Orchids prinxiety
Roman was pacing around his room nervously. He didn't know if he was ready to do this. Well, of course HE was ready to do it. The question was, was Virgil ready for this?
He started to question himself. Why is he doing this? Would Virgil say no? Why would Virgil say no? What should he wear? Was there somewhere else he should take him? Should he cancel it and say he got sick?
No, it'll be fine. He told himself. He knew he would take it, he was being irrational. He looked down at the ring in his hands and wondered what else he could do.
He could get him flowers. Yes, that seemed like the best option. He would pick them up on the way to his house.
When he got to the flower place he ordered white and purple orchids. (Picture above)
He knew he would be happy with this but he couldn't stop the nervous feeling from clawing away at his stomach. He sighed as he walked out of the floral arrangements shop and back to his car, he needed to get himself together before he puked.
With shaky hands, he somehow managed to drive all the way to his boyfriends house. He didn't remember the trip from the car to the door all he knew was that suddenly, he was there. He left the flowers in the car because virgil's mom didn't know they were together, she just thought they were going out as friends.
Roman popped his knuckles as he contemplated knocking on the door or running away. In the end, he brought one hand up and let it fall onto the brown door three times. Virgil's mother opened the door.
"Hey, Virgil said he'll be down in a minute if you want to come inside and wait?" She asked in a sweet voice.
This, however, didn't help calm Roman's nerves at all. It just woke more up. He nodded and gulped, stepping into the threshold of his boyfriends family. He smiled politely at Virgil's mother as she led him to the couch.
~time skip cuz I'm lazy~
Virgil made it down the staircase in ripped jeans and his favourite twenty øne piløts shirt and iconic black jacket. Roman smiled up at him as he made his way towards him.
It was like time slowed down and lights shone out from him, and at that moment he lost all of his nerves. All his cares fell off of his shoulders and he knew, this man was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
He couldn't stop the smile that spread across his lips. He was absolutely stunning. The moment was broken by Roman's voice alone.
"You ready Virg?" He asked breathlessly.
"As I'll ever be," he answered in the same tone of voice. "Bye mom!" He called over his shoulder as they stepped out of the house together. As they walked to the car Roman opened the passenger door for virgil to get in, the nerves slowly making their way back into his stomach.
"I could have done that myself!" Virgil laughed. His laugh sent shivers down romans spine.
"I know, but I wanted to be helpful," He replied, as he got into the drivers side. He handed him the flowers smiling widely.
"Millady," He said, trying to hide his nerves with sarcasm. Virgil gasped at the sight of his favourite flowers.
"They're beautiful!" he said, calming roman's nerves.
"Shall we?" Roman asked starting the small vehicle.
"We shall," he replied cheerily. And they drove. And they drove. And they drove until Virgil lost track of where they were. The air was filled with meaningless words that neither of them were really listening to, or meaning.
They finally pulled up to a cute little cabin on the lake side and virgil gasped at the sight. He instantly ran to the waters edge to get a better view of the sun setting on the mountains on the other side of the lake.
Romab chuckled at his boyfriends child like ways as he followed behind him slowly, fingers nervously playing with the ring in his front pocket. He tapped on virgil's shoulder and he immediately turned around and hugged him.
"It's beautiful." he said smiling as he pulled away to look at the sunset once again. As he was looking away roman got on one knee. Virgil looked over and gasped.
"I'm going to put this out there, I'm not asking you to marry me." He watched virgil's shoulders relax. "I just want you to know, I love you with all my heart and you're the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. The first time I met you, it was like magic. And the best part about that is I get that same feeling everytime I look into your eyes and I just know, this is meant to be. So this is a promise ring," He said pulling out the ring from his pocket. "To promise that as long as you love me, and as long as you want me, I'll be here. I'll be where ever you need me to be. I'll be whatever you need me to be, a bestfriend, a lover, or even a stranger. This ring promises me to you for as long as we both live. So I'm putting all of my vounrabilitys out on the table for you in hopes, you'll say yes." Roman finished, tears brimming his eyes at the sight of his boyfriend crying.
"Yes, one hundred times yes!" Virgil yelled, forgetting the ring and jumping into Roman's arms, tears staining his shirt, something he would from that day on treasure forever. He pulled away and Roman slipped on the small silver band with the word 'roman' engraved in the front. And they hugged again.
At that moment, he knew, they were infinite.
~page break~
Yup this one's pretty long and sappy, don't judge.
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