New character: Remus/Duke
(You all know Dukey right? If not, the new video is uuuuuup ^^^^^ there! :3)
I'm Thomas' Patience, I help him stay calm when someone is annoying him and so on. Now, the others don't seem to have... much Patience but! I think I can help them with that! I had been a side of Thomas for a while, despite being physical for a very short time, and thankfully I was able to help Thomas as much as I could. Recently, Thomas had been feeling bad since Deceit had that whole court scene. I've tried to keep him patience with his thoughts but lately he had been having some rather..... Gruesome thoughts? But that's ok. Everyone does! Right? But anyways, I had tried asking Thomas about them but he just started changing the subject, I knew it wasn't good but I waited for him to want to talk about it. Since I was fairly new, I didn't know much about the 'dark sides' as Virgil put it but I knew I could learn about them in due time. I had been asking the others about the dark sides and I had decided to ask Roman about them because the Logan was busy with Thomas and Patton and Virgil didn't wanna talk. So, Roman was the last person. Well, besides Deceit but I knew he was a 'bad guy' but I think I'll just wait till I know more about him then I'll talk to him more. But anyways, I found Roman in his room and I thought I heard arguing. I was gonna wait for him to finish with whoever but my curiosity got the best of me. I slowly opened the door and poked my head in, ready to say something but kept my mouth shut when I saw Roman arguing with a guy who had practically the same clothes as Roman but green/black and it was poofy. "Uh.... Ro?" I asked softly, tapping the door softly. Roman turned towards me and his face softened when he saw me. "Oh! Uh, hi (Y/N)! Uh, you were supposed to see him yet uh." Roman started as the new guy peaked from behind Roman. "Ooh! Roman, whose this little one?!" The guy blurted out as he smiled widely. "Nobody you need to worry about! Get out!" He glared at the man. "Aw Roman! C'mon I'm your brother! Ah, are you ashamed of the little one?" The man asked which caused Roman to glare at him more. "Uh, Roman...?" I asked patiently. "Yes?" He asked, turning to me. "Uh, whose that?" I asked, pointing to the man who was now.... eating a stick of deodorant??? Wait, what? Roman sighed quietly. "This.... is my brother. He is Thomas', ugh, creativity." "But..." I looked at the man then at Roman. "You're creativity, right?" "Yes! But no!" The man answered before Roman. "This is... The Duke as the others call him." "Oh just call me Remus!" The man said after his brother. "Remus?" I asked softly. He nodded and smiled widely. "Uh, you told me your name pretty quickly." I said slowly. "I know! I just like ripping it off like a bandaid. Ooh! Like a bandaid that has been on the skin for too long and peels off the skin!" I stared at Remus in slight disgust in his words. "Ignore him. But... he's Thomas' bad creativity I guess... But-" "Like, a lot of skin and it makes the blood worse, then you don't have an arm!" Remus interrupted. "If I tell you who they are will you leave me alone?!" Roman asked, glaring at his brother. "Maybe!" Roman groaned quietly. "This is Patience! Now, will you go away?" He asked angrily. "Ok! I'll go, toodles!" Remus said with a smile before sinking down. I looked at Roman with a confused face. "It's complicated, just... ignore him. He's.... disturbing to say the least." I nodded and smiled softly. "Ok Roman, I'll see if Logan can explain it to me." I said before running off, leaving Roman to his own thoughts.
Hanging out-
I had met Remus a couple days ago and the other day Thomas had met him too. Everyone found him so annoying and they were scared of him. But I mostly just stood in my place and listened to Logan's monologue. Since Thomas had barley any sleep, he wasn't being patient so everyone was on edge. Well, Roman got HIT by an edge but the others were on edge. I learned a lot about the others and I'm glad I was around to experience it. I had to gain all my sanity from the experience BUT it wouldn't be too hard. I was ready to help Thomas, patiently, get used to his intrusive thoughts. Right now I was trying to find ways to help Thomas when a certain Duke scared me. "Hey!" He shouted which caused me to jump. "Oh son of a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicycle!" I shouted, covering my swear. "Did you know you can grow hair on your tongue? Could you imagine grooming your tongue?" He asked as I looked at him. After I calmed down, I just smiled at him. "That is.... interesting Remus." I said gently. "Would you need to eat shampoo to clean it?" He asked, sitting next to me with a smile. I knew he was trying to disturb me but I just kept a patient smile on my face. "I think you could just put it on the toothbrush and clean it that way." I patiently replied. He stared at me for a minute. "Well! Would it smell like wet hair or a wet dog?" I turned back to my desk and begin thinking again. "Probably wet hair, seeing as you would be human." I patiently replied again. He kept going on and on about different things that he thought would be disturbing but I kept my cool and only flinched when he showed me gore but I just smiled patiently at him and let him continue. This went on for a couple hours till Patton called me. I smiled at the man who was eating a deodorant stick. "Thank you for that wonderful talk, I hope to see you again sometime Remus." I told him before walking out of my room, leaving the man in confusion and awe.
Jealousy (His POV)-
I had been hanging out with Patience, or well as they told me their name was (Y/N), despite my brother's tries to stop them from hanging out with me. Which hasn't been working so jokes on him! But anyways, (Y/N) was amazing besides the part that they don't find me scary. They hadn't been hanging out with me for a couple of hours so I went to look for them. I found them with Logan and Roman. It seemed that Logan was trying to explain something to my idiot brother and (Y/N) was keeping Logan calm. They had a smile on their face as they spoke softly to the others. I watched as they calmed the two down. My brother hugged them, ranting about how amazing they were as Logan had a small smile on his face. I growled quietly as I walked over to them, smiling widely. "Hello!" Logan and Roman's smile's faded but (Y/N)'s smile got wider. "'Mus! I was just gonna go looking for you!" They said as they got out of Roman's hug and walked over to me. "Hey! Remus, you can't just come here and take (Y/N) from hanging out with us!" Roman whined as (Y/N) giggled. "It's ok Ro, I'll hang out with you guys later! C'mon 'Mus!" They said before grabbing my arm and started pulling me away. I smirked as I looked back at them and stuck my tongue out at them. Was I jealous of the others? Hell yeah I was! But they don't need to know that.
Dating him would include-
(~Him, -You, +extra person)
*Listening to his random bursts of disturbing thoughts.
*Him being unlike his brother are not knowing how to flirt, it usually just ends up with him giving up.
*Trying to convince him to take a freaking bath!
-'mus? Could you take a bath? You kinda stink.
~But I like the stink!
-*sigh from you* Ok, well.... How about I take o-
~*interrupting you* Yes! *Squeaks from you as he grabs your arm and pulls you to the bathroom*
*Trying to get him to eat healthier food than deodorant
*Him trying, and failing, to make you angry.
~Boo, I broke your phone!
-That's nice 'mus.
~You're not mad at me?
-*Turning around to face him, holding your phone while keeping a soft smile* Can't be mad at you if you didn't do it
Names on your guys' phones-
You for him: Stinky
Him for you: line of patience
Nervous habits and how you help them with it-
Remus tends to give everyone around him thoughts of gore when he is nervous. So you usually just leave it be for a minute and if he doesn't stop then you throw him a deodorant stick. It usually calms him down but if it doesn't you just pretend to be disgusted of his thoughts.
His kisses are usually random and out of nowhere. But when they happen, it's just a burst of playful kisses
Remus just blurted it out. Unlike the others, he didn't keep it for long. The first two weeks he knew he loved you, he told you.
First date-
You guys just stayed him and watched horror movies. You had made him take a bath before it of course. And he mostly talked over the movie but it was fun.
What turns him on-
When you're a mess and looking frustrated. He finds you hot when your hair's a mess or you're frustrated with the others which rarely happens, that's why it turns him on.
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