Logan's Birthday (Platonic Logicality)
July 7, 2018
So um.... *sniffle* I uh... Found this.... Story, on Tumblr, from a user called 'darkstrangedaughter' and it's angst, um.... I decided to try and write... a good ending for it? Um, here's the story, I took screenshots.
*letting out shaky breath* It sounds like I'm scared, but really, I'm not. I'm just really upset about this. Has no one actually celebrated Logan's birthday? I never celebrated any of their birthdays since I didn't know what to say, do, or when it even was. But I just found this upsetting. It's a long story, and a sad one, but I'm going to attempt to change that. So, here goes. This starts after the ending of the story. Hope it's satisfactory.
- StarStace
TW: Angst (I think), breakdowns, and just sadness before good ending.
P.S. Their birthdays/first appearances on VINE (I believe):
Patton: January 15th (2014)
Roman: June 4th (2014)
Logan: November 3rd (2014)
Virgil: December 19th (2016)
(Logan's POV)
After erasing the unimportant event, I went back to my room, holding back tears that were starting to form in my eyes. Emotions. Great....
I quickly got into bed, shoving my head in the pillows as the tears fell.
~ StarStace used 'Timeskip'! It's EXTRA EFFECTIVE! ~
(Patton's POV)
Logan hasn't been talking much after Roman's birthday..... He's seemed to be more... cold than usual. It's already November! He's not improving, and I'm getting worried.
I decided to check up on him for the 7th time today. I walked passed the calendar. (Look, I'm imagining Logan's calendar to be in the hallway for this okay? Thanks.) I take a quick look and see something smudged. November 3rd.... That's tomorrow... What was on November 3rd? I pulled out my phone quickly and searched up for events on November 3rd. Nothing. If that's the case, it must have to be some sort of personal event? Like a concert? Or... maybe some sort of practice? Or... Oh, right, I'll think about this later. I gotta go check on Logan.
I walk up to his dark blue door and knocked three times. I waited.
No answer.
That's weird... All the other times he at least answered with somethi-
"Just face it Logic. They don't care in the first place, why cry over it?"
It's one of those, weird, echo-y voices that a side gets when they're feeling depr-.......
I decided to listen a bit to see what's happening. A side usually hears these and has them in their rooms when they're feeling extremely upset about something. No matter what it is. I need to fix this.....
"I already know that. I'll come out and talk for Virgil's birthday again, for now, it's unnecessary to talk to them much. They do not need my logical thinking, nor do they want it. I am, as Virgil once said, 'the least favorite'. You've told me this already."
"At least you're accepting it. But I see those tears. Your emotions are getting to you. That sadness of the event being forgotten, over, and over, and over, again....."
Now that I listened to it, the voice sounded like mine?.... Oh.... The voice changes to what'll make the words hurt more... He cares about what I think? What event did we forget?
"They all hate you, they never loved you. They-"
Nope. "LOGAN, I'M COMING IN." I kick the door down to reveal Logan's room, in a mess. Papers, sheets, EVERYTHING, everywhere. But it also revealed a teary eyed Logan. Seeming like he has been crying for a while. His room has a dark atmosphere to it...
I immediately rushed over to him, and hugged him, then got him out of his room. I took him to the common room, where Roman and Virgil were. Seeming to have been fiddling since they heard me scream and kick the door down..
I had sat Logan down before realizing that his hair was a mess, his tie was uneven... It kinda made him look ho- NO PATTON. NOT NOW. I hugged him again and he began sobbing into my shirt, while I told him some caring words.
The other two didn't do much, considering they couldn't really...
When he finally calmed down, my thoughts returned to the calendar. Usually Logan puts events on there, and memorized every single one. I decided to question him, kindly, since he's still recovering.
"Hey, Lo? What's on November 3rd?"
He tensed up, which is unusual.... He usually answers immediately. "It's.... unimportant."
Lie. "Are you... sure?"
He just nodded, looking away.
Roman seemed to be in thought. "Patton's birthday passed, mine passed.... Virgil's birthday is coming..."
Virgil seemed to catch on and finished the thought for him. "That's already near the end of the year... Logan, when's your birthday?"
He tensed up again. He mumbled what I assume was a date. "I didn't catch that, sorry?....."
"November 3rd!"
We all got taken aback by his outburst. He was on the verge of tears again.
"November 3rd... I erased it, none of you cared, it's unimportant.... Like me...."
I was shocked by this. By the expressions on Virgil and Roman's face, they were the same.
"Logan, you're important, to us. To me. Please. Let us make it up to you." was all I could say. He simply nodded.
That night, I went to the calendar and quickly marked Logan's birthday in permanent marker. I rushed back and quickly explained the plan to the two who were still sitting on the couch, Logan already asleep.
Roman was doing decorations, Virgil was helping both of us with materials, and making sure Logan doesn't see before it's prepared, and I was handling the food.
~ Timeskip once more, since I'm lazy! ~
Everything's ready! The banners with Logan's logo, the tall layered cake made and designed based off him, the fairy lights, and the streamers, the poster wishing Logan a happy birthday..... There were more cupcakes swirled in light and dark blue.... Gifts... This won't make up for us neglecting it in the past, but we can change that now!
Virgil was bringing Logan into the common room, blindfolded.
"Virgil, I do not see the need to blind me with this blindfold. Unless you are hiding something from me or trying to make me walk into a wall-"
"Oh shush Logan, you can take it off now."
Logan took off the blindfold and gasped quietly, as we yelled "SURPRISE!"
The smile that grew on Logan's face and the twinkle in his eyes meant so much to me. I was half-expecting Logan to be like, "This was unnecessary" and just turn around and leave, but this was so much better!
We celebrated, through the night, and I gave him many hugs. We never saw him smile and laugh so much until today! And at least we know, that he forgives us.
And he'll forever know, he's loved and needed.
I tried. I failed angst, and my own plot, but you know what? I'M SATISFIED WITH THIS ENDING, FIGHT ME. Virgil and Logan are honestly my favorite characters, (Logan might win that fight for me), and I really wanted to make this, for my own satisfaction, and anyone else who feels the same. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I'll see you Thursday!
- StarStace
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