Part 16
Virgil woke up at 10 am- he was late for school. Jumping down from the tree and landing awkwardly he ran off to school. He made it in time for his second lesson. He walked down the empty halls and saw Remus and Deceit making out. He stopped, they would kill him if she saw him. Virgil started backing off when Remus saw him from the corner of his eye. "Jealous Virge? Jealous that you can't do this with Roman? Scared Virgil?" Remus yelled across the hall pulling away from Deceit. Virgil ignored him and carried on walking to his class. He hoped he'd pass a classroom and the teacher would see him. No one did. He started to panic as he heard Remus and Deceit come closer. They grabbed him and dragged him upstairs and pulled him into an empty classroom. Remus held Virgil still as Deceit opened a window. "You wouldn't do it." Virgil said. Remus pushed him towards the window. Deceit looked out of the window. Under it was the gym roof. It was a large drop. Virgil was up against the window leaning out of it. "Don't fuck with me again." Virgil said to himself and pushed himself off the wall and slammed Remus into the table. Deceit ran at him but he dodged and pushed him. Virgil ran towards the door but was dragged back. He turned around quickly hitting Remus in the face. His nails caught on his face leaving marks. Pushing him away Virgil ran out of the room and down the hall. He looked back and Remus was running after him holding his bleeding face. He saw Deceit run the other way so he would be cut off. Jumping over the railing and landing in the stairs with a bang he ran down another hall. He saw the main exit was guarded by Deceit. Virgil looked behind and was tackled by Remus. Falling down Virgil saw a teacher coming out from a class. Virgil looked back at Remus who had started hitting him. Turning his face he saw Deceit hide in a storage closet. Remus continued to hit Remus as the teacher approached. Virgil didn't fight back even though he was capable of. He knew if he did anything he'd get told off and possibly suspended as well. "REMUS!" The teacher yelled.
"Fuck." Remus said under his breath and got up. "My office. Now." She looked at Virgil. "Go to the nurses office and return to class. You may be pulled out of class later today." He nodded and got up. He walked to the nurses office. Remus had no choice but to follow the teacher.
Roman woke up in pain and curled up and cried. He wanted Virgil. His phone died soon after his mother hung up on him. A nurse passed and saw him crying. She walked in. "Are you ok?" She said. "I don't know-" he said wiping away tears. "Does anything hurt? I can get you medication for it."
"No I'm fine. I- never mind." He said sitting up. "Feel free to talk to me, ok?" Roman nodded and leaning back. "Could you get me a charger?" The nurse nodded and left returning with a charger and a book. "The staff here said you were into theatre. We have a book if you want to read it. To pass the time." She said setting it down. "Thank you. I appreciate it." He said smiling. He plugged his phone in and looked at the book. A history of theatre. He smiled and starting to read. He was left alone reading the book. Around two hours later he got a text from Patton.
Patton: remus has crossed the line!
Roman: what happened?? Are you ok? Is Virgil and Logan ok?
Patton: me and Logan yes. Virgil not so much.
Roman: what happened?
Patton: remus beat the shit out of him. He's now suspended for a week.
Roman: wtf?? A week? Is that all??
Patton: it's only because he was caught. Virgil is coming over to you now.
Roman: ok stay safe.
Patton: I will.
Roman put his phone down and sighed. Virgil came in a couple of minutes later. "Hey Ro." He said sitting by him. "Hey. Glad to see you're ok. Patton told me what happened." Virgil nodded and kissed Roman. "I'm glad to see you're looking better. How are you feeling?"
"Much better." He replied. Virgil smiled.
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