Roman had purple chrysanthemum's. They just had to be Virgil favourite flower and the one that would cause his death. He still remembered when him and Virgil went to see the flowers out in the flower fields and saw the chrysanthemum's row after row blowing in the breeze.
Why am I in so much pain? The flowers aren't supposed to be in the near lethal stage until a couple of days. No one else knows that I have hanahaki. I couldn't tell them. I am going to die in a week and nobody knows about it. The stages of hanahaki have been quick. Probably because I see him everyday. He's slowly killing me.
I step out of bed and put on some casual clothes. Contrary to popular belief, I do not wear my prince outfit all the time. Virgil wears his hoodie everyday though and the purple is a perfect compliment to his hair slightly falling in his eyes.
I could never admit to Virgil the feelings I have for him and I could never go through with the surgery (to get the flower removed). I've heard others have suffered from not being able to love at all ever again and I couldn't do that to thomas.
When I die, one of the other sides will move up (get promoted?) to replace me. I wonder who it will be. I wonder how Virgil would be at my job?
Several flower petals had fallen out of my mouth as I had been thinking and coughing violently. Lately I have been thinking more to try and forget the pain that I am in. Most times when I think I have a violent coughing fit and 20 or so flower petals fall from my mouth. All the same colour as Virgil's eyeshadow.
*cough cough cough* "Uughh..." Oh no I'm throwing up two whole flowers. Unfortunately none of these flowers is the one causing my pain.
-Virgil's Pov-
I hear coughing. It sounds really intense. Like someone is having a really bad coughing fit. Is it Roman?
I decide to get out of my warm comfortable bed to check if he is okay. He almost sounds like he might die.
I knock on Roman's door hoping that he isn't in there and the noise is a coughing iguana on a branch outside or something.
"Hello, Roman. Are you in there?"
"Y-y-yes, *cough cough* I am *cough* is there *cough cough* is there something you need?"
"Uh, I just wanted to check if you were okay. I heard coughing."
"Well yeah, you've discovered I'm not. Do you want to come in and rub it all over my face that I am?" Roman angrily seethed. "Oh no there's blood. Not yet. There's not supposed to be blood yet!" He added to himself. Almost as if he forgot Virgil was listening.
"Blood?" Virgil screeched. "What would there be blood for? Let me in! Let us help you." Virgil felt himself become more panicked by the second.
"You can't help. I'm going to die. In a week. Or so. Maybe sooner. I'm really not sure anymore. But in the end I will die. It's either that or give up the possibility of thomas ever loving anyone." Roman tried to justify. "ImeanthereisoneotheroptionbutIdontlikethe chances of that."
"What is the other option, Roman?"
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