Best Friend - No Ship -
Warnings : Character Death
Remus sniffled, holding himself tightly while watching the pendant closely, any sign it might activate. He prayed it would light up soon, that it wouldn't take so long this time. Last time had taken a month. A month! Remus had to go a month without his best friend! He couldn't bear the thought of going for that long again.
"Please Hope... Please... I need you," Remus whispered. "I need you, Deceit needs you... We won't last long without you."
Of course Remus received no response, and he buried his face into his knees. He pulled himself in tighter, wishing he could be with her. He wished Deceit could too. Remus couldn't leave his other friend. It wouldn't be fair to Deceit. Or Remus. Because he didn't even know if he'd get to be with Hope as she reformed.
She said it didn't hurt. Both the actual death and her formation. But she was part of the Imagination in a much stronger way than any of the sides. They were just a bit more real than her.
Remus hiccupped, and unravelled himself so he'd lay on his stomach. He took the pendant in his hand, a bit heavy, black with a gold trim and purple glowing sparkles. Remus was careful with the object, holding it as if it were an irreplaceable and priceless artifact.
"Well- if you're not going to- if you're not reforming just yet, then I'll just talk to you. You said you can hear me in there, right?" Remus took a deep breath, laughing to himself in a hollow tone.
"Let's start with my day, yeah? Maybe... Maybe I'll summon Dee. You always liked him. He can tell you how he's been... Yeah, that sounds nice, doesn't it?"
Remus waited for a heartbeat with no response, imagining Hope's violet eyes roll, a fond smile gracing her face as her wings shifted and she continued to brew a sleeping potion that Remus may or may not sneak into Logan's drinks to get the side to "stop working and sleep already". He laughed to himself again, sitting upright to cradle the pendant.
"Alright, so before sunrise, you will not believe who I found in the halls..."
Remus' door closed with a soft click that the creative side did not hear, and the sides eavesdropping slipped away to go find something that would cheer up their resident dark roommates.
Fandomz_Fangirl I am so sorry I lied about the dragon witch having less of a chance of dying but I had too- the angst was too tempting here
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