Forgetting One Minor Thing - Platonic!DLAMPR -
Roman tosses in his bed for the fifty-sixth time, all his blankets discarded on the floor. His skin feels gross and sticky, despite the fact that Roman had just taken a cold shower about an hour ago to try and rid himself of the feeling. And it was far too warm for blankets, even the thinnest one Roman owned.
He groaned, glancing at the clock. It read 3:14 am, and Roman rubbed his eyes. This was getting him nowhere, tossing and turning like this. But Roman didn't have the energy to just get out of bed to draw or something.
His eyes lit up slightly, and he reached for his phone. He hoped he didn't give the side a heart attack by the sudden call, and hopes he was awake and Roman didn't disrupt his beauty rest. He tapped Deceit's contact and called, listening to the ringing once, twice, three times-
"Roman, what the actual fuck?"
Roman laughed lightly, tiredly, and flipped onto his stomach. "What, I can't call my dearest when I have trouble sleeping?"
"Having nightmares or something, love?" Deceit asks, and Roman can hear Deceit shifting on the bed, rustling the sheets.
"Nah, too hot in here. At first I thought you had snuck into my room or something."
He heard Deceit snort lightly, and could just imagine the blush on his boyfriend's cheeks. Roman grinned himself, kicking his legs back and forth to give his limbs something to do.
"I must say, it's definitely unbearable in here too. Had to turn on the fan, even. It's been awhile since I've had to do that."
"It's not dangerously bad, though, right? I know you can overheat."
"It's not that got in here, luckily. Now, something else you want to talk about? A new project perhaps?"
"Only if you come in here first."
Deceit hummed. "Alright, give me a minute." He hung up, and Roman sat upright, stretching his arms. He snapped to turn his lights up just a bit, still leaving most of his room shrouded in darkness.
True to his word, Deceit was in Roman's room a few minutes later. He was wearing a yellow tank top and black shorts, hat and gloves left in his room. Roman made grabby hands at him, causing Deceit to roll his eyes but complying and settling on Roman's bed. Despite how awful his skin felt, Roman enveloped Deceit in a hug and kissed his jaw.
Deceit cringed when their skin pressed together. "Alright pretty boy, off. Let's keep the contact to hand holding or playing with hair, got that?"
"Fine, fine." Roman muttered, moving away a bit. Deceit smiled gently at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Well? Any new projects?"
Roman rambled about a story he and Remus were writing together for about ten minutes before Roman's door was slammed open. Literally.
"Hey Ro! Mind if we hang out in here for a bit?" Remus asks, making no effort to lower his tone. Deceit pinches the bridge of his nose as Logan rolls his eyes, following Remus, who didn't wait for Roman to answer.
"I tried to keep him out, but he sensed you talking about the story and dragged me along." Logan stated, unfazed as Remus glared half-heartedly at him.
"Well you didn't try to stop me."
"Doesn't matter," Roman stopped them from arguing any further. "Besides, it is hard to stop Remus from doing whatever he wants."
Deceit hums in agreement, laughing softly as Remus punches his arm. "Roman and I were just about to watch a movie, though."
"Which one?" Remus asks, already looking less annoyed at his friends.
"Haven't decided yet! I'd wanna watch Tangled, Dee says The Little Prince. Any suggestions from you two?" Roman gets more comfortable on his bed as Logan and Remus settle on it. Well, Logan does. Remus leans against the foot of Roman's bed on the floor, stretching out his legs as far as he can.
"The Little Prince is definitely good, and it's been awhile since any of us last watched it."
"What about Kubo and the Two Strings?" Remus suggests, leaning his head back to look at the others. Logan is closest, and starts to gently card his fingers through Remus's hair. Remus grins at him.
"So we watch all three?" Deceit glances between them for confirmation. Logan shrugs as Roman smiles, and Remus nods his head excitedly. "Let's do alphabetical order then, too, so there's no argument with which to watch first."
"Sounds good to me! Remus, you wanna do the honors of setting up Kubo?"
"Hell yes!" Remus moves so Logan's fingers are free from his hair, and he summons the DVD, crawling over to Roman's TV to set it up.
As Remus is doing that and Roman's summoning snacks, there's some light knocking on the open door.
"What're you kiddos up to this late?" Patton peers into Roman's room as he speaks, watching Remus get everything ready. Patton gasps. "Are you guys watching a movie?"
"Kubo and the Two Strings," Roman confirms, nodding.
"Have room for two more?" Virgil asks, appearing beside Patton. Remus waves them in once he's back at the foot of the bed, ready to hit play. Virgil settles beside Remus, still wearing his hoodie despite Roman's room being as bad as the rest of theirs, and Patton sits near Logan on the bed.
"Everyone ready?" Remus asks, looking back just to be sure. They nod, and Remus hits play.
It's not until after they've watched Kubo, Tangled, The Little Prince, and half of the first Iron Man movie do they remember Roman and Remus could have changed the temperature. They still watch the rest of the movie, of course, but now they all cuddle closer since the room isn't as warm.
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