right in his path, and he tripped and fell. The impact from the fall caused the half-eaten strawberry in his mouth to become lodged in his airway.
From their spots at the table, Logan and Patton had been watching Roman chase Virgil, but, upon seeing Virgil fall, they raced out of their chairs and over to where Roman was crouched over him.
When they got there, Virgil was gesturing to his throat and wheezing slightly. Logan immediately kneeled down next to him.
"Virgil!" he said calmly. "Can you tell us what's wrong?"
Virgil frantically shook his head and pointed to his throat.
"Fuck," Patton yelled. "Guys, he's choking! We gotta do the Heimlich!"
Both Roman and Logan turned to Patton, shocked that he had sworn.
Choosing to ignore it, Roman quickly asked, "What's the Heimlich?"
"No time to explain!" Logan cried, turning back to Virgil and helping him stand up.
Patton stood behind Vigil, placing one hand just under his ribcage in a fist and grabbing it with the other. Patton immediately started squeezing Virgil, trying to get the strawberry out.
After just a few squeezes, they all heard Virgil take a deep breath and proceed to cough up the strawberry.
Immediately, Patton jumped away from Virgil, hands held out in front of him. He stared at his hands, trying to process what had just happened. His brother had been choking, and he had used the Heimlich to save him.
Patton didn't even realize that he had started to shake or that his breathing had gotten shallow. He was too focused on the fact that his brother could have died.
Before he knew it, tears were slowly crawling down his face while he gasped for breath. He had sunk to his knees on the floor, his arms wrapped around his stomach to try and make himself stop shaking.
Virgil, who was in the middle of being smothered in hugs and questions, saw Patton kneeling, and was instantly concerned when he saw the tears.
Extricating himself from the group hug, he walked over to Patton, who was too out of it to notice his approach.
Kneeling in front of Patton, Virgil placed his hands on his shoulders. The contact made Patton look up, but seeing Virgil only caused him to cry more.
"Patton?" Virgil asked timidly, causing the other boy to look up again. "What'th wrong?"
"Y-y-you c-could ha-have died, V-Virgil!" Patton sobbed, curling in on himself. "Y-you c-could ha-have d-died i-if... i-if I..."
More tears prevented Patton from finishing his sentence, but Virgil could tell what he was trying to say.
"But, Pat," Virgil said, pulling him into a hug. Patton immediately clung to him in a death grip. "I didn't die. I'm okay, and it'th cauth of you."
Patton nodded weakly, but he didn't speak.
When Virgil had left the group hug to check on Patton, Roman and Logan had stood by, allowing the two of them to have their moment. After they saw Virgil hug Patton, they walked over and joined the hug on either side of Patton and Virgil.
It took a few minutes, but Patton eventually stopped crying. When he had, he pulled back from the hug to wipe the remaining tears off his face. While doing so, he saw Joan and Talyn watching the four of them from the edge of the room. Joan had their phone out and looked like they were waiting for someone to either text them or call them. Talyn looked like they were about to pass out.
When Patton had pulled back from the hug, Logan took that time to glance at the watch he had gotten for the previous Christmas.
"Guys," he said, gaining his brothers' attention. "It's nap time. Should we go to our spot?"
The three other boys agreed, and they all helped each other get up off the floor. They headed to the couch in the other corner of the living room, which was their designated spot for nap time.
Climbing onto the couch, the four of them laid down in a heap, limbs everywhere. None of them cared though, not even when Virgil elbowed Roman in the stomach.
They were just glad that they were still a group of four best friends.
Bonus scene:
After seeing the quadruplets head over to the couch, Talyn pulled Joan into the kitchen by their arm.
"That's why I don't want you cursing like a sailor in front of the kids!!" Talyn scolded, arms crossed in front of their chest as they turned to face Joan.
"What's why you don't want me cursing?" Joan asked, confused about what Talyn was talking about.
"Patton swore! Didn't you hear him?!?!" Talyn whisper yelled, not wanting to wake the kids.
"Yeah, I heard him," Joan said. "But I don't see why it's a huge deal."
Talyn rolled their eyes, unable to believe what Joan just said.
"Good for you," they replied, starting to walk out of the room. "But you're gonna have to explain to Thomas when he asks why his five-year-old is swearing."
Oh my gosh, I finally finished this. It took me so long to write, lol. But, like, I just love the whole concept.
Reminder that my requests are open!!!
Also, this book has a little over 800 reads!!! What the heck!! Y'all are awesome!!!
Until next time,
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
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