The "Fight or Flight" Excuse - Toxic Logicality -
Warnings: Unsympathetic/Abusive Patton, Toxic relationships, Physical abuse, Attempted control over others relationships, Implied possibility of self-harm (a situation Logan thinks up), no happy ending, please please please lmk if I need to add anything else!
Logan and Patton had been dating for over two years now. The other sides knew, hell, even Thomas knew! They thought it was adorable, how Patton would give Logan sweet pet names and how they were practically attached at the hip. Thought it was cute how in some way they were usually touching, whether it was leaning against one another, full-on cuddling, or simple handholds. Roman would let them go on dates in the Imagination, and the even Deceit and Remus had admitted they made a very good couple.
What infuriated Logan was the fact it was all a ruse.
He didn't like Patton, not anymore. Maybe at the beginning, he had, but soon after getting together, Logan saw how huge a mistake it was. The only reason he hadn't broken up with Patton was because Patton threatened to make Logan's life a living hell, worse than it was already.
Logan wasn't afraid of being beaten, exactly. Patton already physically abused him, shoving Logan too hard into his desk or slapping or punching the side in the face, and Logan needed to pretend he just tripped or startled Patton by accident. Fight or flight instincts was a common excuse.
Besides, sometimes when Patton became particularly angry he would beat Logan anyway. One time he'd even broken one of Logan's ribs.
No, Logan was afraid of what Patton would do to himself. Because if Patton hurt himself, the blame could be pinned on Logan for breaking his heart. And Logan was scared as to how Patton harming himself would effect Thomas. He didn't want to know the consequences, and so, he continued to take Patton's abuse.
One day, Patton had finally left Logan's room to go start on dinner. His cheek he could feel was swelling quickly after Patton had punched him particularly hard, and his shoulder ached where Patton had shoved him into a wall. Logan would probably remain in his room until the swelling subsided, since there would've been no reason for Patton to have punched him and no way Logan could have fallen hard enough on anything to cause that bruise.
He decided to just read a book, pass the time quicker and wait for Patton to either bring him food or say good night. Or, if Patton didn't visit Logan again at all, go get food himself once everyone was asleep in their own rooms.
Logan's mind couldn't focus on the words he was seeing, though. His thoughts wandered to why Patton had been so angry in the first place, and he drummed his fingers against the book instead.
Remus, Patton had stated. Logan had been hanging around Remus too much.
He really hadn't been, just offered to read and edit Remus's work for him after Remus complained no one wanted to do it. He needed the feedback, and Logan was the only one completely unbiased and the only other one who could stomach all the material. And the two spent about an hour, maybe two a day just sitting on the couch. Remus would give Logan his work and create new stories as Logan edited. Patton could even see them!
But according to Patton, Remus was a terrible influence. Patton believed Remus had other motives, getting close to Logan. Thought Remus might be trying to break he and Patton up (though if Remus did, Logan would not complain), disregarding the fact that Remus was interested in Deceit and Deceit alone.
When Logan tried to defend himself and Remus, Patton had exploded at him. He didn't believe Remus could have any good intentions, and that any friendship with Remus would've been toxic. Why would Virgil stop being friends with Remus if that weren't the case?
Logan hadn't mentioned how Virgil still went to see Remus and Deceit often.
Logan shook his head and sighed, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes. He'd just have to suck it up for now, and reduce his time spent with Remus. Or meet with him in secret, after Patton's gone to bed. He wasn't sure.
Whatever he decided, Logan just hoped it wouldn't earn him another beating.
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