At Least It Wasn't Another Fire - Intruloceit -
The first sign something was off was when Logan woke up with only a bundle of snake curled around him. Normally both Remus and Deceit would barge in on Logan in the middle of the night to coax their workaholic boyfriend to bed. He thought he remembered them both being there. Logan just brushed it off, thinking maybe Remus had just woken up earlier than them.
He tightened his arms around Deceit, pressing soft kisses to the top of his head, fluffy and soft hair pressing into Logan's face. Deceit mumbled incoherently, shifting only slightly before relaxing again.
"Think it's time to get up, Dee," Logan whispered, pulling back only slightly so he could see Deceit's face. Deceit groaned, hiding his face in Logan's chest. "C'mon, I wanna make sure Remus isn't trying to make breakfast."
Deceit glanced up, his heterochromatic eyes looking as beautiful as ever to Logan. Logan smiled softly, bringing his hand to Deceit's hair and combing through it. Deceit made a soft sound of content before he pushed himself up and out of Logan's arms. Not without pressing a quick kiss to Logan's lips of course.
Logan followed, and Deceit escaped to his room after pressing one last kiss to Logan's cheek, going to get dressed. Logan changed into his usual polo and jeans, slipping on a tie that Remus had made him for Christmas before he deemed himself ready to get some breakfast.
When he walked into the main commons, however, he was surprised to find it quiet. Roman was at the table, drawing thoughtlessly in his sketchbook. Virgil was still sleeping on the couch, undoubtedly where he had fallen asleep during a Disney marathon with Roman. And Patton hadn't come down yet.
Arms wrapped around him from behind, a gentle kiss being pressed into his neck. Logan initially thought he'd found his missing boyfriend, but glancing over his shoulder he saw scales shimmering brilliantly in the morning light.
"I thought you said Remus was trying to make breakfast?" Deceit hummed, resting his chin on Logan's shoulder. Logan leaned into Deceit slightly, the warmth of his shorter love comforting.
"His room then?"
"I'll check if you start breakfast."
"Deal," Logan said as he turned to kiss Deceit. This kiss lasted longer and was far softer than their tired ones from only ten minutes ago. Deceit let him go again once they broke apart and turned to go back up the stairs. And so, Logan went into the kitchen, nodding at Roman when he waved and muttered a good morning. He started to pull out some bread and microwaveable pancakes.
Deceit, meanwhile, knocked on Remus's door. He was surprised when he received no response, and didn't hear any noise. He knew Remus wouldn't be in the Imagination today, as he'd only returned two days ago and Remus had claimed just yesterday he wanted to spend at least a week with Deceit and Logan.
He knocked again, louder this time in case Remus just hadn't heard.
Again, Deceit received no answer.
So he tried the doorknob and found Remus's room to be unlocked. He walked in without much hesitation, glancing around Remus's spotless room. It was easy to find Remus, with the lack of the mess that normally accumulated his room. He was bundled in numerous blankets, his stuffed animals lying not far from him, and his head burrowed in pillows. Deceit frowned, hearing loud sniffling.
"Hey darling," Deceit said softly as he sat down on the bed, a bit confused. "Is everything okay?" He assumed Remus might've been crying- Remus usually only bundled himself up like this when he was upset. But that was a rare occurrence after he started dating Logan and Deceit.
Remus groaned in response, turning to look at Deceit. His nose was all red and he looked far paler than usual. Deceit's eyes widened. "'m not feelin' great," Remus slurred, his voice scratchy and he winced. Deceit cooed softly, reaching to brush Remus's bangs from his face. He could feel Remus's skin burning, and his frown deepened.
"You shouldn't be wrapped like this, Octi, not when you seem to have a fever."
"But cold...."
"You have chills too?"
Remus nodded. Deceit sighed. "Okay. I'll go let Logan know, and get you some medicine." Remus made a noise that sounded happy as Deceit stood.
He left Remus's door open as he first went downstairs to retrieve Logan.
"Remus is sick?" Roman piped up worriedly after Deceit had explained the situation to Logan, ad the pair looked to the other half of creativity.
"Seems like a cold, or maybe a minor flu to me. But yeah," Deceit said. "Why..... why do you look so worried?"
Roman closed his notebook. "Because the last time either of us were sick we set like, half of the Imagination on fire."
"Good reason to worry- I'll go get that medicine if you want to finish making some toast for him and you just check on him?" Deceit said, and the other two were in action as quickly as Deceit spoke.
The day went by agonizingly slow as Deceit, Logan, and Roman fussed over Remus. Logan managed to get Remus to discard most of his blankets and got him to eat some ice pops as that was all Remus claimed he could stomach and something was better than nothing. And despite Logan's insistence that he shouldn't, Deceit gladly cuddled up to his sick boyfriend, offering quiet comfort in the form of soft kisses to the back of his neck. Loga really couldn't argue for long though, seeing how Remus looked more content. And Roman happily retrieved some books from his room that Remus might've liked for Logan to read to Remus, and he also fetched his brother some tea to soothe his sore throat.
It wasn't until Remus started to sneeze did they become even more worried.
They hadn't noticed it at first, but when he sneezed, little critters started to appear around the mind palace in various numbers. When they did finally realize, it was only after the sound of glass shattering and a yelp rang up to them from the living room. As Deceit was asleep behind Remus, holding him close, and Logan was currently getting another dose of medicine ready, Roman was the one to venture downstairs to see what the commotion was.
He was expecting Patton to have discovered a spider, or Virgil had finally woken up and maybe he had startled Patton.
What he didn't expect though, was to see the glass of what was once a mug mixed with some spilled tea spreading along the floor just outside the kitchen, and three little octopi in Patton's hands. Each one was a different, very vibrant color with dark markings all along their tiny bodies, and for some reason, they were in various outfits. Patton looked towards Roman, then he heard Virgil swear and they looked to the couch where Virgil was sat sitting up, with one tiny octopus of his own latched onto his arm.
"I'm going to assume this is Remus's doing?" Patton asked. "Though it seems a bit odd for something so adorable to be something he made."
Now it made sense to Roman, and he just sighed, dragging a hand through his hair.
"It is Remus, he's sick..."
"So he's deciding to spawn these gremlins all over the mind palace?" Virgil questioned, pointing to some of the shelves and even their TV, where more octopi peeked out at them.
"Not deciding, he has no control over this." Roman started to collect the little octopi, examining them briefly. "I think he'd be happy with them though." Once they were all bundled carefully in his arms, Roman looked back at the moral and anxious sides. "If more start appearing, I say just bring them to either mine or Remus's room. I'm sure he'll find a place for them in the Imagination when he's feeling better."
"Alright, let Remus know I hope he feels better soon!"
"I still don't get the octopi, but same I guess..."
Roman nodded at them before making his way upstairs.
And if the octopi made Remus's face light up, despite sneezing and another five appearing on Logan, the others didn't mention it, just committed the picture to memory before going back to fussing over Remus's health.
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