Siblings 2 {Part 1} (Delilach)
June 22, 2018
Let's hope this meets your's and my expectation. This'll be slightly rushed due to my schedule at the moment, but I'm trying. Also, this is a ship between two of my own OCs from Siblings. Another one shot I created. The ship is between Peach and Delilah. Don't worry. Prinxiety and Logicality should be soon.
- StarStace
(Virgil's POV)
So, if you don't know... Let me bring you up to speed. So, I've been trying to get my little sister and Roman's little sister, together. Peach being the only one who has no idea about this plan. Even her host knows about this!
Oh, speaking of host, we're at their mindscape this time. Thomas was visiting her, on his own behalf and on our request to get this plan in motion. Her name's Ashley Marian. (I wanted to make another OC for my other OCs.... It just seemed logical to me. Oh, and again.... YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE OCS WITHOUT PERMISSION. Thanks.)
Pretty good gal. Anyway, she has a few more sides as well. Creativity, Logic, Morality, and Anxiety. Like Thomas. Then there are a few more... We had a few short encounters with them, but not long enough to really KNOW them. We only have a few hints to what they are.
Okay, off topic. The plan is just trying to help and give advice to Delilah to try and ask Peach out. As Roman's said that she does have feelings for Delilah. Today, we were trying Roman's advice. The most FANCY flipping thing prepared. He helped my sis make it. Though it's just so out of character that she thought it'd ruin Peach's thoughts of her. So she instead left it at Peach's door, and ran. It was a poster with hearts, glitter, and big, fancy, glittery, gold, foam words, spelling "Will you go out with me Princess?"
Peach was surprised to find it, to say the least. She just kinda took the poster and went back inside her room. We assume she was trying to figure out who gave it to her. I decided to try and push this into the right direction.
I knocked on Peach's door twice. Apparently a pattern she didn't recognize. Even though I've knocked quite a few times already, from past plans. "Who is it?" she asked through the door. "It's Virgil. Can I come in?"
The door opened, which I took as permission to enter. The room was filled with... OF COURSE THERE WOULD BE PINK. But why is it the entire- Oh wait. Never mind, there's a few accents of purple. Nice! Though there's just so many shades of pink. The queen sized bed was pink, with the canopy a slightly darker shade. The floor was a swirl of pink and purple. The walls were purple with pink polka dots. The desk she was currently sitting at was dark pink with a bunch of purple things on top..... Mostly pastel purples and pinks, all around the room. Her wardrobe was pink and purple! Well, with a few blues.
Peach had the poster Delilah left at her door, on her desk in front of her. The bottom end of it was hanging off slightly. "What do you need, Uncle Virge?" she asked. In that, oh so perfect voice.... Yeah, note the sarcasm. She and Roman are alike in a lot of ways. That I don't exactly like.
"I see you found the poster." Was all I responded with. "Well... Yeah. Did you give me this?" Peach finally looked away from the poster and at me. "Wow, no. I'm older than you. And dating Roman." She just facepalmed, probably realizing that it should've been obvious it wasn't me. "Maybe a certain depressed trait did though. Though they've been trying to keep their feelings suppressed." Ugh, I gave her an obvious clue. AND RHYMED. I am an idiot.
"Depressed trait? Nah, Delilah couldn't have." was what she responded before looking back at the poster. "After all, this isn't her taste of style." You clueless moron. Of course, I'd never tell her that out loud. Roman would kill me. But they have so much bad stuff in common, I just want to straight out tell her. "There are unusual circumstances that people get put through. It causes them to get out of their comfort zones, and doing something they wouldn't normally." I tried to say this in my usual snarky voice. Except, this was basically describing how they got me and Roman together, so it came out in more of a scowl. I honestly hate that it was slightly forced.... Dragging me out of my own comfort zone... Recorded it.... But they're still my family, I gotta accept that.
But seriously, how dense can someone be?
(Peach's POV)
I honestly have no idea what Virgil's trying to say. It's like he's getting angrier every time I don't get what he's saying. He's pretty much speaking in riddles! What am I supposed to do? It can't be Delilah! Although I would hope it was...
"Fine, you really want me to check if this was Delilah's doing?"
Virgil just looked at me with an 'Isn't it obvious?' face. I took that as a yes, and stood up, grabbing the poster. Then proceeded to walk out of my room and down the hall to a black door. I knocked 3 times, and paused. Then another 2 times. I heard Delilah clap twice, signifying to come inside. It's what she did for me. Letting me know she knows it's me at the door.
We all have different knock codes, if you want to call it that. Then we each have a different way of letting the person at the door know that we know it's them. A bit confusing, but hey. It's just how it goes.
I walk inside, closing the door behind me. I put the poster out in front of me, facing Delilah. "This is a bit random, but did you leave this at my door?"
Delilah glanced over at the poster and her eyes went slightly wider. She looked from her right to left and the other way around a few times. Seemingly debating something. Then she seemed to hesitantly shake her head no. I raised an eyebrow at her to say 'Are you sure?' since she kept giving me vibes of lying. She just ignored it and went back to watching YouTube on her iPad.
I walked out of the room slowly, now questioning whether or not it was Delilah.
Was this what Virgil was hinting?...
Nah. Can't be. I can't have my hopes up. I'll just be let down again. Well, I suppose I should 'Take a Break' before continuing my hunt for the culprit! 'I mean Roman and I could go to our castle for the summer, or go upstate.' Maybe later I'll ask Deception if Delilah really is lying.....
That was longer than I expected... Though I hope you liked this first part. Also, for those who got the Take a Break reference there at the end.... I love you.
- StarStace
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