Out of Hand - Intrulogical -
Warnings : Unsympathetic Patton and Virgil, Sympathetic Logan and Remus, Destruction of property/cherished items
The logical side held the distressed side close, talking softly into their brown and gray hair. Remus was sobbing, makeup running down his cheeks and smeared around his eyes and on his hands from trying to rub them away. Logan worked at Remus' back, drawing circles around his spine slowly and pressing down gently.
Strewn about them were many things, but most of all, Remus' pride and joys ripped to shreds. Drawings of all sorts of interesting creatures lay about, torn beyond repair. Stories that Remus had hand-written instead of typed were crumpled up or just a jumble of paper strands with words that would never be able to form their story again. Pictures that Remus deemed sacred were missing, along with Remus' comfort dolphin and octopus plushies.
He buried his face in Logan's chest, hiccuping as he clung to him. He felt empty, but he also felt like all his emotions were crashing down on him all at once. His heart still raced, trying to calm, his brain tried and failed to come up with a reasonable solution as to why. Why did he do this? What had he ever done to deserve everything he held dear be destroyed?
"I'm gonna murder Virgil and Patton..."
Remus didn't think Logan meant for him to hear the mumbled promise, and he hugged himself closer, as close as he could get. He shook his head, voice cracking when he spoke.
"Don't- they- they aren't- worth it."
"But you are."
Logan pressed a gentle kiss to Remus' forehead. "My dear, we cannot just let them get away with this."
Remus was trembling, but he could tell he was running out of tears to shed. His eyes burned and he felt tired, oh so tired. A nap sounded great right about now...
"But then- then it'd just be a- a never ending cycle, with- Virgil and Patton hurting you."
He heard Logan sigh softly. "Then what do you suggest we do?"
Remus stayed quiet. He had indeed tried everything in his power to befriend the anxious and moral sides. But his efforts always fell on deaf ears... And now they had truly taken the things he cherished away from him.
Remus shook his head, taking in a deep breath, that sounded a bit more like gasping. "Can we go- we go to your library? I don't think I can- think I can be in here much longer."
Logan nodded, and Remus latched himself to Logan as Logan stood up and sunk out of Remus' room.
When Remus finally fell asleep, curled into one of Logan's armchairs with a starfish pillow, Logan went in search for a book. A specific one, trailing his fingers over the spines of his millions of books. Until he found one that was larger than the rest, and he pulled it off the shelf.
He didn't care that he might get roped into this. They went too far, and Logan very much intended to make sure karma hit Patton and Virgil.
He wasn't the only one, it seemed.
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