Puns (Very Slight Prinxiety, & All Sides x Patton Platonically)
Yeah... There's just a very small hint of Prinxiety, in the form of one sentence said by Roman. Then the rest is basically.... platonic friendship with Patton, in the form of... well, you'll see.
- StarStace
(3rd Person POV)
Roman had just been talking to Patton about his failures to confess to Virgil. "It's just so hard! I can't do it without some sort of witty remark, or even getting falsely flirted with. I'm supposed to be romance for goodness sake!"
Patton giggled. "Don't you mean you're..... Roman-tic?"
Roman facepalmed. "Seriously Patton? Surely you can't be serious." Patton giggled a bit again. Then disappeared and reappeared, in a Sirius Black costume. "I am Sirius, and don't call me Shirley." Roman just kind of stared at him with a look of, 'How many do you have?!'
Logan walked in, reading a book. "Oh hey Lo! High five!" Patton had said, walking over to him with his hand up. "Uh, wh-" Logan started, but then was interrupted by Patton saying "Down low." then putting his hand lower.
Logan stuttered muttering some barely audible incomplete sentences, like "I don't-, There's no reason-, What-"
"Gan." Patton finished, hitting Logan's hand. Logan finally got the joke, and decided to play along. "I guess you deserve a Pat-ton the back for this pun......"
Soon enough, Patton gasped, and squealed before saying, "I'M SO PROUD!" to which, Roman immediately started trying to back away from the room. He bumped into Virgil on the way though. "Woah, you okay there Princey? I thought you were the hero in these stories."
Roman quickly turned around, slightly blushing. He then quickly nodded. "Yeah, sorry. My gaze was just low. Again." He had barely made the 'uh' of again audible. So it sounded as if he made the Lo-gan pun again. Patton squealed. "PUN STREAK!"
Virgil obviously had an idea, seeing as Patton was still wearing his cat onesie. "Oh no. What a cat-tastrophe." This made Patton squeal even more. Then he suddenly tackled all of them into a group hug, then said, "You made puns and dad jokes today! I'M. SO. PROUD!!"
"Dad(t)'s right....." Virgil said. Randomly, they heard a buh-dum-tsss from upstairs. This immediately went to a re-enactment of Thomas' Vine of a laugh track playing, and pulling out a knife and such. (Here comes the re-enactment train, choooo choooooooooo!)
After the joke tune on the drums played, (I have no idea what to call it), Roman pulled out his sword, shouting "WHO'S THERE?! SEARCH THE HOUSE!" A few mixed in words and sentences from the other three. Virgil cowering in the corner, Logan going upstairs, and Patton comforting and protecting Virgil.
They all soon realized how similar it was, and laughed it off, Virgil cuddling in Roman's arms intentionally.
Sorry that this was short. Though I hope it was good nonetheless. I had this random idea, but then was like, "I have no idea how to put this into a one shot" so, this was my, supposed, best attempt. I hope you like it, and are ready for the third one later today/tonight. (Depends) Also, check the 'Introduction (Please Read)' chapter, often. I may add more information in there. It wouldn't hurt to scan through it once in a while to see if I made any changes. Just sayin'.
- StarStace
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