Found Out - Intrulogical -
Warnings : Abusive Patton, Abusive Logicality, Sympathetic Remus
Logan found himself being held close, Remus holding him protectively. It had been so sudden, Logan had very little time to process.
Yelling. A fist to his jaw. Hands pulling him away. More yelling.
Remus snarled at Patton as the moral side took a step closer, feigning his horrified look. "Don't you dare take another step closer!"
Patton froze in his steps, and Logan flinched at the volume of the creative side's voice. Remus glanced down at Logan, his hold loosening slightly and he grabbed Logan's hand, squeezing lightly, as if apologizing for yelling silently.
Remus' yell had notified the other sides, however, and Logan couldn't help but relax into Remus' arms when he saw Patton's worried face. It was blurry, tears in his own eyes, but he knew Patton was scared. He was scared because he'd been caught.
Roman was beside his brother and Logan first, and he looked over Logan, taking notice of Logan's swelling cheek, and he raised the sleeves of the long sleeved shirt Logan had started wearing about a month ago.
His voice caught in his throat as he saw bruises along both of Logan's arms, and he released his gentle hold on Logan, glancing at Remus.
"Patton," was all Remus said before Roman sunk out after the moral side.
Remus knew Roman was furious. Logan was his best friend, and Remus knew how much Roman hated when one of his close ones got injured. Logan breathed out slowly, carefully rolling his sleeves back down as the situation processed.
Remus pulled him close, nuzzling Logan's shoulder gently from behind. "It's going to be okay." Loan hadn't even noticed he was shaking.
"No it won't."
"Yes it will. Because there's no way Patton's getting away with this."
Logan wanted to believe Remus. He felt tired. He was in pain. He felt safe, for once. Despite just getting punched in the jaw, he felt protected and safe.
Somewhere in the mind palace, Roman's voice echoed, "What did you do to him?" Followed by what could only be pleading from Patton for forgiveness.
Maybe he did believe Remus, that it was going to be okay.
The others found out what had happened quickly when they entered the living room, in search for all the noise. And if they turned a blind eye to Roman's actions and didn't help Patton after Roman was through, no one brought it up.
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