The Recording - Prinxiety -
Warnings : Brother!Deceit/Sympathetic Deceit(?)
Word Count : 1.6k
Roman paced his brother's study, running a hand through his hair. Logan watched him with a raised brow, however made no attempt to try and calm the other. Roman was far from that point, and Logan knew from experience it would be best for him to just let Roman get his energy out.
"He's just- he's like Pat, except emo! He acts so adorable without even noticing, tries to act intimidating. And you know what? People actually listen to him!" Roman exclaimed. "How can one man be so damn amazing, yet so out of my league?"
Logan rolled his eyes, refraining from chuckling. "You've been going on and on about this Virgil for weeks. How about you finally ask him out?"
Roman gave his brother a bewildered look. "Ask him out? Ask him out?! We are talking about Virgil Picani here! Virgil. Picani! You can't just ask him out! He's one of the best actors in the country!" Roman sighed, flopping down into one of Logan's beanbag chairs.
Logan rubbed his temple, a small groan escaping him. "Roman, if you don't ask him out, I'll do it for you."
Roman's eyes widened. "You wouldn't."
"Oh yes, yes I would. Hearing you rant about Virgil is starting to give me a headache." Roman groaned. "If you don't ask him out by the end of the month, I'll tell him of your little crush."
Roman stumbled back, dropping his violin case as he ran into someone. He caught himself in time, and was able to grab the other person from falling as well. "My apologies! I wasn't looking where I was-"
Roman's apology got stuck in his throat, voice failing him. The man he had run into gave a smile. "Don't sweat it, dude. I wasn't looking either." He said, before tilting his head. "Do I know you?"
Roman's cheeks flushed pink, as he knelt to grab his violin. "Um, probably not- I'm uh, I'm Roman Prince." Roman was shocked when Virgil's smile widened.
"Oh! So I have heard of you!"
"You- you have?"
"Of course! Logan's brother, right? He showed Patton some of your work, and Patton sent it to me." Virgil's smile faltered slightly, as he realized people were starting to stare. "Sorry- I really need to go, I might be late for a shoot."
Roman's eyes widened a bit. "Oh!" He moved out of the other's way, smiling sheepishly. "Well, um," Roman mentally cursed himself. Of course he'd be unable to talk to his inspiration and celebrity crush.
Virgil laughed quietly, and the sound made Roman's stomach flutter. "See you around, hopefully? I'd love to hear some of your music in person."
"Al-alright!" Roman managed to get out, and Virgil left quickly, flashing Roman a small smile before disappearing onto the mass of rushing employees. Roman fished his phone out of his pocket as he continued his walk home, texting Logan at a very quick speed.
Roman hadn't thought Virgil had been serious. But, apparently he had been, because later that week, Roman had been texted by the actor himself. They agreed on a time to meet up, and Virgil had shown up. Roman was a blushing mess, and Virgil seemed to make it worse and nearly made Roman faint by calling it cute.
Virgil looked around Roman's room, smiling. "So, anything you had in mind of playing?"
Roman hadn't played his violin for long; just a few songs, mostly Disney. Virgil had seemed to enjoy, even hummed along, the songs very familiar to the man. After though, the two mainly spoke to one another on Roman's bed, enjoying one another's company.
Virgil's visit soon came to an end, and the musician and actor parted ways, already planning on meeting up again. It wasn't a date, not in Roman's mind, just hanging out. But by the stars, did he wish he was dating Virgil.
It was nearing the end of the month, and Logan seemed to be growing impatient with Roman. Roman's crush on the star had only gotten worse, which meant Logan had to listen to Roman's ramblings of how Virgil's eyes sparkled and how fluffy his hair looked and wondering just how strong Virgil actually was because he could actually pick up Roman with ease(they were recreating a scene from a movie).
Logan absentmindedly nodded to what Roman was saying, pressing record on his camera. Roman didn't even notice the phone was trained on him, too immersed in his ramblings to pay much attention.
"Alright, so, I know you're tired of hearing it Lo, but it's true! The man is incredible! Like, his hair, it just looks so soft and I wish I could just run my fingers through it. Is that weird?" Roman shook his head, heat rising into his cheeks. "Virgil is just- amazing! Pushing looks aside, he's such a sweetheart, and my heart feels like it's melting whenever I see him smile."
Roman leaned against one of the many tables in the study. "Ask. Him. Out. Then." Logan finally said, his last attempt at getting Roman to do it himself.
Roman laughed, face burning crimson. "We've been over this! I can't just ask him out, he's too good for me! Just imagine it- our friendship would be ruined if he ever found out I liked him."
Logan sighed, stopping the recording. "I highly doubt it, but we'll see if that's true." He sent it to Virgil before Roman could realize what had just been done.
Once he did, Roman's eyes widened, and he buried his face in his hands. "I'm so dead."
Virgil's face felt like it was on fire. He looked it, too. He was watching the video Logan had sent, and once it had ended, Virgil was just staring at his phone with a confused and flustered expression.
"Vee?" No response. "Virgil? Virgil!"
Virgil shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. He met the gaze of Damien, his brother. Damien peered at him curiously. "What's gotten you so... blushy?"
Virgil's cheeks only seemed to grow redder. "If you tell Dad or Pa before I do, I'm never telling you anything again." Damien nodded, leaning forward and grinning a bit. Virgil sighed, but a smile found its way onto his face. "Apparently... Roman likes me, as more than a friend."
Damien perked up. "Amazing! Right?"
Virgil shrugged. "Would be, if he didn't think I was too good for him."
"Well, if Prince won't fess up and ask you out, you ask him out!" Damien suggested, leaning back in his chair. Virgil hummed, considering the idea.
"Sounds like a plan."
Roman had a bad feeling in his stomach.
It was that feeling you got whenever your significant other said, "we need to talk." Except for Roman, it was his best friend that had sent those words.
Roman made his way towards the park Virgil had said to meet at. His hands were stuffed in his jean pockets, head lowered as he made his way through people. There soon came less and less of them, and Roman knew he was nearing the park.
He looked up to try and spot Virgil, and saw him sitting on a bench, looking down at his phone with a smile. Roman gulped, making his way over as slowly as he could without looking weird. He really, really wished he could erase that video from Virgil's mind.
Virgil looked up and smiled at Roman. It seemed... reassuring, in a sense. But Roman didn't find any comfort in it. Not this time. Virgil's smile faltered when he realized this, and cleared his throat. Virgil didn't have the chance to speak, however, because Roman had started talking, rushing his words and avoiding eye contact.
"I'm so, so sorry you had to see that video. I didn't think Logan would actually do something like that and- and I'd understand if you wouldn't want to talk anymore. I won't be disappointed. Well, I would, but I get it if this was-"
Roman was silenced by a soft kiss on his lips. It was so quick, he could barely register. His face turned crimson, and Virgil's cheeks were pink. "You know, you rambling about the opposite of everything I was going to say is annoying."
Roman stuttered, trying to find the right words. "But- I thought- you, you wouldn't- how- what...?"
Virgil laughed, placing his hands on Roman's shoulder. His laugh sent shivers down Roman's spine, and his smile was contagious. "I wanted to talk with you because, that video was a huge motivation to finally get my ass into gear and ask you out."
Roman tilted his head, hands placed on Virgil's hips, a bit awkwardly. "I don't... You actually want to go out?"
Virgil rolled his eyes and pulled the musician closer gently. He didn't kiss him again, Virgil wouldn't do it unless he knew Roman was completely okay with it(now that Roman had stopped rambling, that is). But he did lean in close, voice dropping to a mumble.
"I've been wanting to after our first hangout at your place."
Roman's face couldn't become any redder, he could be mistaken for a tomato. Virgil smiled at that, burying his face in Roman's shoulder.
"If you want to, that is. Do you?"
Roman laughed this time, arms tightening around Virgil. "Do I?" He giggled softly, grinning like an idiot. "Of course I do!"
Virgil smiled. "Good." He pulled away from Roman's shoulder to gaze into the other's eyes. "Now, can I give you a real kiss?"
Roman huffed softly as his face stayed very warm, but nodded, and leaned in. Virgil closed the gap, cupping Roman's cheek in one hand and hip in the other. Roman couldn't help but sigh in content, melting into Virgil's embrace.
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