A Day Worth Remembering - Intrulogical -
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuyreuyf this is bad but I still somewhat like it-
Also happy birthday to our boy Logan!!!
Warnings : Sympathetic Remus and Logan, Morally Gray Sides
To say that Remus loved Logan was an understatement.
Remus adored his boyfriend, from the shy way Logan smiled when Remus rambled on about an idea, to the spark of excitement in his eyes whenever he was given the chance to explain some really obscure facts. Remus was always blown away with how calm and collected Logan was, how he always knew what to do. How Logan showed affection in tiny ways that made your brain turn to mush as you'd try to process what exactly had occurred.
He hadn't been together with Logan for long though, only about a year. Remus was sure he was heels over head about Logan, and usually he was able to tell when others liked him or someone else easily. But Remus was unsure about Logan's own feelings about him.
Did Logan love him back? Or was it just still just a matter of infatuation? What if Logan was just unsure on how to break up with Remus? There was only one way to find out.
However, Remus would have to put his love confession on hold it seemed.
He bounced in excitement as he knocked on Logan's door, confession on the tip of his tongue. It took a bit longer than normal for Logan to answer, causing a falter in Remus's smile. When the door was finally pulled open, Remus gasped loudly - perhaps a bit dramatically - when he saw Logan's face blotches red and glasses hanging low on his nose. Tears brimmed Logan's eyes and he looked up at Remus in uncertainty.
Remus cooed softly, a sudden instinct to protect overcoming him. He wrapped his arms - and tentacles - around Logan, pulling his beloved close. And Logan cracked once more, clinging onto Remus tightly and burying his face in Remus's chest.
They wandered back into Logan's room, Remus shutting the door softly behind him, before they both collapsed into the bed. Logan snuggled close to Remus, trying and nearly succeeding in drying his tears. Remus kissed his forehead, his nose, his cheeks.
"What happened, babe? Who hurt you?" Remus mumbled, pressing a light kiss to Logan's jaw just under his ear. Logan sniffled, fists balling up in Remus's outfit.
He shook his head, trying to catch his breath. "It's stupid."
"I'm sure it's not if you're this upset."
"No, it- it's definitely stupid. I should be used to it by now- every year it's like this." Remus reeled back at that, looking down at Logan in confusion.
"Like what?" His voice took on a dangerous tone, as if just about ready to summon his morningstar and clobber the next person who so much as looked at Logan the wrong way.
Logan didn't meet his eyes, instead curling further into Remus's arms and tentacles. "Just being alone, today forgotten."
Remus furrowed his brow. "Well, what's so important about-" his words caught in his throat as he glanced to the calender. And suddenly his heart was ablaze, a fury coursing through his veins at the mere idea. "Don't tell me they ignore you today."
Logan nodded, exhaling slowly as he buried his face in Remus's neck. Remus let out a stream of curses, tightening his hold on Logan. And then an abundance of apologies slipped past Remus's lips, considering he too didn't know that it was today of all days.
It was Logan's birthday.
It eventually grew quiet, Logan resting against Remus's chest and Remus slowly running his fingers through Logan's hair, planting the occassional kiss to Logan's head.
"Alright, I've got an idea."
Remus carefully moved away from Logan and kissed him short and sweet before instructing Logan to stay put. He dashed out of the room and Logan flinched as the door slammed, but he did feel a bit better. There was a few choice words shouted before silence once more, and under five minutes Remus appeared again in his room.
"Alrighty Logan! Follow me!"
He was unable to protest as Remus picked him up with little effort, sinking out with him before they appeared in the Imagination. Remus bounced excitedly, and Logan squeaked as he was nearly dropped.
"Remus! Put me down! Please!"
Remus giggled. "What? I thought you liked me holding you!" Logan his his face, cheeks burning. "Besides, I can't when we're this high up."
Logan groaned, peeking over Remus's shoulder. And by the stars, they were so high. His eyes widened as mountains looked almost miniscule, but before he could begin to panic, Remus's tentacles wrapped around him. Logan would never say aloud how comforting those dark green figments were.
"Hey Hope!" Yelled Remus once he knew Logan wouldn't freak out at the height. "Is it ready?"
Hope, the Dragon Witch as Logan had learned awhile ago, poked her head out through... a cloud? Logan frowned slightly, seeing her wings perfectly still. "Yeah, I'd say so." Remus beamed, before floating seemed insufficient and he dropped.
A scream caught in Logan's throat, and he clung to Remus tighter. Remus giggled, kissing Logan's temple.
"Lolo! Open your eyes, you dork."
Logan did, squinting at first, before his jaw fell open. Hope was leaning against the wall of the fairly small room, a small flurry of mist around her feet. Logan glanced down, seeing Remus was also standing on the cloud.
"I'm gonna put you down now, alright?" Logan nodded slowly, and Remus gently let go of him. The floor felt so soft and fluffy that Logan nearly collapsed, an overwhelming sense of happiness coming over him. Remus caught him, wrapping an arm around his waist. He shot Hope a questioning glare and she grinned.
"Don't worry, you lovestruck royal. He's probably just not used to intense emotion, that's how the spell to keep this thing up works. Now," she bowed deeply, "I'll take my leave. Happy birthday Logic." She hummed before tapping her staff twice to the floor, dropping from it instantly.
Remus huffed, before looking back to Logan and rocking on his heels. "Okay so I know this day has been shitty but I hope I can at least improve it a bit, alright? So... What do you think?"
Logan took another look around the room, gaze trailing over the piles and piles of books around a cloud-made sofa, an actual cake standing proudly in the center of the room with the smell of chocolate intense. Logan beamed, turning back to Remus.
Remus didn't miss a certain emotion flash across Logan's face, almost melting his heart on the spot.
"I love it, thank you."
Remus pratically glowed, and there seemed to be a bit more excitement than normal in his eyes. "Happy Birthday, my love. Now! Let's eat and read, yeah?"
Logan watched Remus dash to the cake and books, a piece cutting itself off as he flopped onto the sofa. He didn't seem to notice Logan's bright red face, nor notice the nickname he gave Logan.
Logan didn't take long to join him though.
After finishing the last book of the pile, Logan looked over to Remus, who was slumped against him. He smiled brightly, tightening his arm around Remus.
"Hey Remus?"
Remus hummed tiredly.
"I love you, too."
Remus hummed again. "I know." And then he snuggled closer to Logan. "Happy Birthday nerd. I'll try to make the next one a truly happy one."
And then Remus fell asleep, and Logan pulled Remus closer before dozing off in the cloudy room himself.
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