"Oblivious" and Obvious - Intrulogical -
"This is getting unbearable," Roman cried as Logan left to his room, Remus sinking out soon after. Roman muffled a groan in Deceit's shoulder, and the dishonest side pat his back in sympathy.
"What is?" Patton asked from the kitchen.
"I think he means Remus's puppy love," Virgil answered for Roman, and Roman nodded, flopping backward on the couch. "Logan just edited one of Remus's stories and Remus had literal heart eyes whenever Logan said something positive about the work or gave helpful critiques. Or, you know, existed."
"Don't forget that the heart eyes were literal," Deceit chimed in. "And Logan still did not notice."
"Logan is..." Patton paused, waving the spoon he was using to mix batter around as he tried to find the right words. "He's oblivious, I guess is a good way of putting it."
"More than oblivious. Princey, how long has Remus been blatantly in love with him?"
Roman looked over at Virgil, not even hesitating. "A year. You've no idea how many times I've heard him gush over Logan's love for astronomy, or how pretty his eyes are or how cute he looks when he rambles."
"He doesn't outright say he likes Logan to him, but it's kind of hard to miss." Deceit says, shifting on the couch so he was more comfortable.
"Logan's literally the only one who doesn't know," Virgil huffed lightly, sitting up on the floor now.
"We've got to do something, please, I can't take another night of lovey-dovey Remus!" Roman groaned, dragging his hands over his face.
The room fell quiet, aside from the occasional sound of Patton doing something in the kitchen.
"What if you set up the perfect date for them in the Imagination?" Patton suddenly asks, looking at the creative side. "You would know better than anyone what they would both like!"
Deceit hummed. "Tricking Logan and Remus into going there would be easy, too. Tell them you set up an experiment and watch them rush to the Imagination to go see."
"Would that actually work?" Virgil asked, looking skeptical. Deceit waved his hand dismissively.
"Of course. Remus loves chaos, and Logan will do anything 'for science'. Besides, I've tried it before."
"I can make food!" Patton pipes in. "And Virge can do music! Like, set up a playlist or something, he's fantastic at doing that!"
Roman ran his fingers through his hair, thinking. Meanwhile, Virgil's face had turned pink at the compliment and he stared at the floor.
"I can help set things up in the Imagination too, if you want. Or just make sure they both actually get there."
"So... We're actually going to do this?" Roman asks, summoning a notebook to begin brainstorming. The others all hummed or nodded, and Roman got to work.
Remus blinked in surprise as he popped into Roman's side of the Imagination. It definitely looked different than the last time he was there, no giant beautiful castle in the distance or bright flowers that hurt Remus's eyes. In fact, it was way better than that.
The area looked exactly like space, aside from the floor which looked like the ocean. Even the tiny waves washing over Remus's feet, leaving not a single drop on his shoes, was beautiful. It reflected the light of the stars and distorted the distant planets. And the air, it smelled of salt, reminiscent more of the ocean and yet it didn't feel quite as cold, no breeze from the water but instead a warmth like standing under the sun's rays shining through clouds.
There was also a little area set up, blankets and pillows surrounding a picnic basket and a pile of books. Remus couldn't read the titles from here, but he couldn't wait to get his hands on them.
The Imagination door opened and then swiftly closed as someone else entered, and Remus spun around. His gaze softened at the sight of Logan, but then it clicked, the reason Roman would do all this.
"Oh gods," Remus mumbled, covering his face. He heard Logan laugh lightly. Remus peeked through his fingers before his hands were moved from his face completely.
"C'mon, Cephy. They didn't know."
Remus wrapped his arms around Logan's neck, his face still warm. Logan's hands found Remus's waist and pulled Remus closer.
"Yeah, I know." He pressed a quick kiss to Logan's lips. "I'm just surprised they haven't tried something like this sooner. I mean, I was obnoxious about how much I liked you."
"Perhaps we should have just told them, then? Like I wanted in the first place?"
Remus groaned softly, resting his head on Logan's shoulder. There was soft music playing from nowhere, and he held Logan tighter. "Didn't want to ruin your reputation."
Logan pressed a kiss to Remus's temple. "You could never, my dear. Now," Logan pushed Remus away slightly, "how about we take advantage of them not knowing and enjoy this date they set up, and tell them later about us when we thank them?"
"Do I get more kisses?"
Logan nodded, leaning forward and pressing a light kiss to Remus's nose. Remus's cheeks turned a darker shade of red as he laughed.
"Then deal."
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