I Do - Intruloceit of Some Sort -
Can be seen as either platonic or romantic Intruloceit, your choice really
Warnings : Unsympathetic Virgil, Somewhat Unsympathetic/Highly Implied Unsympathetic Roman, Morally gray Patton, past suicide mention(none of the main characters), mention of a panic attack, lmk if I need to add anything else!
It was just by chance, meeting Dexter and Remus. Though Logan had known about them for a while. They had a small community on YouTube for their random and often insane ideas, usually done in the name of "science". They did have some more serious videos, though, one that caught Logan's interest the most being one where they talked about toxic relationships. They had still made some jokes, mostly about their past experiences, but the video was extremely heartfelt and made Logan curious enough to do some research on his own.
What Logan didn't know, was that Dexter and Remus actually lived in the same city as him.
Logan had left his and his friends' house after a particularly harsh argument with Roman, and took a bus further into the city to find a place to relax. He remembered a coffee shop from a few weeks ago that Patton had dragged him to. While Patton didn't really like it as much as he thought he would, Logan really liked it as the people inside always seemed to be full of life and had hearts of gold(seriously, the barista he talked to looked as though she was glowing in the afternoon light).
Stepping inside, there was only one table open which he took quickly, setting his things down before ordering his coffee. The barista, the same as last time he had visited(a shock to Logan in all honesty that she'd keep the job), made his drink quickly and handed it to him with a bright smile, wishing him a good afternoon. Once back at his table, he took out his laptop to work on one of his many projects. He lost himself in one of his favorites, a novel he was writing. Eventually though, he was pulled from his focus.
"Hey um, sir?"
Logan looked up, and he nearly gasped. Nearly. Standing before him was none other than Dexter, looking rather sheepish as he interrupted Logan.
"Sorry to bother you, but all the other tables are full and I was wondering if my friend and I could sit with you for now, at least until one opens up?" Dexter jabbed his thumb over to the counter, where Remus stood chatting with the barista as she made their drinks and another prepared some food for them. Logan almost forgot how to speak, and he cleared his throat.
"Um, yeah, sure. I don't mind." Dexter smiled and slid into the seat across from Logan. Remus joined them not long after.
"I'm Dexter, by the way. And this is Remus." Dexter slung his arm around Remus once Remus settled beside him.
"I kinda knew. I really like your videos, they're far more informational than I thought they would be." And then, it was as if Logan just remembered that he didn't know these two personally, and his cheeks felt a bit warmer all of a sudden. "Oh, and I'm Logan, by the way."
"Well Logan, it's always great to meet a fan," Dexter said, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Yeah! Especially since most people just think we're two idiots online, huh Dee?" Remus wasn't really asking him, but he still got an affirmative hum. Remus tilted his head as he studied Logan for a moment. "Hey wait, I've seen you before! You're in that one psych class!"
And that's how the rest of Logan's afternoon went. Other tables cleared, but Dexter and Remus didn't leave Logan's table as they spoke with him. And Logan's computer was moved to his bag as he let himself open up to some people other than his main friend group. He wasn't all too surprised that they had similar interests, and it was fun getting to complain with Remus about the number of projects their teachers gave them.
Over the following months, Logan continued to meet up with them and talk with them late into the night. He learned Dexter wasn't in college and worked freelance as an artist to pay their house bills so Remus could focus on becoming a psychiatrist(Remus did do art commissions as well to chip in, but Dexter took care of finances the most). Logan also learned that Remus was the younger brother that Roman so often complained about, which initially pissed Logan off. When Remus learned that Logan was living with his brother, and heard of the things Roman had said, just shrugged and told Logan to not tell any of them they hung out. Dexter knew Virgil as well, though he was far less inclined to tell Logan what had happened, and just said they had a major fallout a few years back.
About two years into their friendship, Logan had sent the duo a text during their livestream(Logan had been doing homework and hadn't noticed the two were busy). It was frantic, and Logan was stuffing essentials into his bag as he waited anxiously for either of them to text back. All Logan's original text had said was "guys I need OUT".
Dexter texted him back after ten agonizing minutes, asking what was wrong, and Logan called him, his voice unsteady as he explained the situation. Dexter listened as Remus ended their video so he could hear what was happening too. He and Virgil had gotten into a rather heated argument, and Roman had somehow been dragged into it. Normally Patton was there to calm them all down but he was working at the time, and Logan just couldn't take any more arguing like this, not when it got so personal and to the point that Logan had been reduced to silence because of a panic attack.
"Do you want me to come pick you up? Lo, where are you?" Remus had snatched Dexter's phone from his hand.
Logan swallowed thickly, his hand trembling on his own phone as he told them their address. "Virgil and Roman are both home though-"
"Just say you're going to a last-minute meeting because our teacher is a jackass who does that and the things in your suitcase is this huge project he wanted us to do." Further away from the phone, Remus called over to Dexter. "Got the keys?" Logan heard Dexter say something along the lines of 'yes' and Remus was back on the phone. "Alright, I'll text you once we're close by, kay?"
"Mhmm." Logan took a deep breath, and before Remus could hang up he said, "Thank you, so much."
He could almost see Remus grinning on the other end. "Don't worry about it, Logan. See you in a bit."
Twenty minutes later Logan was in the back of Dexter's car, having faced no troubles in leaving the house and now on route to Remus and Dexter's home. The drive was pretty quiet, the silence only filled by the radio playing some random songs softly.
They showed Logan to his new room, offering to take him out over the weekend to buy some paints if he liked and some other things Logan might want to add to his room. They had just given him their guest room, which was usually for the occasional friend to crash on(they claimed their friend Remy visited the most, but both were sure Remy wouldn't care if Logan took the spare room). Logan declined their offer for going out shopping, saying that them just letting him stay was good enough.
He was able to move his things in quickly(he really didn't have much while living with the others anyway), and Logan got to enjoy takeout with his new roommates as they lounged on the couch. Dexter was the first of the two to ask Logan if he wanted to talk about what had happened earlier with Roman and Virgil, to which Logan just shook his head.
"Maybe tomorrow," Logan said after some thought, and Dexter hummed but didn't push. He instead returned his attention to the documentary they had picked to watch.
Over the next few days, Logan ignored the explosion of texts he was getting from Roman, Virgil, and Patton, having already told them that he'd moved out about an hour after Logan had initially left. All of them just chose to ignore his message though, it seemed, and Logan actually grew frustrated with how many times the trio was calling him. Eventually, Logan just blocked their numbers and returned his focus to his papers that were due a few days from then.
About two weeks since Logan left the trio, and there's an unwelcome knock on their door. Remus answers it when he realizes Logan is too caught up on writing and Dexter is busy making dinner, and he stares in shock at who he finds.
Logan looks up when he notices Remus frozen in the doorway to their home. "Rem?" He snaps Remus out of his daze, and Remus glances at him worriedly.
"Oh for fuck's sake, Remus, just let us see him so we can talk this out!" Logan tenses at the voice, it's unmistakably Roman's, but then he just lets his shoulders fall and sighs. Taking this as an 'okay I'll deal with it', Remus lets Roman, Virgil, and Patton inside.
Logan closed his laptop, setting it to the side and staring up at the trio, the people he once called family. He still remembered the argument though, the words used which cut through him so badly Logan would have preferred to have been stabbed. "What is it?" He asked, resting his chin on his hand.
"What is it? Logan! You just up and disappeared for two weeks!" Patton exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air. "You can't just do that and make us worry!"
"Roman and Virgil were truly worried about me?" Logan sounded unimpressed. Patton glanced at his other friends as if daring them to answer otherwise.
"Of course we were worried, Logan, you're like family-"
"So your ideal family is where you threaten to prohibit my breathing? Or claim that I was so annoying, always ruining everyone's fun and curiosity with my 'boring facts' and 'unwanted ramblings' and 'caution', and that it would just be better if I could disappear for a few hours? And that was just from our last fight!"
Dexter appeared from the kitchen, leaning against the wall that separated it from the living room.
Virgil bit his lip before letting out a fake nervous laugh. "Lo, you know I was only-"
"Oh Stormcloud, don't play it off as a joke. You knew damn well how that would affect Logan." Dexter cut Virgil off.
"Plus so many other things you two said!" Remus sang as he plopped down next to Logan, glaring at his brother momentarily. "Honestly, hearing Logan recount the argument, plus so many others you lot apparently had? It's like none of you changed since we last talked." Remus slung his arm around Logan, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "And Roman, reducing someone to a panic attack is low, even for you."
Roman rolled his eyes, huffed, and blatantly ignored his brother. "Logan, c'mon, you can't really just stay here."
Logan glanced at Remus, then at Dexter across the room. He leaned into Remus's embrace. "Actually, I can."
Virgil glared, and he honestly hated how Logan didn't even blink when he yelled. "But they're fucking monsters! I mean, Dexter drove his mom to suicide and Remus is fucking Remus! What could either of them have that is even close to what you had with us?"
Dexter had wide eyes now, his confidence gone and Logan couldn't tell if the look on Remus's face was hurt or anger. Logan just stared at Virgil in shock.
"I mean, really! Neither of them could ever love someone like you, Logan, hardly anyone can put up with you-"
That got Logan to his feet, and as quick as the words had left Virgil's mouth he was being shoved out the door, followed by Roman and then Patton(who was the only one of the trio to apologize to Dexter and Remus, and whisper his apology to Logan as he passed). Logan glared down at Virgil, and for once Virgil couldn't come up with anything else to say.
"You know, there might have been the tiniest chance of me coming back. But now? Now I just hope you stay out of my damn life." And with that, Logan slammed the door. He could hear Virgil and Roman argue with Patton about trying again, but it seemed Patton had convinced them to just leave.
Logan grabbed Dexter from where he was frozen by the kitchen entrance and dragged him over to the couch where Remus still sat. Once they both sat down, Dexter wiping away a few tears that had sprung to his eyes, both Dexter and Remus cuddled up to Logan. Remus laughed.
"Remind me to never get on your bad side!"
"Hush and enjoy the fact that the assholes are hopefully gone for good," Logan muttered, and Dexter just hummed in appreciation. Their food was burned as they had all fallen asleep, and they just ordered a pizza and opted to watch some trashy horror film Remus had rented the day prior.
Midway through the movie, when Remus had passed out from sheer boredom, Dexter had looked up at Logan. "Lo?"
Logan looked away from their television just as one of the main characters was slaughtered(Logan couldn't remember his name, he was destined to be murdered anyway so Logan didn't bother to try and remember it). He tilted his head as he waited for Dexter to continue.
"You know we do love you, right?" Logan smiled slightly, looking back to the TV and he leaned his head on Dexter's.
"I do. I love you guys, too."
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