Renew - Intrulogical -
It was a nice day in Remus' Imagination. It didn't rain often in his part, and when it did it was rarely actual water. And so, when it finally did rain, Remus would take the chance to add newer things to his section that could prosper in the short amount of time that it poured.
It was also a time that Remus seemed much happier, more relaxed. And he would be fine to let anyone visit him.
Which was why today, on this already good day, Remus was even happier because he got the chance to show his creations to Logan. Someone Remus was growing closer to.
Remus knew the risk he was taking by letting Logan come into his domain, however. Because now Logan was indeed much more vulnerable, his abilities weakened, especially in Remus' part of the Imagination, where things that were truly fake could look oh so real. Sometimes even Remus would forget what actually exsisted.
Remus held Logan's hand tightly, guiding the logical side through the maze with ease. He walked it day after day, Remus knew it by heart. He could probably walk the path to his tower lined by burnt trees with his eyes closed, if he wasn't keeping an eye out that none of his more... uncontrollable creatures came near them.
Logan looked up when he started to feel drops of water, and it felt like only seconds before it began to pour. Logan was about to ask Remus if they could hurry up and head inside, but his words died in his throat.
A genuine smile was on Remus' face as he released Logan's hand only slightly. He tilted his head back and sighed in content, and it was the first time he'd ever seen the creative trait relaxed. "Alright, I can show you the rest of the place now that the creatures will be calmer," Remus hummed, snapping his fingers, and the tall tree walls sunk into the ground.
"Wait, but, why would we do that... in the rain, won't we get-?" Logan cit off his own question, glancing down at his clothes. They were still pretty much perfectly dry, except for a few patches. "How...?"
"Oh! I made sure you wouldn't get too wet! I hope you don't mind there being some rain? It's just... it's so rare over here, that even the most hostile creatures relax a bit and it's easier for me to create things!" Remus looked almost sheepish, and Logan slowly smiled, shaking his head.
"It's fine, Remus. I get it." Remus held Logan's hand just a bit tighter. "So, where first?"
They spent the entire day exploring, the rain never ceasing. Logan did eventually get soaked, to which Remus had pulled him close and refused to let go, saying how he didn't want Logan to die of hypothermia.
Logan didn't object, Remus' portion of the Imagination was quite cold as it was, and Remus felt like a human inferno. Eventually they made their way to Remus' tower, their final destination before Logan would need to leave.
Logan burrowed his face into Remus' neck, sighing happily in content. He could feel Remus chuckle as he carried Logan. "I swear, you can't be cold anymore!"
Logan hummed lightly, close to Remus' ear. "Perhaps I just like being near someone I care deeply for."
Remus faltered in his steps, nearly making them both tumble to the ground. He caught himself quickly and stared at Logan's upper back in shock.
Logan removed himself from Remus' arms, but didn't walk further away, still stayed in Remus' personal space. He cupped Remus' cheek, tracing his thumb over his jaw lightly.
Remus' face turned scarlet as he stared at Logan. "I suppose now's a better time that any. Remus, I've realized over the course of these past few weeks, and most certainly today, have developed strong... feelings of infatuation."
"You love me?"
"Well, yes."
Remus' heart thudded loudly, it could burst right out of his chest. He had to be dreaming. This couldn't be real, perhaps it was a trick of his mind, the Imagination betraying him.
"I know you might not reciprocate, but I- mmph!"
Remus grabbed Logan and pulled him into a kiss, grasping for anything He was allowed, before finally resting his hands on Logan's lower back. Logan let his eyes fall closed and he kissed back, maybe not with as much passion as Remus, but still.
When they broke apart, it was difficult to tell what might be tears or rain, but they started laughing softly, giggling.
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