One Week Left - Intrulogical -
Birthday gift for @/yalltookmyurlideas! No idea if this is early, on time, or late but ah well. I had a lot of fun writing it!!
Remus hummed softly, rocking on his heels as he painted. He was in his art studio, making a gift for Logan for when Logan came back from his business trip. Loud music rang through the house as Remus made confident strokes on the canvas.
It was definitely hard, Logan being gone for almost a year. There were times Remus was sure that he would just implode because of how much he missed Logan. Remus missed being able to hold him, kiss him, dance with him. He missed stargazing with Logan and missed going to the aquarium together. But he only needed to wait another week! One more week of sleeping alone and missing the warmth of his love.
Logan had offered to take a class to study architecture around the world. It was a new program the school Logan taught at was offering for its high school seniors. Remus could have gone with him, but Remus owned a small pottery shop and didn't have enough employees to just leave it for a year.
Remus tilted his head at the painting, smiling to himself. Dozens of sea creatures filled the canvas, surrounded by a galaxy and swimming through it as though it were the ocean. They were deep-sea creatures, most people would technically be afraid of... Logan had always liked the creatures too far below for them to actually see, enjoyed the idea that they could still learn more. Remus just thought they looked fascinating, and he had to admit, he rather enjoyed listening to Logan ramble about the creatures.
Remus wiped off his hands on a towel and left his studio. His shop was closed for the day so he was able to just stay home and relax. The music was much louder as Remus went downstairs and plopped down on the couch. He grabbed his phone and stopped the music, instead flicking on the TV and going onto Netflix.
Just as the next episode of Forensic Files loaded up, Remus's phone began to ring. Remus groaned slightly, reaching for it again. However, any complaints he had thought of left his mind when he saw Logan's name across his screen. Remus grinned as he picked up, pulling his legs to his chest.
Remus heard Logan laugh. "Hey, Cephy! I had a question for you."
"You couldn't just text?" Remus asked as he paused the show, giving Logan all his attention. Remus didn't mind that Logan had called, though. Just hearing Logan's voice made him melt.
God, he was hopeless.
"Wanted to hear your voice. But, back to my question."
"Ask me anything!"
"How much do you miss me?"
Remus wasn't really expecting that. He was quiet for a moment. He didn't know what question he had expected Logan to ask, but it wasn't that.
"How much do you miss me?" Logan repeated. "I'm just curious." He added.
Remus bit his lip, curling further into the side of the couch before he sighed, laughing softly.
"God, Lo... I miss you a lot. Words cannot describe how much I miss you. I know this trip would be worth it, and that you would have fun, but I'm kind of regretting not going with you..."
"And it's stupid because I know you're coming back in a week and then I'll be able to hold you and cuddle you and kiss you but still!"
"Remus!" Logan laughed slightly. "I get it, darling. By the way, are you home?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Should be a surprise outside for you then. I'll talk to you soon, yeah?"
Remus furrowed his brow. "Huh?"
"Just trust me, love. Go outside. I love you."
"Alright, fine. Love you too, Lo."
Logan hung up and Remus stared at the TV for a moment before climbing off the couch. Leaving his phone, Remus went and opened the door, first looking down and expecting a package. His eyes lit up when he saw more than just a package.
Remus was out of the house in an instant, wrapping himself around Logan. Logan laughed, holding Remus up with a small bit of difficulty. Remus felt like crying, feeling the familiar arms around him and the slightly chapped but mostly soft lips pressing into his temple.
"I thought-"
"The school overestimated our trip just a bit, and I wanted to surprise you." Remus pulled away enough just so he could kiss Logan properly, cupping Logan's cheeks and just feeling how warm his skin was under Remus's fingertips and just how Logan was there.
Logan finally set Remus down, though his hands remained at Remus's waist, letting Remus take it all in. Remus pulled away from the kiss, running his hand through Logan's hair and messing it up further.
"I hate that you made me think I was gonna have to spend one more week alone," Remus muttered, eyes shining with unshed tears. He shouldn't be crying over this. "You're a terrible boyfriend."
Logan smiled apologetically, moving one of his hands up to cradle Remus's cheek, running his thumb along Remus's jaw softly. "You know, I'm getting kinda tired of the term boyfriend."
Remus's heart skipped a beat and his insides felt like they were starting to constrict him from the inside out. "What...?"
"Boyfriend. I don't think we should be boyfriends anymore."
Logan let go of Remus entirely before sinking to his knee, and it finally clicked to Remus, and all he could do was stare down at Logan. When had everything become so goddamn blurry?
"I think maybe husbands would be a far better title?" He pulled a box out of his pocket, opening it and holding it up to Remus.
"Are you asking me-" Remus had to take a deep breath. "Are you asking me to marry you, Lo?"
Logan smiled sheepishly. "Yes?"
Remus could feel the grin splitting his face, could feel himself nod and pull Logan to his feet. Logan laughed lightly as Remus pulled him into a kiss, holding Logan so tightly others would think he was trying to strangle Logan. Once they pulled apart, Logan took Remus's hand and slipped the ring on, just as Remus used his free hand to wipe away the tears that finally broke free.
"The worst and best way to propose, Logan, I swear."
"You knew when you started dating me that normal ways to do things weren't gonna be what happened at all." Logan brushed away Remus's remaining tears before combing Remus's bangs from his eyes.
"Now, I'm fairly sure I owe you some cuddles?"
Remus's cheeks heated up slightly and he hid his face in Logan's chest, still smiling stupidly and nodding. Logan pressed a kiss to Remus's head, getting Remus to release his death grip on Logan. Logan took Remus's hand and his suitcase in the other, letting Remus lead the way inside.
With Logan's suitcase abandoned by the door, both their phones silenced and Forensic Files playing in the background, the two relaxed on the couch. Remus pressed closer into Logan's embrace, enjoying the warmth of just having Logan there with him. And soon, Remus was falling asleep, only making a mental note to give Logan his gift later.
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