Faulty Logic - Loceit -
I needed some fluff and it had to be Loceit in particular. Also, some single dad Deceit ahead!
Human and Soulmate AU
Warnings : Sympathetic Deceit(named Damien/Dee in this fic)
Word count : 1221
Logan was always one to look at the facts. He enjoyed knowing things and never seemed at a loss for words, and thus hated being at a loss of not only words, but understanding for a situation. Like soulmates. That was a topic Logan always hated to come up. But it always did. Because everyone had a soulmate.
It was tattooed along your wrist, the date which you would cross your soulmate. And on those days, you could always tell. People would look faint, and would stare at those around them nervously. However, the date on your wrist is not certain. You could always meet them before by accident, or never meet them at all. But the only chances of never meeting them is when your soulmate dies, to which the faded gray numbers along your wrist turn a depressing black.
Once you met your soulmate, or soulmates, the date would change to vibrant colors of the rainbow; gradients of the other's favorite color.
Logan's, was today.
He was very tempted to just lock himself in his apartment, and just not open the door for anyone. But, he had work, and he refused to miss a single day when he was in good health. So, he packed up his bag, preparing for a day of questioning and people guessing who might be the teacher's soulmate.
The middle schoolers he taught were a curious, and often annoying bunch. Logan refused to give up on them though, and not be like the teachers before him.
Logan looked up from his computer when a student came up to his desk. The boy looked a bit nervous, picking at his hoodie sleeves. "Mr. Crofters?"
Logan smiled reassuringly at the boy. "Yes, Virgil?" As much as Logan would hate to admit it, Virgil was his favorite student. He was quiet- though Logan figured it was from anxiety; which, he could understand, middle schoolers were not the kindest- and always managed to do his work and turn it in on time. "How might I help you?"
Virgil stuffed his hands in his hoodie. "My dad was wanting to bring something in for you, I wanted to be sure it'd be alright. If yes, could I give him a call?"
Logan smiled. "Sure, of course. But, I don't see why he'd bring me something." He glanced over the class, talking amongst themselves as they worked, before pushing the school phone towards Virgil.
Virgil smiled in thanks, dialing the number. As it rung, he tapped his fingers along Logan's desk. "He believes your my best teacher, and wanted to do something nice."
Virgil soon grew quiet, listening to what his father was saying on the other side of the line. Logan went back to work on his computer. Now that he thought of it, he had never met Virgil's father, only his mother. And his mother had walked out on them after parent conferences at the beginning of the year.
Soon, Virgil hung up the phone. "He'll probably get here soon, maybe lunch." He smiled at his teacher, before returning to his desk to finish up his work. And Logan would be lying if he were to say he wasn't intrigued as to what gift the boy's father would bring.
During lunch, it was quiet in the classroom. Logan, unlike some other teachers, held lunch detention often. But not on Wednesdays, as they were the days he took a break from it. And, it was like a small treat to those who weren't passing his class.
That silence was disturbed as someone knocked, then opened the door. Logan looked up from his book, a small smile forming on his face. "You must be Virgil's father," he said, getting to his feet and holding out his hand.
The man shook it, smiling. Logan took notice of the scar on the left side of his face. It looked almost like a burn, and he appeared blind in that eye. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Crofters. Virgil has spoken quite highly of you."
"So I've heard," Logan chuckled lightly. "Also yes, it's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mr..." Logan trailed off. He had never remembered the man's name; Virgil had his mother's last name.
"Just call me Damien," he finished.
Logan nodded. "Logan."
Neither seemed to notice the dates on their wrists turning vibrant hues of blue and yellow.
And, that was the way two soulmates met. Virgil wasn't too surprised, he knew his dad had not actually met his soulmate when he had Virgil. But, Virgil was alright with that. He'd have felt really bad if Damien had been soul mates with his dragon witch of a mother.
But Mr. Crofters, he hadn't been expecting. Having a teacher that was your dad's soulmate, however, had its benefits. Virgil never did have another missing assignment for any teacher after Logan moved in with them, and Logan always seemed to never have a bad meal ever again. And then, there were also days like these.
Dee walked into the house, humming softly to himself. It was a bad day at the restaurant, a fight had actually broken out, and multiple servers were injured. Humming helped Damien relax, especially humming to Disney villain songs.
He set down his bag on the kitchen counter, some food he had picked up wafting through the house now. However, it didn't draw the attention of either his son or husband. Dee raised a brow, watching the two as they worked on something. With the way Virgil looked absolutely bewildered and Logan patient but reaching his breaking point, Dee could only assume they were completing Virgil's homework.
"Alright you two, break time." Damien's voice broke through their focus, and Logan looked up from the paper. He smiled tiredly and got out of his seat to greet the other. Virgil rolled his eyes but gladly stopped, slumping a bit in his chair.
Logan gave Dee a quick kiss. "I hope your day was well?"
Damien shrugged, arm wrapping around Logan's waist and holding him protectively. "Better now that I'm home. Yours?" Logan huffed quietly and leaned into Dee, obviously having had a rough day. "I see... V, how about you?"
Virgil laughed. "Up until this homework, fairly good!" He replied.
Logan smirked, and Virgil's eyes went wide in realization before Logan could actually speak. "No way! You promised!" He cut the teacher off.
Dee tilted his head. "Promised what?"
Logan gave a slightly apologetic look to Virgil, but his eyes showed no sympathy. Virgil groaned. "Roman finally asked him out."
"He did?" Damien exclaimed, and a smile spread across his face. "Virgil, that's fantastic!"
"I thanked him!" Virgil claimed, throwing his hands into the air. "Who thanks someone for asking them out?"
"Well, you, apparently. I'd love to hear more about this!" Virgil covered his face, which was growing quite red. But both the waiter and teacher could see their son's hidden smile.
"Now, let's eat the food I brought home before it gets cold." Damien claimed, releasing Logan so he could go sit down. Dee took out three boxes, some of the best meals from the restaurant, and placed them on the table.
Once he sat down, Logan and Dee began their questions about Roman, whom they've already heard much about from their swooning son.
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