Movie Night!
Author~Chan: Guys! Its movie night! Come on down!
Patton and Roman: *races down*
Logan: *walks down and sits on the couch*
Virgil: *follows and clings to Logan (flashback to the dare on Dare 9)
Logan: *happily cuddles*
Patton: Deciet! Remus! Hurry!
Deciet: *comes down and sits on the couch*
Remus: I have to go!
Author~Chan: where?
Remus: My teacher put me in an after school class because Im failing Biology
Roman: bye, brother
Remus: *leaves*
Logan: what Movie shall we watch?
(Virgil is bold Patton is Italics)
Virgil and Patton: Horror! Not Horror! (Said at the same time)
Roman: why not a musical?
Logan: how about something knowledge learning?
Author~Chan: Nope! Its Deciets turn!
Deciet: about a movie called "Enders Game"?
Author~Chan: okay! *plays*
Patton: *quickly makes popcorn and gives everyone a bowl*
*after the movie*
Virgil: *asleep in Logans arms*
Logan: *asleep cuddling Virgil*
Patton: *laying on Virgil but cuddling Roman*
Roman: *on the bottom of everything and cuddles Patton*
Deciet: *helping Author~Chan clean up the popcorn*
Author~Chan: bye!
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