Ask One!
KandyKatLuvr : Ok now fr- Remus
I ask of you, my favorite of the sides, the one who made me laugh even when Thomas was like 'wtf-'...
Does thy
A crush on another side?
Remus: What's a crush? *gasp* DO I GET TO CRUSH PEOPLE!?
Everyone but Remus: NO!!
Logan: They mean that "do you have anyone to whom you would agree to be in a dating relashinship"
Remus: like kissing and stuff?
L: precisely
V: Im leaving if were talking about crushes
Author~Chan: GET BACK HERE
V: Alright, I'm here
P: Crushes!? Oh, Virgils is-
V: *blushing* SHUT UP
L: Anyway, Remus, do you have such an attraction?
Remus: Nope!
Pa: Dang it.
Author~Chan: Welp.
D: Dang, I thought I had a chance
R: Sorry Snek boi!
Author~Chan: Anyway! Im sorry I Havnt been able to upload, I've been busy, but here ya go! If you could please go back and read comments what's your request was! On this chapter though
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