You Have Us - Platonic! Intruloceit -
Warnings : Unsympathetic Roman pretty much, Just-ending Logince
Logan took off his glasses so he could wipe his eyes, the steady stream of tears seeming forever. His breaths were ragged and his heart raced, eyes puffy from a long time crying. But he was in a safe place now, he didn't need to worry about Roman or whoever he had found in bed with his boyfriend. He didn't have to think about or worry about it now. He couldn't, if he did, he feared he might feel even worse.
Yelling from a room down the hall made Logan curl in on himself slightly, and his friend's roommate sat beside him on he couch. "Hey, it's totally not going to be alright." He said, reaching out to rub his back slowly.
The liar frowned slightly as Logan only continued to tremble. He felt bad. He might not know Logan well- he'd only met Logan twice before- but that wouldn't stop his heart from hurting, knowing exactly how Logan must feel.
"How would you know?" Logan mumbled, sniffing and wiping his eyes again. He put his glasses back on to look at Damien.
Damien bit his lip slightly, and the yelling quieted in the other room. "You have Remus as a friend, and me too I suppose. Things will get better one way or another." Logan stared at Damien, a man he barely knew, but he felt comforted by the look in his mismatched eyes.
Remus came back into the living room, his anger slowly fading as he plopped on the couch beside Logan and pulled him into a hug. Logan accepted the embrace, tucking his head under Remus' chin. He was safe. He wouldn't get hurt physically or emotionally here.
The couch shifted, and Logan tilted his head to watch Damien disappear down the hall, probably to his room. Remus' arms tightened around Logan.
"I'm sorry about Roman." Remus said softly, and Logan turned his gaze up to him. Remus was looking at the blank tv screen though. "I'm really sorry that you had to see him cheating on you."
Logan hummed lightly, his breathing was still slightly short, but it was calming now. His tears had faded quickly as well. But he didn't doubt there'd be more in the morning.
He hugged himself closer to Remus. "It's not your fault." Logan said. "Don't apologize for his actions."
"Right." Remus muttered. "Want to watch a documentary to get your mind off it?"
Logan nodded silently, and Remus grabbed the remote to find something Logan would like.
Logan awoke in a foreign bed, the smell of pancakes wafting through the house. He yawned and grabbed his glasses, glancing around the room. He was alone, underneath a bunch of soft blankets with all kinds of designs.
The walls were a dark green, and on a blank wall, a mural of a bright green octopus with black and shades of green markings. The other walls were covered in shelves or pictures, a morning star on one of the shelves among some other disturbing niknaks.
He concluded it was Remus' room, but where was Remus?
Logan climbed out of the bed, stumbling slightly from lack of water. He carefully made his way to the door, and made sure he was close to the wall just in case he did pass out. He was making his way towards the kitchen when he heard talking, and he stopped to listen, debating just maybe going back to the bed.
"Don't fret about Logan, Rem. He's strong, he'll make it through this." Damien.
"Yeah! I know! But you saw him last night, and you know what it's like to see someone cheating on you." Remus seemed to accuse Damien, who just grumbled something.
"Sorry," Remus said after a few seconds of silence. "I'm just worried is all. And angry. I'm still very angry at Roman."
Damien laughed lightly. "Who wouldn't be? Your brother hurt one of your best friends- that's just shitty of him."
Remus hummed in agreement, and their conversation seemed to end. Logan took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen, and Remus looked up from his plate while Damien kept his eyes on what he was cooking.
"Logan!" Remus jumped out of his seat and hugged Logan tightly, and Logan felt as if he might faint. "How ya doing?"
"Lot better if I could- breathe-" Remus let go quickly, eyes wide and he apologized. Logan smiled at him reassuringly. "Thanks, and I'm doing..." he trailed off, unsure what word to use.
"Meh?" Damien offered from his place at the stove. Logan nodded.
"Yeah, that."
Silence fell over them and Logan sat down, Remus already placing a water bottle in front of Logan. Logan smiled up thankfully and ran a hand through his hair, only messing it up more as he drank his water. He was too tired to hear Remus take in a shaky breath, and soon pancakes were placed in front of him.
It was far too soon that Logan had to check his phone, many missed calls and voicemails mixing in with the rest of his notifications. Along eith them though, he saw at least twenty messages from Roman, and Logan bit his lip harshly. He didn't seem to notice the slight taste of blood as his jaw clenched and he tensed up.
Remus looked up from his own phone, watching Logan for a moment. Watching as his friend drew blood from his own lip and how it seemed his nails dug into his palm. Remus set aside his own phone and moved to Logan's side of the couch, reading the texts over Logan's shoulder.
Remus glared at the phone upon seeing texts a mix of pleading for forgiveness and anger that were directed at Logan for being 'too sensitive' about this. Logan leaned back into Remus' touch as Remus began to rub Logan's shoulders.
Logan's shoulders slumped and he set his phone aside. He really didn't want to deal with Roman right now. It was still too soon for him. His heart still ached and he still felt as if he had been stabbed with a knife multiple times in the back.
"I'm sorry." Remus mumbled as Logan leaned closer, Remus' arms wrapping around Logan's torso protectively.
Logan glanced at him, frowning slightly. "I told you not to apologize for his awful decisions, they were not your doings."
Remus didn't look at Logan at first, only nodding slightly. "What are you going to do about it?"
He was silent for a moment. "I don't know. But I'll figure it out."
Remus nodded again. "I understand. Take your time." Remus whispered.
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