Blush Boy - Logince -
"Princey, you're an idiot. He's reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. If you bother him, you're gonna get slapped with the book."
Roman shrugged, looking between Patton and Virgil. Virgil was definitely right, but Roman was stubborn, and seeing his boyfriend blush adorably was worth any concussion he might receive. "I'm still going to do it, how hard can he hit anyway?"
"I wouldn't doubt Logan's strength," Patton spoke softly, fiddling with his onsie tied around his shoulders. "Deceit tried to mess with him yesterday after dinner, he's still in bed recovering."
Both Roman and Virgil rolled their eyes. "Serves him right," Virgil mumbled, earning a surprisingly sharp glare from Patton. "I mean... I'm sure Logan had a logical reason for it. But seriously Princey, if you make him blush, I'll give you fifty bucks."
Roman grinned, taking Virgil's hand and shaking it firmly. "You're on, Stormcloud."
And with that, Roman got to his feet. They had been in Roman's room, discussing what to do for now. "The Imagination is all yours for the day," Roman called as he exited. Virgil and Patton smiled to one another, opening the door to the imaginary realm.
Roman watched from the stairs as Logan read his book. The logical side was curled comfortably on the couch, book placed on his lap. He was currently in a plain t-shirt and sweatpants, glasses resting lower on his nose than usual. He was completely focused on his book, and didn't even notice when Roman approached him.
"Logan, my Love? My starlight?" Roman asked, seating himself carefully beside Logan. He kept his eyes on Logan's book, just to be safe.
Logan didn't respond, and Roman took his chance. He placed a finger on the book, preventing Logan from turning the page. The logical side looked up from his book, an irritated look on his face.
It quickly melted away as he realized it was Roman, and a small smile appeared. "Did you need something, Roman?"
Roman hummed quietly, picking up Logan's bookmark and placing it in the book, and Logan closed it for the time being. He set it down on the coffee table nearby, turning his attention fully to his prince.
"I was talking with Verge earlier, and we had a bit of a conflict." Logan tilted his head, frowning slightly, but allowed Roman to continue without interrupting. "I said I can fit the entire world in my hands, but he said that I couldn't." Roman pouted, leaning on Logan's leg, looking to the other with a sad look. "What do you think?"
"Well, I suppose in the Imagination, it'd be possible. But in actuality, you'd be quite incorrect- what are you doing?"
Roman crawled into Logan's lap, Logan moving his legs so they'd both be more comfortable. Roman was smirking slightly. "I bet I can prove you wrong," he hummed.
Logan raised a brow. "I doubt that."
Roman didn't say anything else, just moved closer and cupped Logan's face. He leaned in close, kissing the other's nose lightly.
Logan's face flushed red from the neck up, and Roman giggled. "My intelligent love, you are my world. Now, have I proven you wrong? Because I can clearly fit the entire world in my hands."
Logan groaned, covering his face with his hands. His fingers helped cool his blush, however Roman could still see the redness. He chuckled, pulling Logan's hands away from his face.
"I hate you," Logan mumbled, but a soft smile adorned his face.
Roman laughed, placing his hands on Logan's shoulders. He pressed soft kisses all over the logical trait's face, ending with his lips in a longer kiss. Logan hummed in content, pulling Roman closer by the waist.
When they pulled away, Roman leaned his forehead against Logan's. "I'm not lying, Love. You are my entire world." Roman mumbled with a smile.
Logan finally opened his eyes, just to roll them. "You're such a sap," he said, pushing Roman away to reach for his book.
"And you're adorable." Roman said with a chuckle. Logan raised his book threateningly, and Roman flinched back. "Anyway," he said slowly, "Verge and Pat are in the Imagination. So... since we won't be interrupted, can you read to me?"
Logan hummed, before nodding. The two shifted so Roman lied on Logan's chest, the book being held up by them both. Logan continued from where he had left off, Roman listening with hardly any focus. He soon drifted off to sleep as Logan read, and Logan had stopped reading aloud so he didn't disturb the prince.
Carefully, he placed the book back down on the table and shifted so he was lying with Roman on his chest. Roman snuggled closer, and Logan's face flushed once again. He took off his glasses before closing his eyes and falling asleep himself.
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